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Thanks for your help, I desactivate lazy load from Smush in the page concern and every works well.
I try it but it does the same result as your fisrt solution, the text is not wrap with a size changing. It’s purehaps not possible.
It works thank you very much.
It is a simple way to change the size of the fonts (wrap them) instead of break words ?
Even if I choose portofolio size, it doesn’t change anything it’s only the margin CSS field which change the size of the image.
As you can see here
Also I don’t understand why the image size option is not opperant.Thank you for the margin CSS code even if I wrote at beginin that “It’s not normal to have to do that with CSS !”
The margin for the ok column, but the size of an image in a column, this should not be defined with CSS I think.
Anyway it’s works.But there is still a problem why the text passes through the column when the width of the page is narrowed.
See picture.
This reply was modified 1 year, 6 months ago by
Ok you don’t use ACF but you know what is the function for sorting the post.
For exemple this works for the grid list:`// hook for layout grid only
add_filter(‘avia_post_slide_query’, ‘avia_modify_post_grid_query_desc’);function avia_modify_post_grid_query_desc( $query ) {
$query[‘orderby’] = ‘meta_value’; // to order on meta values
$query[‘meta_key’] = ‘event_date’; // id of the custom date field
$query[‘order’] = ‘ASC’;
return $query;
}So we just have to find the query for the avia post nav function.
August 11, 2021 at 1:49 pm in reply to: GTmetrix shows entypo-fontello.woff file as missing (404 error) #1316269Hello again… i’ve found the answer… it’s because the error 404 page was set to te welcome page of the website!
August 11, 2021 at 1:05 pm in reply to: GTmetrix shows entypo-fontello.woff file as missing (404 error) #1316264Hello All, i ‘m experiencing a 404 error when try to run a GT metrix on this little Enflod Website. When i turn the website to an other deflault theme, it works, when i switch back to ENFOLD i get a 404 not found error by GTmetric, any idea? Thans for help.
December 5, 2020 at 11:28 am in reply to: Add space between logos and titles in tab section #1265148Thank You Jordan, you made my day ;-)
This reply was modified 1 year, 6 months ago by