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I solved it! Thankyou :) How can I remove the space where the logo would be above the menu?
Josh- This reply was modified 7 years, 3 months ago by nwebster.
Sorry, how do I change the Themes Menu to use the same pages I made in the submenu?
How can I add the submenu to the Header.PHP.
Now I have a duplicated header on my home page and on the category pages I still have the Enfold logo and menu.
How can I fix these issues…HEADER.PHP
<?php if ( !defined('ABSPATH') ){ die(); } global $avia_config; $style = $avia_config['box_class']; $responsive = avia_get_option('responsive_active') != "disabled" ? "responsive" : "fixed_layout"; $blank = isset($avia_config['template']) ? $avia_config['template'] : ""; $av_lightbox = avia_get_option('lightbox_active') != "disabled" ? 'av-default-lightbox' : 'av-custom-lightbox'; $preloader = avia_get_option('preloader') == "preloader" ? 'av-preloader-active av-preloader-enabled' : 'av-preloader-disabled'; $sidebar_styling = avia_get_option('sidebar_styling'); $filterable_classes = avia_header_class_filter( avia_header_class_string() ); $av_classes_manually = "av-no-preview"; /*required for live previews*/ $av_classes_manually .= avia_is_burger_menu() ? " html_burger_menu_active" : " html_text_menu_active"; ?><!DOCTYPE html> <html <?php language_attributes(); ?> class="<?php echo "html_{$style} ".$responsive." ".$preloader." ".$av_lightbox." ".$filterable_classes." ".$av_classes_manually ?> "> <head> <meta charset="<?php bloginfo( 'charset' ); ?>" /> <?php /* * outputs a rel=follow or nofollow tag to circumvent google duplicate content for archives * located in framework/php/function-set-avia-frontend.php */ if (function_exists('avia_set_follow')) { echo avia_set_follow(); } ?> <!-- mobile setting --> <?php if( strpos($responsive, 'responsive') !== false ) echo '<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1">'; ?> <!-- Scripts/CSS and wp_head hook --> <?php /* Always have wp_head() just before the closing </head> * tag of your theme, or you will break many plugins, which * generally use this hook to add elements to <head> such * as styles, scripts, and meta tags. */ wp_head(); ?> </head> <body id="top" <?php body_class($style." ".$avia_config['font_stack']." ".$blank." ".$sidebar_styling); avia_markup_helper(array('context' => 'body')); ?>> <?php if("av-preloader-active av-preloader-enabled" === $preloader) { echo avia_preload_screen(); } echo do_shortcode('[rev_slider alias="home-slider-josh"]'); ?> <div id='wrap_all'> <?php if(!$blank) //blank templates dont display header nor footer { //fetch the template file that holds the main menu, located in includes/helper-menu-main.php get_template_part( 'includes/helper', 'main-menu' ); } ?> <div id='main' class='all_colors' data-scroll-offset='<?php echo avia_header_setting('header_scroll_offset'); ?>'> <?php if(isset($avia_config['temp_logo_container'])) echo $avia_config['temp_logo_container']; do_action('ava_after_main_container'); ?>
Josh- This reply was modified 7 years, 3 months ago by nwebster.
Hey, It’s hosted on WordPress, so you just have to login with the account details I provided.
JoshYes, but when I do a search for a post, or click on a category link, it uses the enfold template…
Hey Rikard,
I’ve only started using WordPress these past few weeks and could really use some step-by-step guidance on achieving this please.
Joshhmmm ok, could I have some guidance with editing the header.php? Even if i don’t get to put the slideshow on the post pages, can i display a simple banner and the menu? How would I go about achieving this.
JoshHey sorry, had issues with multiple accounts on one email, try this…
Thanks :)
- This reply was modified 7 years, 4 months ago by nwebster.