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  • in reply to: Emojis suddenly gone #1372764

    Hi Mike,

    thank you for the reply. I just checked and indeed the emojis show in the front end even though gone in the title field. Earlier I saw them disappear in the front end, too.

    So, I expect they will be gone in the front end at some point in the future again.

    I understand the explanation given of why it gets deleted or so. However, in this case it seems perfectly fine and the result couldn’t be better with any custom code. So I still strive to have the emojis there permanently. Is there no solution?

    Best regards, Peter

    in reply to: Emojis suddenly gone #1371441

    Hi Ismael,

    thank you for the reply. I experimented with content > tab symbol > image. However a lot of customisation would need to be made to achieve the result intended.

    I simply want it to look like in the screenshot here: ( – clean and modern.

    It should not clean out the emoji. How to prevent it form removing the emoji? Maybe a bug in the enfold theme?

    Best regards, Peter

    in reply to: Demo Import not working #1370989

    Hi Rikard,

    it indeed looks as intended. Thank you for the solution.

    Best regards, Peter

    in reply to: Disable expand for a specific accordion toggle #1290187

    ooh and you should add that to the accordian documentation

    in reply to: Disable expand for a specific accordion toggle #1290186

    yes, you can close the topic,

    best regards, peter

    in reply to: Disable expand for a specific accordion toggle #1289998

    Hi Yigit,

    thank you for the clear instruction. This achieved the result I wanted.

    best regards, Peter

    in reply to: ensure that socket is on bottom of browser window #1239955

    Ok. I’ll keep it as is for now and might research the dynamic option. Thank you for the support.

    in reply to: ensure that socket is on bottom of browser window #1238595

    I now went with the follwoing code:

    .entry-content-wrapper {
    min-height: 71vh;

    It sort of fixes the issue. But it’s not exact. If feasible, I would like an exact solution like setting an avia color section to min 100% of browser window.

    in reply to: ensure that socket is on bottom of browser window #1238587

    Actually the css code you provided does not seem to apply on bbpress pages (link given in private content).

    in reply to: ensure that socket is on bottom of browser window #1238585


    this code is not satisfactory. It does push the socket down, but it gives irregular results depending on page content and screensize.

    Can we use the viewport vh unit instead of px? I tried setting 100vh on above css but it does not work.

    I would like to achieve the same effect as setting a color section to “at least 100% of browser window height”.

    in reply to: Title on bbpress forum threads #1238574

    ok. thank you, you can mark this issue as solved.

    in reply to: Title on bbpress forum threads #1238496

    Hi Ismael,

    thank you for your support. I copied the folder into child theme and copied only the one file loop-page.php into this folder. All the other file of the actual include folder do not need to be copied. Is this correct?

    in reply to: Title on bbpress forum threads #1237839

    Hi Ismael,

    I was able to have the title displayed with the following function included just below <div class=”entry-content-wrapper clearfix”> in loop-page.php:

    <h1 class="bbp_entry-title">
    <?php bbp_topic_title(); ?>

    Will this customization withstand any kind of future theme or wordpress update or does it need to be placed in the child theme? If so, how to include in child theme?

    in reply to: ensure that socket is on bottom of browser window #1237333

    another example would be this link (private content)

    in reply to: ensure that socket is on bottom of browser window #1237330

    Hi Victoria,

    on my end there is a gap between socket and browser window. Probably for you not because you use a smaller screen? Anyway, in private content find a screenshot which shows the problem.

    in reply to: Title on bbpress forum threads #1236661


    I had a look in the index.php and forum.php files to check about the loop. However, I don’t know what to change in order to have the title displayed.

    Can you please explain step by step? I need to come up whit short custom php code which I can include in the child theme.

    in reply to: Title on bbpress forum threads #1230668

    Hi Ismael,

    I tried to come up with a function which will display the title. However, it’s not sound yet. Please review the code

    // add title to  bbpress forum and bbpress topic pages
    function show_title_bbpress_topics() {
    	if(bbp_is_single_topic()) {
    	if(bbp_is_single_forum()) {
    	/*echo '<header class="entry-content-header">';*/
    add_action('wp_footer', 'show_title_bbpress_topics');

    This lets the title show below the footer because of wp_footer. I just did that for testing. I struggle to find the right hook. I tried wp_body_open, but it doesn’t display anything.
    1) Which hook should I use?

    2) Also, how to modify the code in order to give the title a css ID?

    3) Another related question. I found the the config-bbpress > config.php file which has all sorts of custom changes specifically for enfold theme. Maybe somewhere there one can enable showing the title.

    Thank you for helping out and best regards, Peter

    in reply to: custom sidebar on buddypress pages #1229989

    Hi Ismael,

    thank you for the reply. I think the missing brackets were the problem. The following code does what I want to achieve, which is show the custom sidebar on buddypress pages.

