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  • in reply to: Different Logo for Sticky Header #1051378

    The result is almost satisfactory. But one more thing.

    How can I apply a padding to the sticky header logo as well? I have tried it with various css but could not get it to work.

    The normal logo has a padding: 3px; in order to have a little bit of space between logo and top/bottom border of header.
    To make a smooth transition to the sticky header logo I need to apply a padding: 3px; to that logo as well.

    in reply to: Change font family only for one specific text blog #1051361
    This reply has been marked as private.
    in reply to: Different Logo for Sticky Header #1051359

    Ok, I just found out that the quick css for language 1 is not the same as for language 2.
    When I do some css changes or add new code then I have to do it for all languages separately?

    in reply to: Different Logo for Sticky Header #1051354

    Well, I have just realized that it´s working on the english website but not on the German…
    I made the site multilingual with wpml

    in reply to: Different Logo for Sticky Header #1051350


    I have placed the css in quick css but it has no effect.
    Logo on sticky header is still the the same as on normal header.

    in reply to: Different Logo for Sticky Header #1051117
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    in reply to: Socket not at bottom on The Events Calender page #1045747


    the css with 80vh works good.

    Thank you for helping out.

    in reply to: Socket – No border but socket menu seperator #1043097


    this works. Thank you very much.

    How do I find out about those special css selectors like . avia-menu-text?

    in reply to: Socket – No border but socket menu seperator #1041825


    thank you for helping out.

    It almost works. However, the border to the right of the last link “Kontakt” stays visible. This should not be visible.
    I have recognized an error in your suggested css. It is missing the semicolon in the end. However, even after correcting the error the border is still visible.

    Do you have any other idea?

    in reply to: Socket – No border but socket menu seperator #1039302

    Hi Jordan,

    I want a separator between each menu point of that socket menu. In this case, I want a separator between “Datenschutz” and “Kontakt”.

    in reply to: smooth scrolling – link coming from external plugin #1038980

    you can close the topic. thx

    in reply to: CSS customizations #1038978

    My css selectors are sound now. Thx for help ;)

    in reply to: Enfold – Fullscreen Background Image #1036795

    Actually, I found out the issue seems to appear when I select an image size of Large 1024 x 683 on ATTACHMENT DISPLAY SETTINGS. When I select an image size of Full Size then the bg image is not juddering.

    in reply to: Enfold – Fullscreen Background Image #1036765


    A new issue came up concerning the background.

    With Chrome, Opera and Brave, the background image is juddering when you scroll down the page. This is not so good for the feel of the page.

    The problem doesn´t appear with Firefox and Edge. I cannot test it with Safari right now.

    Please check for yourself.

    What´s causing the issue and how to fix it?


    in reply to: Enfold – Fullscreen Background Image #1036230


    I just found the problem.
    When I select the background image in media library there are options ATTACHMENT DISPLAY SETTINGS. By default it is using small thumnail size which made the background like really bad.
    I never had those ATTACHMENT DISPLAY SETTINGS in any other WP project.

    Thank you for the help though…

    in reply to: CSS customizations #1036135


    thank you, this will help.

    How do I find out the appropriate selector like in your example #top or#wrap_all?

    in reply to: Enfold – Fullscreen Background Image #1036129


    of course, I have already tried these options. The result is very bad. Please check whats wrong.

    Please, actually check the page. I need the image to display like on the maintenance screen (without logging in). Compare that to the homepage (after you log in).

    I have provided you with the login details in private content.

    in reply to: Enfold – Fullscreen Background Image #1035523


    please. Any update on this issue? I need to finish up this website.

    I need to have a full screen properly displayed background image. Like you see on the maintenance screen (homepage without logging in).

    Please explain in detail how to achieve that.

    in reply to: CSS customizations #1035212

    Well, I give you just one example.

    Please have a look at the home page. You can see the feather icon. I want the bottom of the feather to be centered above the heading. Therefore I applied the following css to it:

     position: relative;
      left: 34px;

    I used the following css selector which I came up with via crome developer tools ( right click > select selector):
    #av_section_1 > div > main > div > div > div.flex_column.av_one_third.av-animated-generic.pop-up.flex_column_div.av-zero-column-padding.avia-link-column.avia-link-column-hover.first.avia-builder-el-3.el_after_av_image.el_before_av_one_third.avia_start_animation.avia_start_delayed_animation > span > span

    The css was applied and the result was fine.

