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  • in reply to: Problems with shortcode for Product Slider #1352632

    already tried that…same behaviour

    in reply to: Problems with shortcode for Product Slider #1352631

    If I add exact 4 or more products to the upsell box, than my shortcode works as expected.
    So, somehow, the upsell (counter) and enfold productslider/wc must be linked.

    in reply to: Problems with shortcode for Product Slider #1352622

    Hi Mike,
    thanks for the check-up.
    As I’ve mentioned before, this only occures on WC product page (single product).
    Now I’ve found where it is beeing set: wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/includes/wc-template-functions.php
    from line: 456 -> function wc_get_loop_class()

    There seems to be something wrong with the modulo calculation:

    $columns    = absint( max( 1, wc_get_loop_prop( 'columns', wc_get_default_products_per_row() ) ) );
    	$loop_index ++;
    	wc_set_loop_prop( 'loop', $loop_index );
    	if ( 0 === ( $loop_index - 1 ) % $columns || 1 === $columns ) {
    		return 'first';
    	if ( 0 === $loop_index % $columns ) {
    		return 'last';

    Maybe I did not mention, that in the enfold shop settings under “product gallery” I’m using: WC 3.0 product gallery (not enfold default).

    Could you please check again? Thanks!

    in reply to: Problems with shortcode for Product Slider #1351410

    So, the problem is still unsolved…any updates regarding this issue?

    in reply to: Problems with shortcode for Product Slider #1351126

    Very strange, I’ve turned of all plugins and custom code, same result. (WP, WC, etc. on latest version, PHP8)
    BUT: as I tested the code via functions.php on ALL pages, I’ve found out that it’s NOT working correctly ONLY on WC product pages (single),
    any other page type works fine, even blog post, which is also single.

    Please test the code also on your installation on all post types.

    add_action( 'ava_before_footer', 'related', 15 );
    function related(): void {
        <div id="av_section_3"
             class="avia-section av-67b3u7-b76b4296f6d03b9bb4a425ab60d3cd36 alternate_color avia-section-default avia-no-border-styling  avia-builder-el-0  avia-builder-el-no-sibling  avia-bg-style-scroll container_wrap fullsize">
            <div class="container av-section-cont-open">
                <main role="main" itemprop="mainContentOfPage" class="template-page content  av-content-full alpha units">
                    <div class="post-entry post-entry-type-page post-entry-2559">
                        <div class="entry-content-wrapper clearfix">
                            <div class="flex_column av-3aftcf-0defea7f6cd2898ac4c585f671f6abd0 av_one_full  avia-builder-el-1  avia-builder-el-no-sibling  first flex_column_div ">
    							echo do_shortcode( "[av_productslider categories='207' wc_prod_visible='' wc_prod_hidden='' wc_prod_featured='' wc_prod_additional_filter='' sort='0' prod_order='' items='-1' offset='0' columns='4' image_size='woocommerce_thumbnail' autoplay='no' interval='5' alb_description='' id='' custom_class='' template_class='' element_template='' one_element_template='' av_uid='av-l2zt9pqe' sc_version='1.0']" );
    in reply to: Problems with shortcode for Product Slider #1351053

    Sorry, not possible at this point…local dev.
    But you can see the rendered code here…as described:

    in reply to: Tab Section Scroll Down #1343997

    Hi, I found this script, but I’m facing the same issue: auto-scroll on page load (without any click).
    I’ve also tried deactivating all plugins and other scripts. Same odd result.
    I’ve also tried .on(‘click’) instead of .click()…same same

    This is what I get in the console:
    The service worker navigation preload request was cancelled before ‘preloadResponse’ settled. If you intend to use ‘preloadResponse’, use waitUntil() or respondWith() to wait for the promise to settle.

    Any thoughts? Thanks!

    in reply to: social buttons broken with WP 5.3.1 update #1165505


    in reply to: social buttons broken with WP 5.3.1 update #1165469

    same here…even Enfold itself:

    in reply to: Comments in posts with ALB through functions.php #1065923

    Hi Ismael,

    yes, it’s working now. Thank you!
    Topic can be marked as solved and closed.

    in reply to: Comments in posts with ALB through functions.php #1064495

    Hey Ismael,

    this is what I put in functions.php:

    The result is very strange. It outputs the comments BUT NOT the comment form. Instead it shows: comments are closed.
    (also tested with comments_open(), which returns FALSE)
    But comments are 100% open.
    “Allow Comments” is set to TRUE in the post settings. (even checked it in the database)
    Discussion is also enabled sitewide.
    Latest WP and Enfold.

    It has to be something with ALB mode.
    Only if I add a Comments sections in the Backend the do_shortcode one in functions.php is also working.

    in reply to: Add conditional action IF is post but with ALB #1058667

    EDIT: it is working actually….can be closed/deleted…

    in reply to: Slow Backend when editing page #653538

    Thank You…indeed, it occured because of enormous browser cache in Chrome.
    (Ticket can be closed)

    in reply to: Slow Backend when editing page #652994


    interesting….the “freezing” and slowness only occurs in Google Chrome.
    Everything fine in FF.
    Any ideas?


    in reply to: Slow Backend when editing page #652587

    Here you go…

    in reply to: Google Font Firefox/Safari Problem #599632

    Hallo Andy,

    mit einem Standard Theme kann ich ja nicht die Enfold Font Einbindung testen.
    Habe stattdessen die Schriftart zusätzlich nochmal über Google Font eingebunden.

    <link href=’,700&#8242; rel=’stylesheet’ type=’text/css’>

    Ergebnis ist deutlich besser. Jetzt ist es so wie es sein soll.
    Daher liegt die Vermutung nahe, dass bei der Einbindung über Enfold irgendwas nicht stimmt.

    Zum Vergleich, so sieht das (schlechte) Ergebnis der Enfold Einbindung aus:

    <!– google webfont font replacement –>
    <link rel=’stylesheet’ id=’avia-google-webfont’ href=’//’ type=’text/css’ media=’all’/>

    Ggf. sollte da was seitens kriesi angepasst werden.

    Bisher haben wir dieses Phänomen nur bei dieser Schriftart festgestellt.


    Here are 2 screenshots…normal view and shrinked view (smaller viewport).

    What I need to achieve is an earlier breaking point…from 4 per row, to 3 and then to 2 per row…because i need a min-width to show the single grid elements (items) correctly.


    Visual Explanation:

    Actual (as it is)

    Desktop, 4-col
    [–300px–] [–300px–] [–300px–] [–300px–]

    Tablet, 4-col
    [200px] [200px] [200px] [200px]

    Target (as it should be)

    Desktop, 4-col
    [–300px–] [–300px–] [–300px–] [–300px–]
    Tablet, 3-col
    [–300px–] [–300px–] [–300px–]
    [–300px–] [–300px–] [–300px–]
    Tablet, 2-col
    [–300px–] [–300px–]
    [–300px–] [–300px–]

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 10 months ago by freddyB.
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