    //custom forum sidebar on buddypress pages
    function avf_custom_sidebar_mod($sidebar) {
    	if ( bp_current_component() ) {
    		$sidebar = "Forum";
    	return $sidebar; 

    There does not seem to be the need for more conditions, like you outnlined above, because the blog sidebar displays on the blog, as intended.

    in reply to: Breadcrump navigation on bbpress forum pages #1229451

    Hi Ismael,

    I will go through the thread you linked here. Thank you for helping out.

    Best regards, Peter

    in reply to: custom sidebar on buddypress pages #1229447

    Hi Ismael,

    this is the code I included in child theme functions.php

    //custom forum sidebar on buddypress pages
    function avf_custom_sidebar_mod($sidebar) {
    	if ( bp_current_component ) {
    		$sidebar = "Forum";
    	return $sidebar; 

    The sidebar I am trying to place on buddypress pages is called “Forum”. Using the code above also leads to that sidebar being displayed on the Blog pages. However on the blog there should be the “Blog” sidebar.

    best regards, peter

    in reply to: Breadcrump navigation on bbpress forum pages #1228303


    I think enfold has disabled the display of titles above forum threads as well. How can I reactivate the title?

    Thank you for helping out and best regards,

    in reply to: Breadcrump navigation on bbpress forum pages #1228302

    Actually, there is antother issue.

    Now, I need to customize the links in the breadcrumbs for appropriate user navigation.
    ‘Startseite’ should lead to this page ‘;, not to the homepage’;. Also ‘Startseite should be renamed to ‘Community’.

    Alternativly, ‘Foren’ should lead to ‘;, not ‘;.

    Do you know how to achieve this result?

    in reply to: custom sidebar on buddypress pages #1228301


    unfortuantely, your last code suggestion does not work either.

    best regards, peter

    in reply to: Breadcrump navigation on bbpress forum pages #1228263

    Hi Ismael,

    thank you very much for helping. With this the forum will provice a much better UX. Now I will do some custom css to make it look good.

    best regards, peter

    in reply to: Breadcrump navigation on bbpress forum pages #1223708


    I put your suggested code into child theme functions.php, but the code does not seem to have an effect at all. Can you please investigate?

    I really need the title of a forum thread to be displayed on top of a respective forum page. That would be achieved by displaying breadcrumbs. Alternatively, just the title would be fine, too.

    I hope we can find a solution. Best regards,

    in reply to: custom sidebar on buddypress pages #1221730


    I need to but the desired widgets for BuddyPress pages into “Displayed Everywhere” under design>widgets and then set “is_buddypress()”, while leaving everything else untouched.

    Now, it seems to have the “forum” sidebar replicated on BuddyPress pages. (you may want to check yourself)

    I still would prefer to set
    if ( bp_current_component() ) { $custom_sidebar = "special"; }

    in sidebar.php, or better in child theme function.php, but it doesn’t seem to work.

    in reply to: custom sidebar on buddypress pages #1221724


    thank you for the suggestion. setting “is_buddypress()” to respective widgets does not seem to work. now, also the bbpress pages have the default sidebar and BuddyPress pages still have the default sidebar too.

    Also I cannot set the default widgets to “!is_buddypress()” because the default widgets are not assigned anywhere under design>widgets.

    I would prefer a simple solution like proposed in this the below threads, instead of bloating up the site with plugins. I wonder why the proposed solution does not work anymore. Maybe because the solution is from 2015 and the enfold sidebar.php file changed over the year? 🤔

    in reply to: custom sidebar on buddypress pages #1221706

    Hi Yigit,

    thank you for the support.

    The” forum” sidebar has been displaying on the forum pages, specifically the bbpress pages, before already. I am looking to display the forum sidebar also on the BuddyPress pages.

    If you have a look at a BuddyPress page, it still shows the default sidebar. I think showing the custom “forum” sidebar on BuddyPress pages can only be achieved through a little bit of custom PHP. However, I was unable to achieve that by following the forum threads about the same issue which I posted above. In private content, find an example of a BuddyPress page.

    best regards,


    in reply to: Maps Marker Pro Maps not loading #1221283

    Hi Ismael,

    thank you for your answer. I have no further questions on this issue.

    Please do have a look at my other open support requests, as I am hoping to make progress with the site.

    Best regards, Peter

    in reply to: Breadcrump navigation on bbpress forum pages #1221005

    Hi Ismael,

    thank you for the reply.

    I have put the remove_filter function into child theme functions.php. However, there does not seem to be any change. No breadcrumbs are visible.
    I also removed the add_filter function in enfold enfold\config-bbpress\config.php. Also no change and no breadcrumbs. I also emptied the cache to be sure.

    Probably I did something wrong or some additional step is missing. Please investigate.

    Best regards, Peter

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