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  • in reply to: Child Theme #389938

    Hi Josue,

    Many thanks for your suggested procedure but if we do Step 2, we are going to lose some styling, right?


    in reply to: Not rendering on mobile #389933

    Hi Ismael,

    Again, many thanks for the reply.

    Just tried on my wife’s iPhone 5 – same WiFi and 4G and same result – not refreshing on WiFi and menu not closing just hiding off screen top right.


    in reply to: Appearance / Menu not rendering #389926

    Hi Ismael,

    Precisely what’s puzzling me. You were able to do that but I am not! Just tried again in Safari and Chrome and getting the same.

    Any other ideas?

    Many thanks,


    in reply to: Child Theme #389901


    Well, that’s the problem. As I said in the initial enquiry perhaps modifications have been made to the functions.php & maybe header and footer php files.

    But we don’t know php so we wouldn’t be able to recognise modificat​ions.


    in reply to: Child Theme #389885

    Hi Josue,

    Yes we are aware of the button but we were looking for a little more reassurance and the steps we should take. Regarding having the latest version of Enfold – we don’t have it that’s why we want to set up a child theme!


    in reply to: 2 column tables #389194
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    in reply to: Appearance / Menu not rendering #389192
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    in reply to: Not rendering on mobile #389191

    Hi Ismael,

    Thanks for the positive feedback on the site – it wouldn’t have been possible without the great Enfold theme and the great support. In fact, life has been much easier since we found Enfold – so many thanks.

    However, on my iPhone 5, after clearing the cache, restarting the device, clearing the cache again just in case, it wasn’t looking nice at all. So I switched off the WiFi (which should be pretty quick) and on 4G it does render fine (apart from the menu not closing – just hiding in the top right hand corner outside of the normal screen view). The fact that the site doesn’t render on a fast WiFi is more than a bit worrying. Any idea why this might be?

    Many thanks,


    in reply to: Not rendering on mobile #388706

    Hi Andy,

    Many thanks for your reply and screenshot.

    On an iPhone 5, it does render OK the first time but if you refresh it, it doesn’t. Also when you close the menu it doesn’t actually close it moves to the top right, outside (to the right) of the screen – so if you swipe right to left you can see it. The fact that it does that also throws out the padding/spacing on the page.


    in reply to: 2 column tables #388705

    Hi Ismael,

    But how do we share a Dropbox folder with you when your email address is a no-reply?


    in reply to: 2 column tables #387513

    HI Elliot,

    Sorry, it was not very clear.

    At the moment (768 and below) a 2 column table layout is: Column A Item 1 and then under that Column B item 1, followed by Column A Item 2 and under that Column B Item 2. In views under 768 we would like ‘tabular’ tables to show as “All Items in COLUMN A” and then under those “All items in COLUMN B”.

    I would add screenshots but I’ve never sure how to do so on this forum.

    Many thanks,


    in reply to: Menu clsoing to the side on smaller screen sizes #387512

    Hi Elliot,

    No, we’re not seeing it anymore, either. Thanks for your help.


    in reply to: Appearance / Menu not rendering #385302
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    in reply to: Appearance / Menu not rendering #385295
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    in reply to: Menu clsoing to the side on smaller screen sizes #385255
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    in reply to: Appearance / Menu not rendering #384805
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    in reply to: Appearance / Menu not rendering #384216
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    in reply to: Image in table not responsive #379834

    Hi Yigit,

    Yes, you’re right. We didn’t check on the iPhone, but it seems OK! We were relying on the responsive view tool in Firefox but it seems that it’s not showing the reality.

    Sorry to bother you, and thanks again.


    in reply to: Image in table not responsive #379309
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    in reply to: Hide Footer on Blog Posts #364051

    Hi Gunter,

    Well, that certainly seems to have fixed it.


    Many thanks,


    in reply to: Small boxes above & below images #360205
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    in reply to: Small boxes above & below images #359409

    Hi there,

    Sorry but I can’t seem to see where I can upload a screenshot!


    in reply to: Archive page, side bar #358107

    Hi Yigit,

    That seems to have done it!

    Yet again, excellent support.

    Many thanks


    in reply to: !!! Child Themes / Fatal Error !!! #357351

    Hi Elliot,

    1. Not sure I’m with you. We took the code below out of the main functions.php because it was code we had previously added:

    * Add your own functions here. You can also copy some of the theme functions into this file.
    * WordPress will use those functions instead of the original functions then.

    add_filter(‘avf_blog_style’,’avia_change_archive_blog_layout’, 10, 2);
    function avia_change_archive_blog_layout($layout, $context){
    if($context == ‘archive’) $layout = ‘blog-grid’;
    return $layout;

    And once removed from the main file and only in the child theme functions.php the site was up and running again.

    2. The issue above, according to our host provider, was that there was a duplication of code in the main functions.php file and the child theme functions.php file. If we simply copy and paste the heading.php and footer.php files into the child theme will we not be causing the same kind of fatal error?

    Many thanks,


    in reply to: !!! Child Themes / Fatal Error !!! #356455

    Hi Elliot,

    Yes, we managed to resolve it over the weekend. Apparently, we had the same snippets in the child theme functions.php as in the main theme functions.php and that was causing the issue. Taking that code out of the main functions.php seems to have worked.

    Can I just ask, if we can’t remember if we’ve edited the header.php and footer.php files but we want to use the child theme again for these, what’s the best way of doing so (we’re not familiar with PHP!)? Without causing fatal errors again

    Many thanks

    in reply to: !!! Child Themes / Fatal Error !!! #355698
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    in reply to: !!! Child Themes / Fatal Error !!! #355685

    Hi Elliot,

    Many thanks for your reply. So I downloaded the child theme from the link you provided. Then FTP-ed that folder. It appeared in the WP themes. Then I Activated the child theme (as stated in the video, right?). Again I get blank white page, no admin access. So I can’t send you login until I restore everything again!

    What’s going on here? This should be a few minutes work, right? But we’ve now been on it a day and a half!


    in reply to: Archive.php layout #335905

    Hey Yigit,

    Thanks for that. Sorry to reply late – didn’t get any email.


    in reply to: Text Color / Custom Color #325843

    Hi Josue,

    Many thanks for the reply.

    Actually, the real problem is that we have a lot of pasting from Word to do. If we paste it between span tags e.g.

    <span style=”color: #294b6e;”>A. Negotiation is an important skill mainly for business leaders and politicians.</span>
    It works fine. But if there is a line break, after the line break the text does not take the color formatting. That means we have to select the text again and type in the hex code. OK for one or two, but we have lots of these.

    We’d just like to be able to copy from Word and paste into the post (where we have previously pasted some dummy content) and for that text to take on the color.

    in reply to: Bold text colour #325507

    Hey Josue,

    That seems to have done it!

    Yet again, many thanks


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