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  • in reply to: Fullwidth Slideshow Background Not Showing #1036934

    Hi Nikko,
    are there any news on this issue? I really want to update to Enfold 4.5 for several reasons. But I can’t as we are using the slider on every (!) page.
    Maybe any hints on where to look? I already tried a few things, but nothing had any effect.

    I am so looking forward to your reply!
    Best regards,

    in reply to: Fullwidth Slideshow Background Not Showing #1025818

    Dear Kriesi team,
    We do have the same issue here. The background images in my slide show (full width) element don’t show any more. So I re-loaded the older version again. We found out, that there is probably something wrong with the code here.

    Working with “older” Enfold:
    Not working with newer Enfold: – background image is there but not showing :(

    This is the code of example 2: <div id=”full_slider_1″ class=”avia-fullwidth-slider main_color avia-shadow avia-builder-el-0 el_before_av_layout_row avia-builder-el-first container_wrap fullsize” style=”style = ” background-repeat:=”” repeat-x;=”” background-image:=”” url(https:=”””” wp-content=”” uploads=”” 2017=”” 02=”” product-updates-1-bg.png);=”” background-attachment:=”” scroll;=”” background-position:=”” top=”” left;=”” ‘=””>

    I am so looking forward to the new version also for my main website! Thanks for your good work!
    Can you help us with this please?


    in reply to: Error "Error 404 Page" #991806

    Hi Günter,
    unfortunately, I had to replace the new enfold-functions.php with my old copy. It interferes with my downloads plugin (Download Manager). I cannot download password protected downloads any more with the change. So I replaced the file in 2 of my 4 WordPress installations. And I noticed something: One of the 2 pages has WPML and one doesn’t. The one which doesn’t, 404 code is set correctly. With WPML it says 301. Hope this may help.
    Thanks for your good work!

    in reply to: Error "Error 404 Page" #990543

    Thanks Günter, I updated functions-enfold.php and the status is correct. So far no problems.

    in reply to: Error "Error 404 Page" #971195

    I installed the 4.4.1 update and switched to Custom 404 page – now that it works with WPML wordpress installations. Unfortunately, Enfold 404 return status 200 instead of 404! Please fix this with the next update.

    Thanks in advance,

    in reply to: Open linked image in lightbox #969075

    Ok, thank you for your help anyway. I found a plugin for this purpose.

    in reply to: Open linked image in lightbox #965182

    Hi Rikard,
    I wanted to link the speakers’ names with an image, that opens in a lightbox when you click on their names.
    Please ask for more info when you need to know more.
    Thank you in advance!

    in reply to: avia-post-nav only within same category #843478

    Hey Basilis,

    this piece of code seems to work for us:
    add_filter(‘avia_post_nav_settings’,’avia_same_category_filter’, 10, 1);
    function avia_same_category_filter($settings)
    $settings[‘same_category’] = true;
    return $settings;
    I also found it in your forum here, so thank you anyway.

    Best regards,

    Hi Ismael,

    thank you very much for your help!

    Best regards,

    in reply to: avia-post-nav only within same category #842355

    Hi Basilis,

    thanks for your effort. The function _IS_ in functions.php but not working. Did you have a look at our functions.php? Maybe something in there stops the code from working properly? I tried position at the end and in the beginning of functions.php but it mixes categories. :(



    Thanks for your help!

    in reply to: avia-post-nav only within same category #839752

    Sorry Nikko,

    it took me a while to get access for you. Here we are.

    The code above is in the functions.php of our chilt theme.


    in reply to: Element Visibility via Screen Options does not work #837336

    Hi Victoria,

    thanks for the fix, so far it works. But it feels more like a hack and not a clean solution.

    Indeed, I have quite a few questions for you, sorry for the inconvenience.

    Can you please tell me when exactly you had a look at the css and found it did not work? I fixed an issue yesterday (Thursday 10/08) around 2 p.m. German time. Did you look at the css earlier or later?

    And what do you mean by “but it had an extra class”?

    And yet another question: What if we would not have needed the fix and it would have worked “normally”? Does the “normal” function also only use display none? Which means for Google the content is still there. Or is the normal way of hiding containers different?

    If so, which of our individual “changes” does get in the way of the normal script?

    Best regards,

    in reply to: 2-column content on table like mobile #836866

    it’s so much easier: I discovered the grid row option for setting the mobile breakpoint and set it to tablet and lower. Then just a few css fixes for indiivdual styles like padding and color – that’s it.


    in reply to: Element Visibility via Screen Options does not work #836805

    We hid the container, of course, but it still appears.


    in reply to: Element Visibility via Screen Options does not work #836400

    Hi Victoria,

    sorry for this. Please try it again, I set the same password again and my test login worked.


    in reply to: Element Visibility via Screen Options does not work #835778
    This reply has been marked as private.
    in reply to: 2-column content on table like mobile #835729


    it does half what I wanted :), maybe we get the other half working as well. When I delete .home it also works for the other pages, but only for some occurrences and not all. But most of all, it mixes up the background colors of the containers and does not keep them as they were supposed to be. It gets worse, the further down you scroll.

    Try one thing please: click on this image on the home page with the circles. When I apply the snippet to the theme, on the second page it works for the first section (not perfect for the padding left and right) but none of the sections a bit further down the page. Any idea?

    Thanks so much for your help.


    in reply to: 2-column content on table like mobile #835272

    Hi Rikard,

    there a “t” missing on table_t_ in my headline, sorry.
    Let me explain it again: Yes, I would like the section “Viele Ziele – eine Lösung” to be text above and image underneath on tablets – just like on mobile phones.

    Thanks in advance!

    in reply to: Element Visibility via Screen Options does not work #835271

    Hi Rikard,

    thanks for your help. Unfortunately, clearing the cache does not solve the problem. The element is still there.

    I’m afraid I can’t give you access to our website right now, I need to check with the IT department first.

    Anything you can tell me to check?

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Add 2 or more custom css classes to an element #720504

    Hi Yigit,

    thanks for this quick response. I try to fix this problem:

    width: 100%;
    height: 100%;
    background: #c6093b;
    -webkit-clip-path: polygon(100% 0, 0 0, 50% 100%);
    clip-path: polygon(100% 0, 0 0, 50% 100%);

    I need to add the picture and the white place.

    in reply to: Widget area im mobilen Menü #720475


    works fine. Thank you

    in reply to: Scroll Position – Scroll Down Arrow #596823

    Hi Rikard,

    I have to change this:

    Actually click on scroll down arrow

    to this:

    new scroll down

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