Forum Replies Created
September 23, 2020 at 4:40 pm in reply to: Error 404 – page not found after updating to WP 5.5.1 #1247929
Hi and thanks for getting back to me. We’ll move it on a testing server and reach out again. Best, Nima
Okay I will check the same and get back to you if facing any issue.
This reply was modified 4 years, 11 months ago by
Thanks for reaching out to me. Could you help me in this case which files need to be updated? This will helpful for me to get into that specific files only and update as per your new version. As I am also given to you the credentials so that you can check in the files what I am missed. Please resolve this asap. It would be highly appreciated.
This reply was modified 4 years, 11 months ago by
Thanks! Will give it a try!
Template Name: Miami
global $avia_config, $post;if ( post_password_required() )
get_template_part( ‘page’ ); exit();
* get_header is a basic wordpress function, used to retrieve the header.php file in your theme directory.
get_header(‘miami’);// set up post data
setup_postdata( $post );//check if we want to display breadcumb and title
if( get_post_meta(get_the_ID(), ‘header’, true) != ‘no’) echo avia_title();//filter the content for content builder elements
$content = apply_filters(‘avia_builder_precompile’, get_post_meta(get_the_ID(), ‘_aviaLayoutBuilderCleanData’, true));//check first builder element. if its a section or a fullwidth slider we dont need to create the default openeing divs here
$first_el = isset(ShortcodeHelper::$tree[0]) ? ShortcodeHelper::$tree[0] : false;
$last_el = !empty(ShortcodeHelper::$tree) ? end(ShortcodeHelper::$tree) : false;
if(!$first_el || !in_array($first_el[‘tag’], AviaBuilder::$full_el ) )
echo avia_new_section(array(‘close’=>false,’main_container’=>true));
}$content = apply_filters(‘the_content’, $content);
echo $content;//only close divs if the user didnt add fullwidth slider elements at the end. also skip sidebar if the last element is a slider
if(!$last_el || !in_array($last_el[‘tag’], AviaBuilder::$full_el_no_section ) )
$cm = avia_section_close_markup();echo “</div>”;
echo “</div>$cm”;//get the sidebar
$avia_config[‘currently_viewing’] = ‘page’;
echo “<div><div>”;
}echo ‘ </div><!–end builder template–>’;
echo ‘</div><!– close default .container_wrap element –>’;get_footer(‘miamifooter’);
the template works- i am just not able to call upon a different footer with it. I am able to get a different header:
but not
i am using the advanced layout builder.
but i have created templates to call upon different headers for my pages.
template-sunset.phpI call on the template via page attributes in the back office.
template-miami.php has a get_footer() command at the end. Can’t I just modify the get_footer command to call a different footer?
if i change the get_footer in the template-guilder.php, it will change the footer for every page, correct?
Hi, is there anyway we can wrap this up?
No I don’t. Should I?
Any updates?
Thanks, Nima
Hi Ismael,
Here are the links: this stage we have replaced the footer with custom widget. the only problem with this is that we can’t of a sidebar with a custom widget to look like a footer because the item on the sidebar get pushed down.
So we had to eliminate the sidebar for now.
Worked like a charm!
Thanks Josue: Your advise & tips in creating custom headers really helped with our website.
super- will do. Thanks Josue. Will post result.
NimaHi Yigit,
Here are 3 screen shots:
home page for Wildlife Tours section – it has its custom header: Our animals section, we used the 4 column portfolio layout – with the same header as Wildlife Tours: you click on either photos of animals, it opens up on the animal page created through portfolio items – and uses the default header.
My question is:
How do tell the porfolio page to use the header we created?
When the page is created via ‘Pages’ I can select the header i want via Page Attributes / TemplatesHI,
How does this forum works? Do request get answered every 24h or sometimes not at all?
Thanks for heads up,
Hi Yigit!
Thanks for your response. I had another post that is related called ‘ page attributes in portfolio items….
I have created custom headers (image & links) for various pages on my website. When i create a new page i can call the headers via the page attributes module by choosing a template.
Each template has a different header.Now, when i to create a page in portfolio Items, the page attributes module does no appear.
I am trying to find a way to call on my different headers when creating a new portfolio entry.
At this stage, only the default is showing.Thanks!
Anyone has a solution for this?
Ok thanks.
Could i maybe install the enfold theme in 3 sub-categories folders to create the different menus?
This reply was modified 4 years, 11 months ago by