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  • Hi Ismael, Yes, that is set to the last option and the blog, is the blog element in an ALB page. How to fix, then? Thanks.

    Hello Ismael
    I have the same question but I was unclear on exactly what to do from your explanation. I have category list showing on the ALB page with the blog element. Clicking on one of the categories displays those blog posts but they don’t match the ALB page with the blog element (no icons, etc.). Without using a redirect how would I get the category pages to look the same. I do have the debug mode on but am not sure what to add where. I use the child theme. Links in private section.

    in reply to: Issues with loading java script and editing page #1291920

    I used shortcodes to hold the script and that works fine. Thanks for all your help.

    in reply to: Issues with loading java script and editing page #1290799

    I am having the same problem with 4.6 and after updating to the latest 4.8.1. The issue is a signup form from Hubspot which had no issues until I came to edit the page to today and it would load but the hourglass keeps spinning. While that is going on, individual elements can be edited, but new ones can’t be added, nor dragged and dropped into new positions nor layout changed. I used debug mode to copy the source into a new test page and same result.
    Please see the details in the private section.

    in reply to: Reduce the animation effect #1274294

    Hi Ismail, that’s very helpful. I will try it and revert. Thanks again for your prompt reply.

    in reply to: Reduce the animation effect #1273899

    Hi Ismael, thanks for your message. I have seen those settings of course, but movement and animation from that is too much. How do achieve the very subtle animation as on that site I gave you in the private section, listed below again, i.e. how exactly do I adjust the speed and amount of slide up animation in the ALB to get that effect, or what other way to do that? Thanks and regards

    in reply to: Reduce the animation effect #1273528

    Hi Ismail,

    I would like to know how to duplicate the animation effect in the site I gave. How to achieve that? I haven’t set any animations yet. I assume on that site, they animate what Enfold calls a section or a full width row or element. If you browse that site, you will see what I mean. As you scroll down any of their pages the next full width section or element very slightly animates as it comes into view. I want to duplicate that. They’re not animating any specific thing like some text, an image, a column on some spot on a page.


    in reply to: Reduce the animation effect #1273045

    I have a related question. Across my site, I’d like to achieve the same effect as on the site below. Can you kindly explain how to do this. Essentially on any section it seems, they have a very subtle slide up as each section scrolls into view, The settings I tried have give too much movement and isn’t appropriate in our case.
    Thanks very much

    in reply to: How to set up rss feed link for enfold #1238070


    i have a question re RSS output as I can’t find where certain parts are set. For example, from

    <?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″?>
    <description>Beginner’s Guide for WordPress</description>
    <lastBuildDate>Tue, 02 Dec 2018 14:13:37 +0000</lastBuildDate>
    <title>How to Fix WordPress Posts Returning 404 Error</title>
    <pubDate>Tue, 02 Dec 2018 11:58:18 +0000</pubDate>
    <dc:creator>Editorial Staff</dc:creator>
    <guid isPermaLink=”false”></guid&gt;
    <description><![CDATA[<p>Description of post goes here…]]></description>
    <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Post goes here….]]></content:encoded>

    In the RSS output of any of my Enfold site’s page (see private area below)
    <Title> contains the text “Comments on: ” and has extra new line chars. I want to get rid of that.
    <description></description> is missing.
    <pubDate> is missing but there is a <lastBuildDate>

    Can you please let me know where I set all these so the correct output appears for the Blog page and for each post?

    Thanks very much

    in reply to: Link aus Formular #1229478

    OK understood, thanks, but surely there must be a way to add custom code to <head> or specific tag etc. of any specific page? Then I can put this statement <meta http-equiv=”refresh” content=”5; url=> in the <head> section of the specific page that I need it. How to do so? Thanks.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 6 months ago by s29ers.
    in reply to: Link aus Formular #1229038


    I read post using google translate and am possibly incorrectly asking here, but since it’s the only one referring to the meta http-equiv=”refresh” directive, here goes. Hopefully you can help.

    I want to place a meta refresh like this
    <meta http-equiv=”refresh” content=”5; url= there/>
    in the head section of one page only (i.e. so when a user arrives at there, Analytics will fire and after a second or two the user is sent automatically to the actual destination page.

