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Thanks. Didn’t see it myself. It’s better now. Topic can be closed.
Thanks a lot!
Perfect! Worked very well!
Topic can be closed.Thank you very much!
Perfect! Thanks a lot :)
Topic can be closed
It just happens from time to time…
I just leave it the way it is ;)Thanks anyway!
Topic can be closed!
Thank you :)
Can be closed
Hallo Guenni,
ich nutze gar kein Childtheme…, aber es könnte sicher codes geben, die Probleme verursachen. Ich habe keine Ahnung
I’m not using a child theme, but there may be code snipes that cause problems though…I have no idea…So it doesn’t have en effect, when I use it as a static element, as I do to highlight my links?
Thank you!
Topic can be closed :)Best regards
I’ve created a mockup:
Can I get the “Total number of posts” (in the middle) displayed like that?
Best regards
This reply was modified 8 months ago by
Thank you! Got it. Topic can be closed
After a long time of developing I am very happy with my site and proud of myself. It came out exactly as I wanted.
Many thanks for the kind helps and great support!
Yvonne Fothe – Psychologische Beratung & Coaching-
This reply was modified 8 months, 1 week ago by
I already tried that, but even there is something broken. I need to save the post as block editor to get the post image displayed.
Thank you too much, mike :)
I’m really happy with my site now and will look for this plugin you suggested.
Topic can be closed.Best regards!
Way better :) Thank you!
Can I have “Lesedauer” instead of “Reading Time”? And an additional break between the headline and the reading time? An “min.” instead of “minutes”?Best regards!
This reply was modified 8 months, 1 week ago by
Hi Ismael,
thank you. Reading time is displayed but doesn’t look good, because the font is way too big. Can the font only for reading time in the headline be decreased?Best regards!
Oh sorry, changed it to admin.
best regards!
Hi, yes I did.
Admin-Login on Private content.Best regards
thank you!
It’s not working for me. What did I do wrong?Can I have it also without hovering. It want to see, what looks better :)
Thanks a lot, that helped me :)
Can be closed.Oh, I didn’t see it.
Thanks. a lot! :)Topic can be closed
Yes, it’s the same. I only have one list on Mailchimp
Admin login on private content.Thanks for your help!
i want to open a popup for the newsletter suvbscibtion.
I have buttons for that on several sites.
This is my site: http://www.eifersuchtscoach.deAt the moment I link to a normal side with the Mailchimp element, but I would rather have it as a popup/lightbox
This is the site I#m testing th popup on:
It’s the button the home page
This reply was modified 8 months, 3 weeks ago by
I don’t have the option to add the Mailchimp form in a text element.
But the list is set:
`[av_mailchimp list='eifersuchtscoach' double_opt_in='true' on_send='' sent='Danke für deine Registrierung!' link='' color='' hide_labels='' av-desktop-hide='' av-medium-hide='' av-small-hide='' av-mini-hide='' alb_description='' id='' custom_class='' template_class='' av_uid='av-8l32o' sc_version='1.0'][/av_mailchimp]‘I use this list withe the mailchimp-registryform on this site:
(as long, as the popup doesn’t work)Thanks for your support.
Well, there is a popup now, but without the Mailchimp-form. the popup has no content at all.Hi, would you kindly help me quick?
I want my website to launch today and this is the last piece I need :)Thanks in advance
Sure, thanks anyway
There is no problem for me on safari on Mac either, wehen I switch to mobile view.
It’s just on the real mobile (iPhone in my case)This is my code in a text block. I must be doing something wrong with the link. It doesn’t work
[av_button label='Jealousy-Letter abonnieren' icon_select='yes-right-icon' icon='ue875' font='entypo-fontello' icon_hover='aviaTBaviaTBicon_hover' link='manually,#test-popup' class='open-popup-link' link_target='' size='x-large' position='center' label_display='' title_attr='' size-text='' av-desktop-font-size-text='' av-medium-font-size-text='' av-small-font-size-text='' av-mini-font-size-text='' margin='' margin_sync='true' padding='' padding_sync='true' av-desktop-margin='' av-desktop-margin_sync='true' av-desktop-padding='' av-desktop-padding_sync='true' av-medium-margin='' av-medium-margin_sync='true' av-medium-padding='' av-medium-padding_sync='true' av-small-margin='' av-small-margin_sync='true' av-small-padding='' av-small-padding_sync='true' av-mini-margin='' av-mini-margin_sync='true' av-mini-padding='' av-mini-padding_sync='true' color_options='' color='theme-color-highlight' custom_bg='#444444' custom_font='#ffffff' btn_color_bg='theme-color' btn_custom_grad_direction='vertical' btn_custom_grad_1='#000000' btn_custom_grad_2='#ffffff' btn_custom_grad_3='' btn_custom_grad_opacity='0.7' btn_custom_bg='#444444' btn_color_bg_hover='theme-color-highlight' btn_custom_bg_hover='#444444' btn_color_font='theme-color' btn_custom_font='#ffffff' btn_color_font_hover='white' btn_custom_font_hover='#ffffff' border='solid' border_width='2' border_width_sync='true' border_color='#000000' border_radius='10' border_radius_sync='true' box_shadow='' box_shadow_style='0px,0px,0px,0px' box_shadow_color='' animation='' animation_duration='' animation_custom_bg_color='' animation_z_index_curtain='100' hover_opacity='' sonar_effect_effect='' sonar_effect_color='' sonar_effect_duration='1' sonar_effect_scale='' sonar_effect_opac='0.5' css_position='' css_position_location=',,,' css_position_z_index='' av-desktop-css_position='' av-desktop-css_position_location=',,,' av-desktop-css_position_z_index='' av-medium-css_position='' av-medium-css_position_location=',,,' av-medium-css_position_z_index='' av-small-css_position='' av-small-css_position_location=',,,' av-small-css_position_z_index='' av-mini-css_position='' av-mini-css_position_location=',,,' av-mini-css_position_z_index='' id='' custom_class='' template_class='' element_template='' one_element_template='' av_uid='' sc_version='1.0' admin_preview_bg=''] <div id="test-popup" class="white-popup mfp-hide">[av_mailchimp list='eifersuchtscoach' double_opt_in='true' on_send='' sent='Thank you for subscribing to our newsletter!' link='' color='' hide_labels='' av-desktop-hide='' av-medium-hide='' av-small-hide='' av-mini-hide='' alb_description='' id='' custom_class='' template_class='' av_uid='av-8l32o' sc_version='1.0'][/av_mailchimp]</div>
I guess it’s better. Thanks a lot. Topic can be closed
iOS and Safari-Browser
This reply was modified 8 months ago by