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  • in reply to: Link Designs #940351

    No need to reply. I found a solution:

    .main_color a { text-decoration: underline !important;}


    in reply to: Link Designs #940302


    This doesn’t work… Is there a specific class for links in blog posts which I can then add the { text-decoration: none; } to?

    in reply to: Website breaks after update to Enfold 4.2.6 #939133


    Thanks for all the help. I’ll try to redesign the menu… You can mark this topic as closed….


    in reply to: Website breaks after update to Enfold 4.2.6 #934157


    The css modifications were to change the design of the default main menu to the way it looks today on the live website…

    in reply to: Website breaks after update to Enfold 4.2.6 #933548

    Can you please tell me which files were involves in this changes (since Enfold 4.1) so I bypass them?


    in reply to: Website breaks after update to Enfold 4.2.6 #933119

    Why is it working perfectly with Enfold 4.0.7 and has all these problems with 4.2.6? Everything was fine until the main menu setting the was added on Enfold 4.1… How can I maintain the design as it is until 4.1 version?

    in reply to: Website breaks after update to Enfold 4.2.6 #932769

    Ok… Waiting for your solution…

    in reply to: Website breaks after update to Enfold 4.2.6 #932667

    I’m not sure what you mean. We didn’t remove any files… If it comes with the theme it’s there…

    Please see the attached screenshot…

    in reply to: Website breaks after update to Enfold 4.2.6 #932297

    Hi Victoria,

    Thanks… It solves the mobile menu problem on the Hebrew pages but there’s still a problem with the mobile menu on the English pages…

    See how the mobile menu looks on the attached links…


    • This reply was modified 6 years, 5 months ago by sasha.
    in reply to: Website breaks after update to Enfold 4.2.6 #930153

    Hi Victoria,

    This solves the desktop problem but the mobile problem remains – the menu doesn’t look as it should on mobile: the burger is on the right instead of on the left, the dividers show instead of hide… see in the attached images.


    in reply to: Website breaks after update to Enfold 4.2.6 #927508
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    in reply to: Website breaks after update to Enfold 4.2.6 #927312


    That’s not it (this code makes things even worse…).

    You can see everything works fine on the live website (with Enfold ver 4.0.7). The problem with the main menu begins after updating Enfold’s version to 4.1 on-words (which you can see on the staging site with Enfold ver 4.2.6). Something with the new burger and Main Menu you added to the Theme Options on ver 4.1 masses the main menu and I can’t get it back to the way it should be…

    Please check again…


    in reply to: Website breaks after update to Enfold 4.2.6 #927189

    Thanks. The columns issue is fixed now.

    There’s still a problem with the main menu (this is since 4.1 version when the main menu options where added on the backend…) – The burger appears on desktop and the whole look of the menu is massed up on mobile. Can you please look into this problem as well?


    in reply to: Website breaks after update to Enfold 4.2.6 #925806

    Thanks but as I mentioned the Error 500 was already solved… The other problems remain…

    in reply to: Website breaks after update to Enfold 4.2.6 #925720

    Never updated through WordPress. All updates were made through FTP.

    in reply to: Fatal error after updating to Enfold 4.2.6 #925517

    I deleted the file and then updated the Enfold version. Works now. Thanks…

    in reply to: Fatal error after updating to Enfold 4.2.6 #925494

    I already restored the website from backup and it’s back to normal. Something with the 4.2.6 version makes it break… Any other way you can test and fix this?

    in reply to: Main menu and Burger #910721

    Hi Ismael,

    The menu works well on the live website with Enfold 4.0.7… What you see is the menu on the staging website after making some changes as per the chat with Victoria… If you can please read this thread that would be great if not we can start from scratch (I’ll make a new copy of the live website without the changes…).


    in reply to: Main menu and Burger #909523

    The main is set correctly…

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 7 months ago by sasha.
    in reply to: Main menu and Burger #908660

    Not sure what you mean… We have a customized menu (changes made on style.css of Enfold child theme)… See the attached details…

    in reply to: Main menu and Burger #904608

    Hi Victoria,

    I removed (marked as comment) all the design that was added for the English menu. Now all the menu items show on the Hebrew menu and on the English menu. Does it make it easier for you to find the problem or should I put it back?

    Thanks again for all the help…

    in reply to: Main menu and Burger #904013

    Hi Victoria,

    The custom code worked well with the old versions of Enfold. For some reason the menu changes that come with Endold 4.1 and the next versions seem to “break” the custom main menu design.

    I removed the code and now the menu doesn’t show on desktop… Please see if you can help with this.

    Would it be possible to know which of the files affect the main menu and I won’t update them? else it seems like I need to redesign it…


    in reply to: Main menu and Burger #902888

    Hi Victoria,

    Thanks for all the help…

    It seems like there are too many problems with the main menu – see what happens with the attached link on mobile – it’s a mess… How can I fix this?

    Maybe you can tell which files not to update to avoid the main menu changed?

    (BTW the icons work fine now without me doing anything to fix it…)


    in reply to: Main menu and Burger #902184

    I also added this to the media query and it looks good now:
    #top .main_menu .menu > li:last-child > a {
    padding-right: 30px !important;

    About the icons – Does it mean that the problem is only on staging and will not occur on the live website…?

    I’m sorry but there’s another problem – I see the whole appearance of the mobile menu has changed. How can I keep the design we have now?

    in reply to: Main menu and Burger #901990
    This reply has been marked as private.
    in reply to: Main menu and Burger #901465

    Thanks !!! This solves some of the problems… Still on mobile there’s the search sign which wasn’t there and it covers the menu in a way that the menu can’t be clicked.

    Another problem I noticed is that all my imported icons don’t show any more (although still appear on the list of icons (Font: fontello). Why is that and how can I fix it?

    in reply to: Main menu and Burger #901081
    This reply has been marked as private.
    in reply to: Menu problem after theme update to the latest version #867595

    I saw that on ver 4.1 you wrote:
    – added: new theme options tab for the main menu
    – added: several new options to edit and style the main menu on mobile devices

    This is causing me a lot of trouble…

    I’m using a child theme and made many design changes for the main menu. For some reason the changes you made in ver. 4.1.2 is overwriting them.

    I don’t want any of the new changes you added for the main menu – It made a mass in the mobile menu as well. How can I clear all the new added features?

    in reply to: fonts error after moving to https #866626

    I think there’s no need for you logging into the website. Nothing specific to see there…

    I just need to know how to make changes in some of the themes files (avia_advanced_form_elements.js and admin_new.css) when I’m using a child theme and are there any other files that have a mention of apart then the ones I found:


    in reply to: fonts error after moving to https #866297

    I found 2 files with “”:

    I read the fix is to “Make sure your theme is using just “//fonts.googleapis…” and is not hard coded to HTTP or HTTPS”, so I need to change:

    How should I do that if I’m using a child theme?

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