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  • Hi Rikard,
    thanks again for trying. It’s still not fully working.
    The menu buttons on the “Willkommen” page appear still in white instead of the #8b1a1a – red.
    On the “Fit&Schön” page it’s the same. White menu buttons instead of the #8b1a1a – red.
    I’ve tested it on Opera, Google Chrome and Safari.
    Positive: The mobile view has not changed this time. That part of the code worked.
    Do you have any other idea?
    Kind regards,

    Hello Rikard,
    thanks again for trying. Which browser did you use for testing?
    If I add your code, it kills my white mobile menu color.
    The mobile menu for mobile phones looks perfect, there is no problem.
    The problem is always the desktop version there is still no change with your codes.
    Do you have any other idea?
    Kind regards,

    Hi Rikard,
    thank’s for the code. It’s still not working :-(
    Any other idea?
    Kind regards,

    Hello Rikard,
    thank’s for the code. Unfortunately it’s still not working. Maybe there is a mistake with the page id from my side.
    May I give you the login data so you can have a look at both page id’s?
    Kind regards,

    Hello Rikard,
    thanks for your answer. Unfortunately your code
    nav.main_menu li a {
    color: #8b1a1a
    is not working.
    Did I miss something? I am not good at programming, sorry. Would you mind giving me the code you mentioned “You could also do it with pure CSS, look for the page ID class in the body tag for each page.” ?
    Thanks! :-)
    Kind regards, Nina

    in reply to: Styles don’t load on iPhone #1434780
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    in reply to: Styles don’t load on iPhone #1434778

    Hello Team, thanks for your answers.

    Below the link to the dropbox folder. I hope this works.
    In the folder are 3 screenshots:
    – Bildschirmfoto Safari – looks perfect
    – Bildschirmfoto Firefox – the font “static” is not shown/correctly loaded.
    – Bildschirmfoto Google-Chrome: There you can see my second problem. On smaller screens – not small enough for tablet style – the menu overlaps the logo. I’ve read many threads but no solution for this problem. Can you give me a css to fix this? Or shall I open a new ticket for this problem?

    I’ve installed 2 different caching plugins. First the Speed Optimizer and after clearing the cache, the design was as worse as yesterday. The green backgrounds were gone and the size of the Static-Font was worse.
    Today it looks better but there is still the problem with firefox and google chrome.
    I deinstalled the speed optimizer and tested the WP fasted cache plugin –> my design got broken yesterday.
    I don’t know what went wrong. Maybe I did some settings in my enfold child theme (Website Performance and Optimization)… maybe something got wrong with CSS-compression or Java- compression… or with the lazy load of pictures / responsive images… Maybe the plugins weren’t compatible with that… Would you mind having a look at both settings… enfold and the Speed Optimizer and I give you the login to the website?
    My hosting partner recommended a caching plugin. He told me, siteground produces a lot of cache. Therefore I’d like to use a caching tool but I’m really afraid, the whole design will be gone again.

    Thanks :-)

    in reply to: Styles don’t load on iPhone #1434716

    Hello Mike,
    thanks for your fast answer. I’ve done what was mentioned in this link. Inclusive clearing the history. Now the page looks as broken as on my mobile screen. The green background is gone and the font sizes aren’t shown correctly any more. Very strange.
    Do you have any idea?

    Thanks :)

    in reply to: Styles don’t load on iPhone #1434708

    Hello Team,

    I have the same problem with 2 subpages of my website. The page “Das Gemüseabo” looks perfectly on mobile screens ( But the page “Der Markt” ( looks broken – same problem as Gatica mentioned. Just a blank white page with the text. The green background and correct font size is not shown. I checked the settings and compared them to the “das Gemüseabo” page – same settings. And on the “Ab-Feld-Verkauf” page, the heading font “Ab-Feld-Verkauf” ( is not shown correctly. The menu overlaps the font. But also the same style options as in “Das Gemüseabo”. I cleared the caches on my iPhone (software version iOS 17.3.1.) and also the Desktop Cache with the “WP fastest cache” Plugin.

    Could you please help me with this?


    in reply to: Masonry Button – same style as my other buttons #1434640

    Thanks a lot Mike! It looks perfect! :-)

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