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I don’t know if this has anything to do with the CSS section that has already been deleted again, but for some reason I can’t click on portfolio posts on the IPad in portrait mode now.
I mean all links: for example “” or “” or “=>Ecosia” (there would be “=>Ecosia” clickable and you would be redirected to you, you can close it:)
This reply has been marked as private.Please try the following in Quick CSS under Enfold->General Styling for the overlay on tablets
Thank you, but it doesn’t help…:( I will send you the login datas:)
@Guenni007 once set a very pretty border, which unfortunately also transferred to what you see when clicking on portfolio entries. ( and Is it possible to prevent this?
Perhaps, you know a solution for helping:)? I will send Guenni007 a PM!
Thank you so much!!! Now, all is fine:)
Ops, I have another question…
Is it possible to set that only main images of posts are affected by the changes?You can close it:) Thank you:)
Thank you!!
Thank you, but I would like to handle, that the Post images are not clickable: think, that was it:) Thank you, @Guenni007 and @Mike!!!
Thank you so much! As long as there is no function that ensures that the hover effect is not displayed on ALL touch devices (regardless of the size of the respective device) I am very happy with the current solution:)
If there is a way to make the background described with arrows white again, I would be very happy:)„Another spontaneous question. I don’t know if it’s worth inserting a new topic for this: At some point I inserted the CSS code in Quick CSS:“
I thought the answering of the new question would be very easy:) I will open a new topic in the next werks, but I think, this topic (here) is more important:)
That would be the best;)
Then I think it will apply everywhere – for all screen widths ;)
What would the whole code look like in the final version?
Kind regardsor change the @media to a size, that is what I would recommend
But which size do I have to use for the code? I would prefer it to work on all devices. What does the code have to look like then?
Wow, there have been a lot of really helpful messages in the meantime. I always delete the cache after each session, but after Mike’s editing at least some things work now:) In portrait format everything is displayed as I wanted, in landscape format it doesn’t work yet. The tablet I’m looking at has the dimensions 810×1080, but there are also Din A4 iPads on which everything should work as well as possible. Is that possible? The effect also includes a slight white shimmer over the respective pictures/headings. Is it also possible to set the effect so that it is only visible on devices that do not have a touch function?
Another spontaneous question. I don’t know if it’s worth inserting a new topic for this: At some point I inserted the CSS code in Quick CSS:@media (hover: none) {
.portfolio-item:hover {
pointer-events: none;
}But for some reason it doesn’t work on my iPad… Do I have the possibility to change this?
Thank you so much for helping me like this, although I’m sure there are much more important things to do:)Thanks to both of you – I have tried this as well and it continues to look the same on the two IPads I have tried it on:
It doesn‘t work…:(Thank you for your help!
This reply was modified 1 year, 4 months ago by
Mike. Reason: move login to Private Content area
Thank you so mutch! Now it works:-)! Do you happen to know how to solve my problem here well – I just can’t manage it….
Thank you!!! It looks beautiful:)
Ich habe jetzt deinen Code eingegeben bei CSS
#top .av-masonry.description-below .av-inner-masonry-content, #top .av-masonry.description-below .av-inner-masonry-content .avia-arrow { background-color: #cde5a5; } .responsive.avia_mobile #top .av-masonry.description-below .av-inner-masonry-content { position: relative !important; top: 100%; } .responsive.avia_mobile #top .av-masonry.description-below .av-inner-masonry { overflow: visible; } .responsive.avia_mobile #top .av-masonry.description-below a.av-masonry-entry { margin-bottom: 60px !important; } .responsive.avia_mobile #top .av-masonry.description-below .av-inner-masonry-content { padding: 5px 10px; text-align: center; min-height: 65px } .responsive.avia_mobile #top .av-masonry.description-below .av-inner-masonry-content .av-masonry-entry-title { position: absolute; top: 50%; left: 50%; transform: translate(-50% , -50%); padding: 0 !important; margin: 0 !important; width: 100%; font-size: 18px !important; }
Dann habe ich folgendes gemacht:
Das war wahrscheinlich auch falsch von mir, denn es hat nicht funktioniert. Heul!Thank you!!! Now it works!
Did you purge the cache before testing the page? You may have to toggle or temporarily disable the Enfold > Performance > File Compression settings as well. Please make sure to perform a hard refresh before testing the page.
Yes, I have done that:( If I enter the following code (=>css-field), …
@media only screen and (max-width: 767px) { #top #wrap_all .header_color h2, #top #wrap_all .main_color h2, #top #wrap_all .alternate_color h2 { font-size: 24px; } }
it still does not work.
This reply was modified 1 year, 4 months ago by
Ich kenne mich leider mit Codes quasi nicht aus… Peinlich:/ Wir haben Enfold als Vorlage genutzt und haben die Website von anderen designt bekommen. Kannst du ganz vielleicht nochmal eine Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitung geben, die zeigt, was ich jetzt am besten tun sollte? Wenn nicht: auch kein Problem:)
Keine Sorge, mit duzen bin ich sehr einverstanden! Auf dem Tablet, das ich nutze, ist gar kein Effekt zu sehen. Wenn ich das entsprechende Bild antippe, wird, wie du schon beschrieben hast, ganz kurz der Effekt angezeigt. (aus irgendeinem Grund werden mir die ganzen Bilder mit <img u.s.w. nicht angezeigt…-
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This reply was modified 1 year, 4 months ago by
Erstmal: Vielen, vielen Dank für die ganze Mühe! Sie wissen aber nicht wie man es hinbekommt, das auf Tablets der Mouse-Hover-Effekt nicht angezeigt wird, sondern von Beginn an so aussieht, wie, wenn man mit der Maus über das Bild fährt? (per CSS)?
This reply was modified 1 year, 4 months ago by
Thank you for your answer!
But I have to change something in the code, don’t I? So far it doesn’t work for me. Sorry for being so stupid:)! If I wanted to set all headings to the size “h2” – what would the code look like? The change should be as effective as possible on all mobiles.Next question: Partially, the white in the mouse hover effect does not cover the right edge of the image:
Is it only me who has this problem, or is this the case on all Enfold websites?Nächste Frage: Teilweise deckt das Weiß beim Mouse-Hover-Effekt nicht den rechten Rand des Bildes ab:
Habe da nur ich das Problem, oder ist das auf allen Enfold-Websiten so?-
This reply was modified 1 year, 5 months ago by
This reply was modified 1 year, 4 months ago by