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  • in reply to: Animation display problem under 400px… #1461423

    The problem is that i know nothing in java and i took this script somewhere on the net without understanding really how it works…

    in reply to: Animation display problem under 400px… #1461422

    So, i found my problem. I changed the rootMargin “-200” by “0” in my script and it works now on my Iphone..

    in reply to: Animation display problem under 400px… #1461417

    I have an iphone 8 and it doesn’t work with the script…. i know Iphone 8 is not so recent but..

    in reply to: Animation display problem under 400px… #1461415

    So, i just see that if i don’t use the script it works on small screen!
    it seems that on screen under 400px large, the script don’t works…

    here is my script:

    function scrollTrigger(selector, options = {}){
        let els = document.querySelectorAll(selector)
        els = Array.from(els)
        els.forEach(el => {
            addObserver(el, options)
    function addObserver(el, options){
        if(!('IntersectionObserver' in window)){
        let observer = new IntersectionObserver((entries, observer) => { //this takes a callback function which receives two arguments: the elemts list and the observer instance
            entries.forEach(entry => {
        }, options)
    // Example usages:
    scrollTrigger('.scroll-reveal', {
        rootMargin: '-200px',
    scrollTrigger('.loader', {
        rootMargin: '-200px',
        cb: function(el){
            el.innerText = 'Loading...'
            setTimeout(() => {
                el.innerText = 'Task Complete!'
            }, 1000)
    in reply to: Animation display problem under 400px… #1461411

    So i can’t see my animation on some mobiles… I notice too that under 400px large, i have to put some ” !important” to make things work…

    in reply to: Animation display problem under 400px… #1461409

    yes, i told you that it start only when you arrive to this place.
    So why when i put résolution at 400px large it works and 399 i can’t see anything?

    in reply to: Masonry layout #1461319

    Ok , thanks for your help! have a nice day!

    in reply to: Masonry layout #1461271

    and thanks for the child theme but i don’t want to use one.

    in reply to: Masonry layout #1461270

    i don’t need plugin, i just copy at the end of functiuns.php the modifications i made when there is an update of the theme. That’s why i want to now if it’s possible to put this scipt at the end of my functiuns.php.. i tried but it dosn’t work and i don’t know php …

    in reply to: Masonry layout #1461265

    Ok, so i can disable the plugin? And concerning the script? I saw that you did’nt put the script at the end of the file, is there a reason for that?

    in reply to: Masonry layout #1461177

    oh, i forget to ask you something concerning the classic editor:
    It seems that i can uninstall it now but why? because without this plugin it didn’t work like i wanted before..Did you do something to integrate it to Enfold?

    in reply to: Masonry layout #1461175

    Thanks a lot! it works now!
    I have one question about the script: I dont have child theme and i use to keep modifications that i made in functiiuns.php in order to put it again when the file is updated.
    I saw that you did’nt put the script at the end of the file, is there a reason for that?
    Everytime i put modifications of functiuns.php at the end so it’s easyier for me to update it when it’s necesary.
    As you see, I don’t understand so much about all of this…

    Thanks for your answer!
    And tanks again for your help!

    in reply to: Masonry layout #1461131

    And i delete the script in functiuns.php because with it, i was unable to navigate between tabs with mobiles….

    in reply to: Masonry layout #1461121

    I didn’t know that i could disable classic editor…
    Excuse me but it still the same..i clear all the cache, the browser and the litespeed cache. I even try it on Edge that i never use.
    1- I open “; the gap between the pictures is small and it’s what I want!

    2- i click on “portes” and there is a big gap between the 2 rows.. i have to scroll at the top of the page to see the same i can see on “meubles” when i open the page!

    If i stay on “portes” and i refeesh the page, the gap between the picture is small ang i have a big gap if i go on “meubles”..
    i don’t understand!

    in reply to: Script doesn’t work on mobile #1461117

    I think it’s OK now… in fact it works on an other Iphone but it doesn’t work on mine.. I don’t know why!
    My problem was only the position of my pictures who were set outside the screen…
    Thanks anyway for your help!

    in reply to: Script doesn’t work on mobile #1461073

    and in fact i don’t need a script spécific for flex colums, I put 4 pictures in the middle of my page inside nothing just before the place i want to make my animation… i don’t now if it’s the good method…

    in reply to: Script doesn’t work on mobile #1461052

    thanks for your answer.
    i put my responsive setings like this because it wasn’t working anyway..
    Now, it seems to be ok , it works when i use the adaptive view tools of firefox but it doesn’t works on my Iphone..
    Thanks for your script but it was already so long to make working the one i use now! I’m really bad in java and not so much better with all this!

    Can you tell me please what could be the resaons why it doesn’t work on my phone although it’s ok on my laptop?

    in reply to: Masonry layout #1460852

    Nothing is working… when i arrive to the page, on “Meubles” there is a little space between the pictures.. it’s OK. then i click on “portes” and there is a big gap between pictures.. i have to scroll at the top of the page to reduce this gap and to have the same layyout that i have on “meubles” at the begining…

    in reply to: Script doesn’t work on mobile #1460849

    On phone i did it wittout this script… the animation doesn’t start like on lapetop when you arrive to the élement but it strats when the page is load….because his script doesn’t works on mobile…

    in reply to: Masonry layout #1460708

    I try the script again but it doesn’t works for me..


    in reply to: Masonry layout #1460457

    the only css i have concerning Masonry are :

    ` .main_color .container .av-inner-masonry-content,
    #top .main_color .container .av-masonry-load-more,
    #top .main_color .container .av-masonry-sort,
    .main_color .container .av-masonry-entry .avia-arrow {
    background-color: rgba(248, 248, 248, 0.6);
    .av-fixed-size .av-masonry-entry .av-inner-masonry-content,
    .av-caption-on-hover .av-masonry-item-with-image.av-masonry-entry .av-inner-masonry-content {
    padding: 0 10px 0 10px;
    font-size: 16px;

    .av-inner-masonry {
    box-shadow:10px 10px 5px 1px rgba(0,0,0,0.3);

    I removed it and it changed nothing..

    Concerning the script, it doesn’t change anything too.

    in reply to: give a ID to galery Masonry #1460034

    i don’t find how to close this post…

    in reply to: give a ID to galery Masonry #1459453

    i found everything on the documentation..

    in reply to: give a ID to galery Masonry #1459393

    here is my page, it would be easier to explain

    I try to change the size of the titles “meubles” and “portes”


    in reply to: give a ID to galery Masonry #1459386

    i finally find a solution before your mail:
    what i did:
    i activated in enfold otions the debug mode in order to see shortcodes on my pages.
    i created a tab section
    in the first tab a created two others tab wher i past my two galery masonry shortcode.

    il let down in my pages my two masonry galery that i hide witth responsive setings (i cheked everything) because i was affraid to loose it. Can i delete those two masonry now that i have the short codes?

    And an other question, how can you set the size of the tab title? i can;t find it..
    if found it for the tab section but not for the tab in put inside.

    I hope you will understand my english!!!


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