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  • in reply to: Website is taking 20 secs to load each page #507067

    Hey Andy…check this out. Enfold is listed as Enford. : )

    in reply to: Website is taking 20 secs to load each page #507046

    I believe there is a caching issue, at the very least. When I click on some pages, they take 20-30 seconds to load. When you go back and visit those pages again, they are very fast to load.

    Just a heads up, I also noticed some formatting issues on some of your pages. I can’t remember which ones though.

    Enfold is just fine speed-wise on all of my sites.

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 5 months ago by WP Turned UP.
    in reply to: Hyperlink Styling #494581

    I’m good to go. It was in fact caching. I had to clear all caches on the plugin side of things.

    Thank you.

    in reply to: Accordion Formatting #491452

    Basically, every time I go into the visual editor, the formatting gets all messed up. As a workaround, I’ve just reminded myself this is going to happen and to have my FINAL draft ready to enter enter in the first time around.

    Thanks for the follow up.

    in reply to: Accordion Formatting #490382

    Sorry, my last post converted the code I posted. The trick, for me at least…was to save from within the text editor and NOT go back into the visual editor. As soon as I go back into the visual editor…I have to fix the formatting again.

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 6 months ago by WP Turned UP.
    in reply to: Accordion Formatting #490381

    Feel free to close this ticket. Things look fine now, but the text editor of the accordion makes no sense to me. The text below is what makes the accordion look “normal”. Meaning, single spaced and aligned properly.

    We can help with…

    • Picking out  vanity domain names
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    in reply to: Accordion Formatting #490322

    Appreciate the input!

    in reply to: Accordion Formatting #490312

    Good thought, but already tried that. Same result.

    I just launched a site last week, with many accordions in it…no problems. Meaning, I’ve done this before,

    in reply to: Accordion Formatting #490308

    You lost me again. It’s a simple bulleted list that takes 5 seconds to create.

    1. Click bullet icon
    2. Add text
    3. Save

    in reply to: Accordion Formatting #490298

    Revisions won’t help, as the accordion formatting has never worked correctly on this site.

    Not sure what you mean by code…I’m doing a very basic billeted list, within Enfold. It looks good only while viewing within the editor. Once you leave the editor, formatting goes awry.

    in reply to: Theme Updates Insights #486253


    in reply to: Contact Form Autoresponder #483945

    Hell Yeah! After some more research, my Top Wish is granted! I think this will help a lot of other folks out there.

    Contact Form
    Within your contact form, create a First Name field and a Last Name field.

    Add the following to your Enfold Child Theme functions.php
    * Using the Enfold Contact Form autoresponder, this will output the First and Last name of the person filling out the contact form.
    function modify_autorespondermessage_func($message) {
    $new_message = “Dear: ” . $_POST[‘avia_first_name_1’]. str_repeat(” “, 1). $_POST[‘avia_last_name_1’].”<br>”;
    $new_message .= $message;

    return $new_message;
    add_filter(‘avf_form_autorespondermessage’, ‘modify_autorespondermessage_func’, 10, 1);

    Output will be:“Dear: First Name Last Name” (Dear: John Smith)

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 7 months ago by WP Turned UP.
    in reply to: Contact Form Autoresponder #483910

    Request 1

    Getting VERY close. It looks like someone helped out a bit overnight. Currently, the autoresponder is showing “Dear JohnSmith”. I can’t figure out how to add in the “:” and the space between the first and last name…without breaking the functions.php

    Top Wish: For the autoresponder to show “Dear: John Smith”

    Acceptable Wish: For the autoresponder to show “Dear John Smith”

    Thank you,

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 7 months ago by WP Turned UP.
    in reply to: Contact Form Autoresponder #483885

    Finally found a solution to #2. I added the following to my Enfold Child Theme’s functions.php.

    * Changes the Subject Line of the Enfold Contact Form’s autoresponse.
    add_filter( ‘avia_contact_form_args’, ‘enfold_customization_autoresponsder’, 10, 1);
    function enfold_customization_autoresponsder( $form_args ) {
    $form_args[‘autoresponder_subject’] = ‘Thank You for your inquiry!’;
    return $form_args;

    in reply to: Add custom name to contact form autoresponder #483631

    Hello. I opened a ticket similar to this…waiting to hear back. Thought I would try here as well to see if @simijonovic might be able to respond. I can launch this site once this final little piece gets implemented!!!

