I ment the Word “All” – it’s red on this Demopage:
works fine – thanks ismael!
wow – it works now – thanks, ismael!!
also the logo is not clickable any more.
okay, it works now if i change it to “position: relative;”
but by resizing / making the browser-window smaller (x-dimension), the alignment is changing suddenly to left again (ca. tab-size!)
is there any other css-extra for this size?
the navigation is left-aligned now!
the logo is still on the left side – should be right-aligned…
i use a fixed header with fixed y-dimension:
#header_main .container, .main_menu ul:first-child > li > a {
height: 80px !important;
line-height: 80px !important;
html.fixed_header #main {
padding-top: 80px;
div .logo {
float: right;
position: absolute;
right: 0;
.main_menu {
left: 0;