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  • in reply to: Mega Menu :: Hamburger :: One at a time #1224712


    Thank you for checking before closing out the post.

    Yes, this solution resolved my issue.

    in reply to: Mega Menu :: Hamburger :: One at a time #1224706

    What a great theme and such amazing and fantastic support. I really appreciate this!

    in reply to: Mega Menu :: Hamburger :: One at a time #1224385

    Thank you for looking into this for me…

    Maybe an easier solution would be to display the mega menu on desktop and the normal menu on mobile, I currently have my css setup for anything under 1000 pixels to convert to mobile viewing.

    Would you be able to provide me with some sort of css of functions.php code to display the mega menu on desktop and the normal menu on mobile?

    Thank you for your time, information and assistance

    Thank you Mike,

    This still works to this day!

    Hello Ismael,

    I was really excited to see the code this morning, but I must apologize for taking up so much of your time with this.

    I placed this code in my functions file and I get the fatal error message of “There has been a critical error on your website.”

    and the website “crashes”

    However, I tried to tinker with the code, but I have no idea how to decipher it in depth.

    So as far as I got with troubleshooting was removing the add filter and the function

    When I leave the add filter the website is fine

    when I place in the functions code, the site crashes.

    I even removed the code of the functions part and just pasted in the below code which still crashed my site

    function avf_modify_ajax_search_query($search_parameters)

    I am running on PHP 7.3 I am not sure if that matters or not… and once again, thank you for everything!

    Hello Ismael,

    Thank you for the response, as any response is better than no response :D

    anyways, I visited the links you shared, I still do not know what I am supposed to place in my functions file.

    But on this page:

    they mention something about the use of these tags

       'post_parent'    => $post->ID,
       'post_type'      => 'page',
       'posts_per_page' => 8,
       'paged'          => get_query_var( 'paged' ),
       'meta_key'       => 'team_school',
       'meta_value'     => $school_type,
       'orderby'        => 'wpse_last_word', //<-- make filter for ordering!
       'order'          => 'ASC'

    Also, in this post that got closed out early:

    I would like the image in the widget itself to go from displaying 3 images on desktop to only displaying 1 full size image on mobile

    Currently it always shows the selection chosen for the widget options, meaning it is not responsive in regards to the column size

    Thank you for your time and work on this great theme…

    no matter how many other themes I try to work with and use for a project… I always end up coming back to enfold. It truly is one of, if not thee greatest theme out there

    Only because the staff our continuously keeping up with updates and changes, you guys are great, thank you!

    YES! @Guenni007 THANK YOU A MILLION!

    This was the perfect solution, and the only one on the internet.

    Many thanks!

    in reply to: Instagram as a shortcode #1215322


    How can we make this stretch across the entire page? For example, I would like this to do the same thing as my “stretch full width masonry” option

    I will be placing this code in my mobile css area.
    I would like the widget to be responsive, I would like the image to go from a row of 3 to 100% width, or even the image go to 100% with a line break or something.

    Or anything as close to this as I can.

    Thank you.

    Sorry to bump an old thread, but it is still what I am dealing with at the current moment.

    in reply to: How can I remove the theme (woocommerce) pagination? #1211732


    This seems like a really easy fix these days!

    Thank you for your time and help.

    in reply to: How do I prevent .ru from contact form #1155474

    I saw the new update had some great changes such as these made to it

    that/this is one reason why I really, really love enfold!

    there are regular updates and the upper management team really cares about their product/clients

    in reply to: How do I prevent .ru from contact form #1149438

    Correct, i was getting spammed even after having Google Captcha V3 and a WAF (firewall)

    The only way i was able to stop the spam email was to remove the contact option from that portion of the page

    in reply to: How do I prevent .ru from contact form #1149225

    Hey Ismael!