    How do I add this on that page in Enfold?


    in reply to: Breakpoints on tablet #1228014


    i have a layout with a section that has two cols as follows
    col a with pic, col b with text
    col c with text, col d with pic
    fairly standard layout. on mobile screens < 989px, i wanted
    col a with pic
    col b with text
    col c with pic
    col d with text

    I didn’t want to create two sections, one for mobile one for desktop.

    so i tried

    @media only screen and (max-width: 989px) {
    #top div .av_two_fifth,
    #top div .av_three_fifth {
    margin: 0;
    width: 100%;
    .flipcols2 .avia-section .template-page .entry-content-wrapper {
    display: flex;
    order: 1;
    that gave me full width which i need for each col.
    but .flipcols2 as a class on cols a and c and other attempts did not put the cols in order as above.

    can you please help with this and where to add the class or ID.

    credentials below.


    in reply to: Changing title position on single post entries #1227422

    I removed the title from breadcrumbs using
    .main-title.entry-title {display:none!important;}.

    However, the breadcrumb is in a container that’s too wide. I couldn’t make it narrower.

    How can I
    a) make the container height that the breadcrumb displays in slightly more than the text size and the background colour for container
    b) how to change breadcrumb text size
    c) I wanted to right align with the cart icon which is past the content area, so I used
    .title_container .breadcrumb {
    right: -130px;
    which I’m not sure is most elegant way to code it although seems to work.

    I put credentials below so you can see.

    Thank you

    in reply to: Modify Icon List in Theme Enfold #1226298

    Hi Nikko, yes you can do so. I deleted the other Enfold folders. So only Enfold and Child are left. However, we will need to add a subdomain, and that would be for help or landing pages, etc. and install enfold there to create help/landing pages there — unless you have another suggestion. Thanks and regards

    in reply to: Custom Permalink #1226154

    Update – this plugin works well: Permalink Manager Lite. Regards

    in reply to: Custom Permalink #1226148

    Hi Victoria,

    Perhaps you can help as I have the same problem.

    I don’t see any place to change the URL using Custom Permalink Plugin as you suggested here, and in I use ALB, WP version is 5.3.2.

    I want to change one blog post’s url from to which this plug-in should do!


    in reply to: Modify Icon List in Theme Enfold #1225389


    For some reason since the latest update, the small icon lists and icon lists are not spaced properly between each list item and with a huge amount of white space between each. Credentials are below.

    I added the two pieces of css below and they fix that to look normal as it was, but I’m not not sure if I’ve done that correctly or not, as using pixel values failed but % values worked so if you can pls explain what’s happening at least I understand for future.

    For minimal small icon list I used
    .article-icon-entry.av-iconlist-empty {height:10%!important;}

    and for a default icon list, I used
    .article-icon-entry {height:10%!important;}

    I’ve removed them from Quick CSS so you can see what’s going one before my CSS fix but you can add back.


    in reply to: Change Content When Hovering Over a Grid Cell #1225388

    Perfect. Thanks for all your help in this, much appreciated.

    in reply to: Change Content When Hovering Over a Grid Cell #1224325

    That’s perfect Mike, thanks. Couple of last things:

    a) there is no scaling of the fonts for smaller sizes as the grid is sized although now the box is sized but square. Could I apply a media construct to scale the headings and text for each of them as needed and what would that CSS be?

    b) On the flip side, the link works only when exactly over the arrow/chevron. I think it should also work when hovering at any point as otherwise, we’ seen people click away, nothing happens and leave, as they fail to always realise they need to be on the chevron. Can you help with that?

    Thanks and regards

    in reply to: Change Content When Hovering Over a Grid Cell #1224309

    Hi Mike. Brilliant. Thank you. I’ll try it out and let you know when done. Since the icon grid becomes a rectangle on smaller screens, rather than a smaller square, even setting smaller fonts on smaller devices in the icon grid styling, is there any way to keep the grid square regardless of screen size? Thanks again

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 7 months ago by s29ers.
    in reply to: Change Content When Hovering Over a Grid Cell #1224137

    Hi again Mike

    I tried the icon grid flip box solution and had the following issues

    a) the flip side is quite narrow, not sure how you had them stay square – is there a way to i) make the icon grid boxes smaller, and keep them square regardless of flip content so I can reduce that as need to keep the shape? Could also be that your content area is browser width and mine is not? Not sure how to fix that.
    b) on mobile screens, the front icon/fonts get smaller but the row switches to 2 across instead of three and then to one across and grid stacks vertically but very widely spaced one after another. The flip size is much bigger than the front and full width on mobile! How to keep the size constant, square, smaller as the front, and reduce the vertical space between them?


    in reply to: Change Content When Hovering Over a Grid Cell #1224120

    HI Mike, thanks very much for the quick reply and solution; much appreciated. I will use that!

