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  • in reply to: Change breakpoint of two one_fourth coloms #1295784

    Hi Nikko,

    Yes this helps! Thank you!

    Best Regerds,

    in reply to: Change breakpoint of two one_fourth coloms #1295724

    Hi Nikko,

    Thank you. This CSS works, but i want it for my whole site, and with this CSS code it is only for page-id-1397. Can you change the above CSS code for my whole site?

    Best Regards,

    in reply to: Change breakpoint of two one_fourth coloms #1295172

    Hi Rikard,

    Unfortunately it doesn’t work.I put an example in the private content how it looks with this CSS. Unfortunately no difference.

    Best Regards,

    in reply to: White space below two one_half text blocks mobile #1289581

    Hi Yigit,

    Thanks for the quick response. Indeed, the problem is solved. But unfortunately there is another problem now: My entire layout has been adjusted after the update. For example, adjustments in margin-top elements. Before the update I had to set a block to -35px for the desired result, after the update this looked very different and I had to set it to -10px for the same result. If this changes after every update, we have a big problem.. What am i doing wrong?



    I put the login details in the private section.

    In the mean time i am working at the site. In the style.css of the Enfold Child theme you can see the code: .container_wrap { border-top: none; }. This is not working.

    Because this doesn’t work, I temporarily put other css changes in the quick CSS field. Eventually I want to have this in the style.css file too.

    Best Regards,


    In about 1,5 years later we still have this problem. We are currently working on a new site. We are working in the Enfold-Child template, with a style.css. I put this code in the style.css: .container_wrap { border-top: none; }. When i enable merge and compress all theme CSS files and merge and compress all theme javascript files, my CSS didn’t work anymore. The border (under the breadcrumb) is still visable. When i disable merge and compress all theme CSS files, the border is gone (what i want). When i put the code .container_wrap { border-top: none; } in Enfold > Quic CSS field, it also works. But that is not what i want. Why is my style.css not working in my Enfold Child theme, when i enable merge and compress all them CSS files?

    Best Regards,

    Hi Ismael,

    Unfortunately, it doesn’t work. Do you have another solution so that we can use ajax search pro in the header instead of the standard search function?

    Best Regards

    Hi Ismael,

    When i tried the search bar at a single page, the plugin does work fine. But when i will open it in the menu (header), it don’t open Ajax Search Pro, but the ”normal” Ajax Search. I found this earlier:

    Unfortunately, when i upload this code in my functions.php, it doesn’t work.

    Please, help me out!

    Best Regards,

    Hi Ismael,

    Thank you for the response. I think I found the necessary codes here:
    Do you think this is the right code?

    Can you give me the right code with above functions? And where should I implement that code?

    I hope you can help me out!

    Best Regards,

    in reply to: Still missing social media icons #1194108

    Hi Hotspot,

    My issues have been fiex by updating to the latest WordPress version ( 5.3.2) and Enfold version (4.7.3). Works fine now! If you already have updated both to the latest versions, try to clear you cache, worked for me :).


    in reply to: Checkout page reordering #1175550

    Hey Mike,

    Works like a charm. Thank you very much for the great support

    With regards,

    Hi Ismael,

    No we did not add any modifications related to the style.css file. So i really don’t know why it isn’t working..

    Best Regards,


    Thank you. It is working now. Nice!

    But one question remain: To the right of the Quick CSS is this: Just want to do some quick CSS changes? Enter them here, they will be applied to the theme. If you need to change major portions of the theme please use the custom.css file or the Enfold Child theme.

    Why isn’t our child theme working when we enable CSS and Javascript file mering and compression? What are we doing wrong?

    Best Regards,


    That is very strange. When i go to the appearance > editor panel, it’s not blank. See the picture.

    I have no idea what is going wrong here..

    Best Regards,


    The first image is the good one (footer-right.jpg). The font size of my footer is 12px. Here is the CSS and Javascript file mering and compression disabled.
    When i enable the CSS and Javascript file, the font size is much bigger (footer-wrong.jpg)

    With Regards,

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 6 months ago by phouthuijzen.


    I don’t understand what you mean. Maybe it will work at onother site: (same problem as above).

    In my child theme (/public_html/ i put a CSS code for the footer.(font-size 12px). When i enable merge and compress all theme CSS files and merge and compress all theme javascript files, my CSS didn’t work anymore. The font size is much bigger.

    Can you help me? What am i doing wrong?

    Hi Rikard,

    Very busy so sorry for the delay. Where do I have to put my funtions.php and CSS file according to you? It is very strange that the website works with CSS and Javascript merging disabled, but does not work properly when enabled. So it should be on the correct site and map, because else it won’t work if i disable the CSS and Javascript merging.

