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I think I need to target the news-excerpt and not the new-headline, as it’s the excerpt that has
p {
margin: 0.85em 0;
}that is affecting the spacing between the items when the titles flow to 2 lines.
see here: tried this:
.news-excerpt p {
bottom margin: 0em;
but did not work. Any other ideas?
thanks for your help as always,
NancyThis reply has been marked as private.I see this problem with text in the footer on a daily basis when some pages first load – on reload the text is fine.
This reply has been marked as private.I think it was this:
#363311I think I also followed a link from a search on the support
This reply has been marked as private.This reply has been marked as private.Hi Rikard,
the site is back up = wrong redirect…
thanks for taking a look
nancyHI Rikard,
I mistakenly redirected my clients’ old (hacked) site to my new domain. It is back up now! I appreciate you taking a look.
NancyThis reply has been marked as private.This reply has been marked as private.Hi Elliot –
I disabled my plugins and loaded a new version of enfold via ftp but am still seeing the THEMENAME instead of ENFOLD in the menu settings. I am using a child theme. Any ideas? It’s being flagged when I use WP-debug.
nI have this:
if($style == ‘small’)
$image = “”;
$extraClass = “av-magazine-no-thumb”;
$excerpt = !empty($entry->post_excerpt) ? $entry->post_excerpt : avia_backend_truncate($entry->post_content, apply_filters( ‘avf_magazine_excerpt_length’ , 60) , apply_filters( ‘avf_magazine_excerpt_delimiter’ , ” “), “…”, true, ”);but I don’t see the excerpts. ??
I got it working – not sure what was going on.
Thanks for the help!
Here are the settings I have in WP total cache: – not sure if I am doing it right. getting this on the page speed test:
Eliminate render-blocking JavaScript and CSS in above-the-fold content
Your page has 1 blocking script resources and 5 blocking CSS resources. This causes a delay in rendering your page.
None of the above-the-fold content on your page could be rendered without waiting for the following resources to load. Try to defer or asynchronously load blocking resources, or inline the critical portions of those resources directly in the HTML.
Remove render-blocking JavaScript:…jPzdAz0U_PS8nNS9LOK9RPLMhN1k_NzCxJLAA.js
Optimize CSS Delivery of the following:…zKKaoSGLxafySI5B6nzffho3UOfxVc1cLxAw.css…00000/M9BPzUvLz0nRTc7IzEnRLy6pzEkFAA.css…KdZPLi7WB4rk6pZkpOam6uZkpmeU6OVm5gEA.css…erriweather|Open+Sans:400,600|Droid+Sans website is finished – so I have edited the .htaccess file by adding this code to the top:
<IfModule mod_expires.c>
ExpiresActive On
ExpiresByType image/jpg “access plus 1 year”
ExpiresByType image/jpeg “access plus 1 year”
ExpiresByType image/gif “access plus 1 year”
ExpiresByType image/png “access plus 1 year”
ExpiresByType text/css “access plus 1 month”
ExpiresByType application/pdf “access plus 1 month”
ExpiresByType text/x-javascript “access plus 1 month”
ExpiresByType application/x-shockwave-flash “access plus 1 month”
ExpiresByType image/x-icon “access plus 1 year”
ExpiresDefault “access plus 2 days”
## EXPIRES CACHING ##This seemed to helped the speed, but on the page speed test I am still getting this:
Leverage browser caching
Setting an expiry date or a maximum age in the HTTP headers for static resources instructs the browser to load previously downloaded resources from local disk rather than over the network.
Leverage browser caching for the following cacheable resources: (2 hours)…ygt0M8qLE0tqtTLTUzPy0zLTNYFi-rlZuYBAA.js (2 days)…eVm5umYoCotL9BF5gOlk_NzwfqKUgtyKkFaAA.js (2 days)…jPzdAz0U_PS8nNS9LOK9RPLMhN1k_NzCxJLAA.js (2 days)…des/js/wp-emoji-release.min.js?ver=4.2.1 (2 days)How can I specify the expiration on those files?
Not sure what to do about this though which is the top error- does that have to do with the speed on the server itself?:
Reduce server response time
In our test, your server responded in 1.6 seconds. There are many factors that can slow down your server response time. Please read our recommendations to learn how you can monitor and measure where your server is spending the most time.thanks for your continued help
Nancy- This reply was modified 9 years, 8 months ago by Munford.
thanks, I know I can do it via ftp but thought it was strange that one side could update but the other couldn’t.
OK – I just wasn’t sure where that css was coming from – it was part of the theme.
nexcellent that is working great. thanks!
thanks Yigit, that worked to get rid of that little space, but now the front page has a big space at the top. before the background image went to the top of the page, with the header showing on scroll. Also I saw on the mobile all pages has a big space under the header.
here is what I’m seeing on the dev tools: which is confusing to me.Since it’s such a small issue with the navbar height, I reverted to 35px as it was before – seems to cause problems…let me know if there is an easy fix
N- This reply was modified 9 years, 8 months ago by Munford.
Hey Yigit
Brilliant! You win the Kriesi guru prize of the day!
thanks so much – just what I needed.
NancyHi Andy
1. on this page: and see here:
if you go to itinerary, you will see under the entry for DAY 1, there is an extra space there between DAY 1 and DAY 2 compared to the other items. I have checked and rechecked the text block, table, etc. but can’t find the cause. It’s minor…but frustrating.2. I would like to increase the size of the thumbnails in the portfolio widgets. Do I have to resize them in the media library or is it done through css?
3. The code for the widget did not work for me – but that is what I’m trying to do (move the excerpt closer to the title)
thanks for your help
n- This reply was modified 9 years, 8 months ago by Munford.
Hi Yigit,
thanks. I am using Chrome. I have seen on other sites I have done that sometimes the borders disappear – may have to do with responsive sizing?
It’s not a huge deal, but strange. You can see what’s happening in those images above – the separators disappear sometimes when the nav item is to the space under the nav bar, that code did not work. I already have this in my css:
.html_header_top.html_header_sticky.html_large.html_bottom_nav_header #main {
padding-top: 154px;
}which was to fix some old problem I was having with space there. I tried replacing that with the code you gave, but no change.
thanks for your help
nsorry – that link is not right. you can see the little space under the nav bar here:
NancyThat’s great news!
what would the css look like for that – just leave off the page-ID?thanks that worked!
Hi Elliot
OK thanks – it is a very useful addition to the menus! What is the best way to deal with that sort of changes to the codes in the main theme when there are updates to Enfold? This one with the menus is pretty crucial to the functioning of the site…I changed the functions.php in the child theme.
thanks for your advice
Nancy -