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I’m not sure if you have understood my question properly…
I try to paraphrase it in another way:
Is there any way to set the Avia Advanced Layout Architekt as default editor so that it shows directly (instead of the standard editor) when one creates a new page?Regards.
Thank you – I’ll ask the question concerning the publishing function over there.
But for the other one I don’t think it really has something to do with the AAM itself, sorry for my unclear wording.
The thing that I’m missing is that I don’t know how to hide the Standard Editor, meaning what to write into the code where the question marks are. I think it already would be enough to hide the button where one can change between Standard Editor and Avial Layout Architekt.Regards.
This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by
it works perfectly fine to hide the menu items – thank you!
But as mentioned before in every other browser than Firefox (at least of those I tested) a click on one of the horizontal menu items now doesn’t do anything because it would open the submenu but I’d want it to redirect to the page that’s behind the link as it does in Firefox.
I don’t understand why it’s working perfectly fine in Firefox but not in other browsers… (Links etc in private content section.)
Can you help me with this?Regards.
March 14, 2017 at 2:07 pm in reply to: Hide elements of the layout builder, ability to create template for editor user #760720Hi,
my fault, sorry. I have the advances access manager and overlooked that the user I logged in with for testing isn’t an editor but a self-added role. When I replace “editor” with the right role it works perfectly fine.What code snippet do I have to add so that the user also can’t load templates?
Best regards.
March 13, 2017 at 2:44 pm in reply to: Hide elements of the layout builder, ability to create template for editor user #760029Hey,
I hope it’s okay to answer to this topic.
I’ve got the same problem but it doesn’t seem to work any longer with the following code you provided for hiding the templates in avia layout architekt.add_action('admin_head', function() { if(current_user_can('editor')){ ?> <style>, span.avia-delete-template { display: none; } </style> <?php } });
Can you provide a updated code which works on the newer enfold versions?
Thanks in advance!
I just wanted to inform you that the issue still isn’t fixed with enfold version 4.0.2.
I’ve had the same problem for weeks and just have found this question and could fix it with putting into the Quick CSS following code:#top .gallery .gallery-item{ width: auto !important; height: auto !important; }
That’s it. Pefect!! Your support and work generally is great.
Thanks a lot :)Best regards.
I tried it but then only the sidebar gets smaller and not the area where the content is in.
Today I’ve uploaded the webside to the server, so I can provide you a login. Would be great if you could have a look on it.Thanks in advance!
I see that it’s outside of your support.
I already have Advanced Access Manager installed but I don’t know how to realize that visitors only see the login-box with some description and as soon as you log in the page shows the content or better said redirects to the page hidden for visitors.
So e.g. I’ve got the page /ping-pong/intern where the log-in form is and after logging in you should get redirected to /ping-pong/intern-2 which has got the content on it.
If you can’t help me, do you have some tip for me where I could get help for this problem?Thanks in advance and sorry for the question.
Regards!October 25, 2016 at 5:10 pm in reply to: Avia Fullwidth Sub Menu and Advanced Access Manager #703874Hello Ismael,
it works perfectly fine even with the current_user_can function! Thank you very much! :) :)
Best regards.
Hi begrafiks,
The code for header logo works perfectly fine! Thank you very much!
The other one I haven’t tested because I don’t need it.
Regards.Hi Andy.
Thank you very much!
I just forgot about the “a” after .menu.item
Best regards!Hi Andy,
I’m sorry the login didn’t work. I don’t exactly know what the fault has been. Hopefully it’ll work now.
I tought I’d ask all of the questions in the same thread because they’re all about the fullwidth submenu. But if it’s better to have a ticket for each of them, I’ll do so. Then there would be only the first question relevant.
Thanks in advance!
Best regards,
Okay, I already thought so. Anyway thank you very much for being so supportive and patient! You guys do a very great job. Thanks.
Regards.I did so. I think the problem is that I’m trying to have the header at the very top with
#header_meta { display: none; }
and then also having the main and sub menu lower in the header.main_menu { margin-top: 30px; } .sub-menu { top: 95px !important; width: 160px !important; }
And then I try to get a fixed submenu on the particular pages with
#top .av-subnav-menu a { position: relative; right: 55px; top: -35px; }
which causes the submenu links to be not clickable. Also the submenu should be placed in the header (yellow) what I don’t know how to do.
And I want the sidebar menu to appear directly below the header without a space but with
.sidebar_left.sidebar { text-align: left; margin-top: -30px; }
also the main content appears higher than usual.Next problem is that I want the header to shrink with scrolling down but then the text “…denn Sport ist mehr!” should disappear which I can’t figure out how to do.Got this one. And at the same time the fixed submenu should be placed in the header as it should be when the header’s not shrunk.Currently I’m working on the online version, login is still the same if you want to see anything on there.
Well… I’ve got a lot of problems. I’m sorry!
Thanks in advance for your effort!-
This reply was modified 8 years, 11 months ago by
Thank you. Normally I’m working offline, the online version is just for testing. I don’t know how I got those weird errors cause I only changed things in the Quick CSS section but not in the theme itself. Is it possible to get them with Quick CSS?
I’m a little scared that I really have to continue from zero and won’t get the page like I want it to :(Regards.
Hello and thank you.
It worked partially.
Now there are some other issues/ problems:
1. The colored hover is above the menu item and not on it.
2. It’s kinda hard to click on a submenu item, e.g. on “Tischtennis” (there aren’t yet submenus everywhere) cause the submenu disappears when you move the mouse downwards. It only sometimes works.Also I created a fullwidth submenu with the “avia layout architekt” which isn’t working as I want it to:
3. The submenu items aren’t clickable – and I absolutely don’t know why not.
4. I’d want to have the submenu right below the main menu in the yellow header area – is that somehow possible? I mean, I know that this fullwidth submenu is part of the content and not of the header but is there still any possibility to get it on the header below the main menu? Or is there another way to create such a submenu which is specific to the selected main menu item?
E.g. if you click on “Tischtennis” there will appear a “Tischtennis submenu” but on “Tennis” will appear another one.The login credentials are still the same as aforementioned.
Thanks in advance!
Regards.I’m sorry! Now it should work…
I fixed it in simply removing the upper bar with following code and making my header higher.#header_meta { display: none; }
Thank you for your support.
thank you. But that’s the code I already had and which also was working. But I also want to have a gradient in the bar over the header (the white one in your screenshot that’s pink in mine), that one you can change the color in “Logo Area”, “Alternate Background Color”.Is it possible to have a gradient there, too?
Regards.I first had to bring the webside online, but here it is.
There isn’t happening anything. The color only changes when I’m changing the “Alternate Background Color” in “Logo Area”, but there I can’t create a gradient.Regards.
Sadly it isn’t working – the bar stays pink…
This reply was modified 8 years, 11 months ago by
This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by