    I have the same problem with another website. Also enabling of disabling the merging performance is the trigger for working website or not properly working. Meaning the CSS that is working or not working. Please have a look in to thjis, because this drives me crazy…

    With regards,

    I just checked, should be working now.

    Hi Rikard,

    Thank for replying zo quick.

    I think you must be watching the WordPress Theme Editor, because I see the same as you (no style.css in my child theme and one code in my functions.php). The strange thing is that if I Disable the CSS file merging and compression everything on the website is shown in a good way (logo etc.), so it should pick up the right style.css file. But nothing changes in the WordPress Theme Editor, I see no style.css code still empty (which is strange) and one code for the Header widget area in my functions.php (which is similar as the code I have uploaded with FTP). In other words I see the same results in WordPress Theme Editor when I disable or enable CSS File Merging. Nothing changes.

    You can see I have uploaded my style.css and functions.php files with FTP to the map: /public/sites/ if you log in to my FTP. This is not wrong, is it? And you can also see that there is more code in my style.css on the FTP server than there is to see in the WordPress Theme Editor. Strange stuff….

    Excuse me, new login details below :).

    The CSS related to the logo’s are in my style.css and functions.php files of my child-theme. I upload these files with Filezilla (FTP program). I have put the login for FTP credentials also in the private content area. If you login to my FTP, remember to go to the map /public/sites/ This is where I have my new “under construction” website and the child theme files where I have put the code.

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Unstick the header on mobile devices? #1107578

    Works like a charm!

    Thank you Yigit, great support.

    in reply to: Unstick the header on mobile devices? #1107469

    Hi Yigit,

    This code is not working for me! Maybe it is conflicting with the other codes in my child-theme CSS?

    Best regards,


    in reply to: Child theme style.css not loading #1102764

    One more question, sorry guys :(.

    How can I unstick the header on mobile devices? I have an sticky header, but this should be ignored on mobile…

    I guess it is in my CSS, but do not know what to change. Really appreciate your help!

    Thank in advance!

    in reply to: Child theme style.css not loading #1102750

    Hi Ismael,

    Works like a charm, great!

    Thank you very much.



    in reply to: Child theme style.css not loading #1102448

    Hi Ismael,

    Thank you for your reply. This method works, only one more problem. If I zoom in (to see how it looks on different devices) the last two menu items are not shown as it should. Any solutions for this problem?

    Thank in advance. I am happy with the theme and all the functions. Support is also good!


    in reply to: Child theme style.css not loading #1101343


    Yes, closer to the logo on the right that is correct. And that it works good on all devices.

    Thank in advance.


    in reply to: Child theme style.css not loading #1100972

    Hi Rikard,

    Thank you for your reply. I think I have deleted the old CSS and JS files before activating compression again, but I will leave the compression diasbled until the website is finished. If it is not working then, I will knock on the door again :).

    In the meantime, do you know how i can get the menu closer to the right widget in my header? I have enabled that the right widget will disappear at screen lower the xxx PX, but when on a desktop it will be better to not see the menu in the center. So header menu more to the right, closer to the widget (Themiek logo) and that it will not overlap on smaller screens. Is this possible?


    in reply to: Child theme style.css not loading #1100531

    Just to try, I have disabled the script merging in peformance. And then the style.css works perfectly. If I put on the script merging again, a lot of adjustments change back to original.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 9 months ago by phouthuijzen.
    in reply to: Child theme style.css not loading #1100516

    Oke, now i Have made the logo like this in the syle.css (Child theme)

    .logo {
    top: 3px;

    But in the live version of the website nothing happends….

    The CSS code in the stylesheet which is working is this one.

    .container_wrap { border-top: none !important; }

    So sometimes it will get the style.css to work, sometimes it will not. I have cleaned my cache before i ‘hard refresh’ CTRL+F5.

    What to do?

    in reply to: Child theme style.css not loading #1098844

    Because it probably has something to do with compression, I have removed the code (see below) in my .htaccess file. Did not change anything if I enabled the compression in enfold again, style.css does not work.

    <IfModule mod_deflate.c>
    # Compress HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Text, XML and fonts
    AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/javascript
    AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/rss+xml
    AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/
    AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/x-font
    AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/x-font-opentype
    AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/x-font-otf
    AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/x-font-truetype
    AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/x-font-ttf
    AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/x-javascript
    AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/xhtml+xml
    AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/xml
    AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE font/opentype
    AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE font/otf
    AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE font/ttf
    AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE image/svg+xml
    AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE image/x-icon
    AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/css
    AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/html
    AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/javascript
    AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/plain
    AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/xml

    # Remove browser bugs (only needed for really old browsers)
    BrowserMatch ^Mozilla/4 gzip-only-text/html
    BrowserMatch ^Mozilla/4\.0[678] no-gzip
    BrowserMatch \bMSIE !no-gzip !gzip-only-text/html
    Header append Vary User-Agent

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