You may close it out! I just wanted the solution to be spelled out in case it helps anyone searching for the same or similar problem.
Thank you!
Thank you SO much! It was a bit more than that, but you sent me down the correct path to solve the mystery. The original build of the website had anchor HTML in Special Headings elements. I replicated that building the Wildfire Resilience page before I purchased a new license and updated Enfold to the current build. The fullwidth easy slider had probably broken before I ever started working on the new page. The current build has a warning about breaking the back or frontend of Avia by doing this, but I didn’t see it until you directed me to fix my missing underscore in Home Hardening.
I went through, stripped the HTML out of the Special Headings elements and created anchors in HTML in code blocks instead. Problem solved!
If I could send you chocolate for helping me crack this, I would!