    – Your first section of code only returns “Dear” for me. Your second section of code returns nothing for me.

    My post.

    Thank you!

    in reply to: Scroll To Bottom Link #483626

    Thanks for getting me started in the right direction. All set.

    in reply to: CSS Hero Issues #483044

    Feel free to close this ticket. Thanks.

    in reply to: Landing Page Issues #482769

    Thanks. Feel free to close this ticket. I was mixing CSS Hero settings with Quick CSS…no good. Using CSS Hero was extremely easy to get all the settings in place.

    Thanks again!

    in reply to: Landing Page Issues #482137

    Thanks, but I didn’t see any difference on the Special Heading. I also needed this to include the slogan (simple text box) underneath the Special Heading. So, I looked up what you sent me to try and figure it out for myself. Right now, the page looks exactly how I want, in terms of font size on regular desktop/laptop displays.

    Here is what I have right now, trying to get this to work on my iPhone in portrait and landscape mode.

    @media only screen
    and (min-device-width : 320px)
    and (max-device-width : 568px)
    and (orientation : landscape) { .av-inherit-size .av-special-heading-tag {
    font-size: 1em;

    Thanks again!

    in reply to: Progress Bar Design #481483

    Thank you! Feel free to close ticket. I haven’t tried this out yet, but will keep it in my bag ‘o tricks.

    in reply to: Landing Page Issues #481459

    Thank you! That did the trick with the centering.

    Now, I just need to get a grasp on Enfold’s responsiveness. Rather that write down what I’m after, perhaps I can just show you. If you look at this site, you’ll see the look I’m after. Basically, replace Greenworks Lending with Pace Maryland and replace their slogan with mine. I want the Special Heading to be BIG and the slogan to be pretty good size underneath. When you look at the Greenworks site on iPhone (portrait mode), everything shrinks down great. With my site on Enfold, I can’t have the Special Heading be any greater than 60px, before things start to get ugly.

    Is there a setting I can put into Quick CSS that would help the mobile device show this content better?

    Thanks again,

    in reply to: Column Background #481047

    Thank you. Works great!

    in reply to: Item Cloning Question & Accordion Issue #478680

    That’s close…but not exactly what I’m talking about. I’m talking about cloning the initial/parent and then editing any of the cloned items with CSS Hero. Editing the initial/parent also results in all cloned items being changed. If you log into the site and edit the page I’m referencing, it takes 30 seconds to test this yourself, by simply changing the background color of ANY of the Accordions on the page via CSS Hero.

    The main reason I purchased (and continue to purchase) Enfold is because CSS Hero lists it as a CSS Hero-ready theme. Either Enfold, CSS Hero or both…should, IMO…figure out why this is happening. It’s either a bug or Enfold is not truly a CSS Hero-ready theme.

    Can you help?

    in reply to: Item Cloning Question & Accordion Issue #477477

    Here is the page:

    I had a slightly similar ticket here. I understand the 3rd party plugin thing, but CSS Hero claims Enfold to be CSS Hero-ready. I’d think I should be able to clone an item in Enfold and then apply settings to each individual item via CSS Hero.

    You should have the credentials already. Thanks!

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 7 months ago by WP Turned UP.
    in reply to: Item Cloning Question & Accordion Issue #476525

    Awesome, thanks! How about the cloning question?

    in reply to: How To Add Title – Blog Page #452524

    Beautiful, thank you!

    in reply to: How To Add Title – Blog Page #451516
    This reply has been marked as private.
    in reply to: Avia Bullet #451185

    Feel free to close this case. I figured it out via CSS Hero. Thank you.

    in reply to: Avia Bullet #451176

    Thank you, but that does two things: a.) hides the Avia Bullet on all pages EXCEPT the Active page and b.) hides the Avia Bullet…which isn’t what I wanted to do. : )

    in reply to: How To Add Title – Blog Page #451174

    Hello. I tried that and the title is still not appearing.

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