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  • in reply to: Caption Title – Control Positioning #874175

    Good afternoon Rikard. I had to show the client status and could not wait for a response so I had to find a workaround. There is a fullwidth slider there. What I did was removed the secondary menu at the top with social media and phone (extra elements). That gave me breathing room for the Title Caption on the tablet. I would like to know how I can add padding to the top of the caption for both mobile and tablets – independently.

    What is good for one, is not for the other.

    .slideshow_align_caption {
    transform: translateY(-40px);
    width: 100% !important;

    The above worked well on tablet however lowered the title too much on mobile. Once corrected, I would add in the extra elements bar back in.
    I hope this is clear. Thank you for reaching out.

    in reply to: Caption Title – Control Positioning #873851

    I am referring to the Full-width slider btw.

    To my surprise this worked perfectly. Mike you ROCK! And on a weekend to get this type of response! You guys are the BEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    in reply to: Change Image Size for Caption Title for Mobile Devices #770460

    Let me know if you need anything else to resolve this and furnish me the necessary code.

    Thanks Mike!

    Good afternoon Mike. Your quick response is unreal! Wow!

    You do not see a code snippet because I did not not have any to add. Tried numerous times running through the code in the forums with no luck so gave up.

    (I guess my class=”custom-image”> can be whatever I decide to reference?

    Here is all the CSS Code I have at the moment – nothing that would effect the Title Caption.

    .current_page_item a > .avia-menu-text {color:#a4a4a4!important;}
    #advanced_menu_toggle, #advanced_menu_hide {
    background-color: #a4a4a4!important;
    .sub_menu_socket {
    display:none !important;
    .phone-info {
    font-size: 14px;
    @media only screen and (max-width: 767px) {
    .responsive #scroll-top-link {
    display: block !important;
    .av_promobox {
    background-color: transparent!important;
    .avia-promocontent p {
    font-size: 21px;

    in reply to: Cannot Remove Footer from Enfold #769247

    Close ticket – Cache seems to take a bit to clear – it has been removed.

    in reply to: Header image does not display on mobile phone #479732

    Dear Rikard, I had to change the set up because the client needed something to go live so I set up the banner as a Color Section with an Image inserted into it. What I was trying to accomplish was for the image to run the full width of my working space. I was creating that by inserting a color section with a background image – I created a test page for you to see –

    See the difference how that image bleeds as opposed to this image –

    When view the test page on mobile – you will see the image gets cut off – people are no longer appearing in the image. There has to be a work around as I use large images with other themes and I do not have this problem – yet I feel that your software is superior – so I must be doing something wrong.

    Here is an example of Divi by Elegant Themes – See how the image resizes perfectly on the iphone –

    I appreciate any guidance you may afford. Thank you so much for your time!


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