    Then later I changed something above this element. I think it was adding an avia divider. After that change the css was not applied anymore (and others also not).

    Now, the new css slector which chrome developer tool is copying is the following:
    #av_section_1 > div > main > div > div > div.flex_column.av_one_third.av-animated-generic.pop-up.flex_column_div.av-zero-column-padding.avia-link-column.avia-link-column-hover.first.avia-builder-el-3.el_after_av_hr.el_before_av_one_third.avia_start_animation.avia_start_delayed_animation > span > span

    As you can see, there is a slight difference in the selector and I guess that is why the css code does not work anymore.

    Now, these selectors look strange in the first place and on top of that they might change when you change an element of the page.
    Also, when I copy the css selector with firefox browser, this is what comes up:
    div.flex_column:nth-child(3) > span:nth-child(2) > span:nth-child(1)
    It works too, but also looks strange and probably not robust.

    My question is: How do I come up with robust css selectors? Whats the best practice with enfold?

    in reply to: Enfold – Fullscreen Background Image #1034730


    thank you for helping out for the textblock style.

    What about the background image? There should be an easy way to have it display porpeley? Can you explain please?
    I want it displayed like on the maintainance page.

    in reply to: Enfold – Fullscreen Background Image #1033936


    I have made you a new password and it´s working now…

    Please try again with the new login details.


    in reply to: Enfold – Fullscreen Background Image #1033528

    Hi Rikard,

    thank you for the reply.

    I tried that. The solution is unsatisfactory though. Check the link to the website in private content.

    Which settings do I need to apply in order to make it look good, like in the pdf?

    in reply to: smooth scrolling – link coming from external plugin #1032779


    thank you for the support.

    in reply to: Align center – masnory gallary #1019907

    Hi Ismael,

    thank you. The logo is centered now :)

    However, apparently this part of the code does not apply:
    .responsive #top .logo > img {
    position: relative;
    left: 50%;
    transform: translate(-50%, 0);

    It works because of this selector:
    .page-id-97 #header_main > div.container.av-logo-container > div > span > a > img {
    position: relative;
    left: 50%;
    transform: translate(-50%, 0);
    The logo is not centered anymore when this last bid of code is removed.

    Thank you anyway.

    in reply to: Align center – masnory gallary #1018871


    ok, I have set the role to admin for you to investigate…

    in reply to: Align center – masnory gallary #1017873


    the css you sggested does not apply. I have tried various changes but it does not work. Can you please check

    in reply to: Align center – masnory gallary #1017070

    I also have other questions.

    How can I ensure that the logo on mobile is always centered? I came up with a dirty way applying this css:
    @media only screen and (max-width:767px) {
    #header_main > div.container.av-logo-container > div > span > a > img {
    position: relative;
    right: -135px;

    However, depending on the device being used it´s not always in the center. What is a better way to do it?

    Also, how can I ensure the socket is always the the bottom of the page?
    To make that happen I applied a padding-bottom to the last element of the page and gave the socket a bigger min-height. However, depending on the screen size this does not always ensure that the #socket is always at the bottom. If padding or min height is too big it looks bad on some screen sizes because the space is just too big.
    What is a smart way to achieve that?

    Thank you for the support.

    in reply to: Align center – masnory gallary #1017038


    I have come up with a complete different solution not using masnory. I still would like to know how to center content/media elments properly though.

    About Gutenberg, I have it installed to check it out but I always work on pages with the classic editor and avia. Thanks for pointing that out ;)

    in reply to: Align center – masnory gallary #1016637

    Hi Ismael,

    Your suggestion don´t do the job. I have set masonry column settings to 3. and I have put the element into a 3/5 column with 1/5 left and right. The 3 columns are aligned to the left tough. Also the masnory elemnt gets smaller which I don´t want.

    Probably, the whole color section is aligned left. However, I could not come up with css code to align content center. It should not be a difficult task.

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