Forum Replies Created
Ok, you know, after testing the theme i think I will demand the refund because the theme is not made for my needs.. Tell me what can i do.
ThanksOk, thanks
I have a lot of questions for you :
1. the position of my logo is not aligned with the menu. How can i align it ? as you can see it is past at the top of the page
2. how can i modify the font and the size of the text of the menu ?
3. how can i modify the font and the size of the text of the breadcrumb trail ?
4. How can i put the breadcrumb trail at the left of the page ? it is centered for the moment
5. for the blog page where is list all my last post, how can i modify the number of characters of the preview ?
6. How can i do to have my images unclickable ?
7. How can i delete item portofolia et layer slider ?
8. How can i change de color of the bold text ?
9. There is a issu with breadcrumb trail in mobile. The text go beyond the box and it touch the image just above.
10 . How can i delete powerde by enfold ?
11. How can i display in breadcrumb trail the text “blog” and not “Blog Pickup Alliance : développez votre charisme et votre pouvoir d’attraction” ?
12. How can i change de design, the font and the heiht of the next and previous post on mobile ? Also there is a overlap in mobile (see atachement)You will not crash it ^^
See the screenshotHi
Did you activate the child enfold theme and took a look at the page that i gave you ?
I’m not sur.I reset my previous theme. But you can activated child enfold theme and take a look by yourself :)