    For another area, I want to use the hover effect rather than the flip box. Is that possible within Enfold? Otherwise, how to recreate with CSS or other method? I found this CSS code file which should do the job, but couldn’t get it to work. I added the minified CSS file to a page using a <style> tag as explained in the Enfold help using a code block. But when I use the CSS to create a hover element on the page, like the examples, it doesn’t seem to work and I couldn’t figure out what’s wrong. Nothing gets displayed except a small 1cm box in which hover works, and when I open the CSS I used, the lines aren’t there anymore! Perhaps you could see when you have a moment? I gave you credentials and links in the section and details/code below. Thanks again and regards

    Great! Thanks Rickard.

    in reply to: Change Content When Hovering Over a Grid Cell #1223990

    i’m trying to do something similar but that link from Mike no longer works. in any case, is the three cell grid shown on the site in the private area below possible to recreate using enfold elements only, or has to be done with some css? as shown, each cell is of equal size and its text changes as does its background when hovering, and when clicked you scroll down to an anchor.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 7 months ago by s29ers.
    in reply to: ENFOLD – Font & Padding management for mobile devices #1221025

    Hi Victoria, Thanks for the tip. I got it working. On a related question, I have also set up a class that has specific font size, family, weight etc. However I can’t figure out after searching, how to use the sane class name but have a different version it apply to mobile so I don’t have to duplicate all the content to apply a mobile version of that class. Any suggestion on how this could be done? Thanks

    in reply to: Ajax Search function not working #1219649

    Hello, apologies, I had set these portfolio items to exclude from search and missed the checkbox when looking! So that’s OK they show up. However, please help with the last two questions. Please see private section. Thanks.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 7 months ago by s29ers.
    in reply to: Ajax Search function not working #1219642

    Hi there

    I have a variant of this problem. On our site, when you search for a portfolio item nothing comes back in the results. As far as I can see, checking all the options, I haven’t altered anything. When I search the Enfold demo for some content on a portfolio item, its page is found.

    On our site, many portfolio gird items have no portfolio page. So the majority of the grid items don’t link to their empty portfolio pages either. Some do. You can see the portfolio grid page in the private section below: any grid item with an underlined title is linked to its portfolio page. If there’s no underline, the link is disabled as its portfolio page has no content. In that case, only its excerpt and image exists and is shown on the grid page. I also added the login credentials there.

    So when some one searches the site for content that’s on the portfolio grid, I want the *portfolio grid page* to be returned in the search results, not the actual portfolio page, if possible.

    Finally, do you have templates for the portfolio page styles in the Enfold demo here when hovering on the Portfolio menu item? Are they using the portfolio grid element or something else?


    • This reply was modified 4 years, 7 months ago by s29ers.
    in reply to: Date and read more link on portfolio item #1211901

    Hi Mike
    That actually worked really well. Since I have few grid items with content, I inverted it and set the pointer events to auto for those using a category has-content and set the pointer events to none for the rest.
    Thanks very much for your help!

    in reply to: Date and read more link on portfolio item #1211741

    Hi Mike
    I listed two examples below.
    Best regards

    in reply to: Date and read more link on portfolio item #1210477

    Hi Yigit

    Sorry about that. It’s fixed now and proper URL. The credentials and some links are below in private area again.

    For example, grid item “A Better User Experience …” has a portfolio page. That portfolio page is also shown as visible in “Portfolio pages”. What I would like to do as I mentioned, is for such grid items where there is more content, set the title as a link and underline it. But not for ones where there is no page content. The lightbox for the grid item image if any should work normally as it is.

    Note that I already have CSS

    /* Disable links from portfolio grid items */
    .grid-entry-title.entry-title {
    pointer-events:none !important;

    as I do not want users to click to the related portfolio page from any item as there is nothing on 90% of them.
    Best regards

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by s29ers.
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