    As much as i love this theme, the contact form SUCKS

    and your whole team should really stop pitching people bs

    Adding captcha and all of the stuff you and all of the others moderators have mentioned in regards to this topic are trash and wasted efforts

    On another subject, about an unanswered post of mine for about 3 days now…

    How do you change / erase the entire avia cookie consent cookie

    When someone accepts the notification and closes it… i want the pop-up to reload on a new session

    Aka if they leave the entire website and come back

    I already erased the entire cookie consent file found in /js/
    That did nothing

    I also changed the cookie days setting from 60 to other numbers


    in reply to: Consent Cookie on Refresh #1148729

    Why does nothing happen when i erase the whole file?

    in reply to: How do I prevent .ru from contact form #1141659


    Now this looks like something that can work!!

    How would I add multiple lines to this?

    For example .at, .su, .cn

    all of these are being used to push through spam

    Thank you for stopping by and providing this code

    in reply to: How do I prevent .ru from contact form #1141090

    I agree, which is why I was being polite

    She always comes to my posts and just builds up her post count.

    She has never offered anything of value to any of my posts here, so I politely asked her to stop responding to my posts.

    in reply to: How do I prevent .ru from contact form #1140768

    please do not respond to any more of my posts in the future, I have no idea how you have lasted as a moderator on this forum for so long

    in reply to: How do I prevent .ru from contact form #1140741

    It actually is not working 100%

    I feel as if something is slightly working because I am only getting 5 emails a day from .ru … instead of 50 to 100+

    I have google resources recaptcha v3 installed, all in one bad bot activated and now this code… but I still get my contact form spammed :/

    in reply to: How do I prevent .ru from contact form #1140486

    Thank you!

    I have implemented this and I hope it works.

    These .ru emails are getting out of hand lately

    in reply to: Product List :: Offset Number Selection #1139662

    Yes, it has been resolved.

    Thank you for checking before closing it out

    in reply to: Product List :: Offset Number Selection #1139601

    Hey Ismael!

    Thank you for the suggestions, I looked in my functions file but did not have anything unusual in there.

    However, at the time of this original post I was also using W3Cache but have recently stopped using that and there seems to be no duplicates on the page, maybe it was a cache issue.

    Thank you for everything! this is a great theme!

    It is always updated and well functioning!

    in reply to: Infinite Scroll #1047769

    How does victoria still have moderator access?

    Has she ever helped resolve an issue… or just added to the post count

    in reply to: Infinite Scroll #1047768

    The problem is that enfold has priorities on the woocommerce files

    please see this thread:

    Lazy load / Infinite Scroll for Woocommerce Shop pages

    I am still waiting on the new fixes for the latest update though, as doing this places a space at the top of the page.

    in reply to: How to add autocomplete off to the new search #1045700


    I do not know what has changed, but simply adding the woocommerce folder and making my changes did work successfully this time!

    I can get back on course!

    I am pretty sure you… did not miss anything that can help this exact post and or any sort of spin off of this post.

    This was a great help and I got a lot of value out of this thread.

    Thank you, thank you… thank you!

    I can finish up the loose ends on my project and feel comfortable that they are safe in my child theme.

    Thank you again!

    This thread can definitely be sealed up and closed.

    Thank you to everyone who has contributed, and most of all, a special thank you to CG!

    in reply to: How to add autocomplete off to the new search #1045681

    Hello CG,

    Thanks for stopping by again.

    To answer your first question, I was removing the asterisk from the enfold/framework/php/class-form-generator.php

    this is where the required asterisks are being displayed inside inline contact forms.

    I do a lot of crazy custom edits, usually to woocommerce, so I am looking for a way to keep ALL of my edits in my child theme… sort of how the theme used to work about a year ago

    I have already created a similar post, and that is how I found out where to locate the issue and what page to edit thanks to @Yigit

    I figured since this request was probably the same code just with a changed subfolder, I wouldn’t clog up the support forum, as I think it is probably already pretty time consuming for them to get through all of the ones that they currently have.

    It also is probably pretty hard for them, as they must open every thread just to see that a large portion of these peoples problems can be solved with the display: none; css code

    Anyways, I would really love to know the code on how to do this for other folders in my main theme, that I would like to edit and have placed in my child theme.

    Thank you for your time and help

    in reply to: How to add autocomplete off to the new search #1045352

    Does anyone know the snippet of code to be able to replace the framework/php/ files?

    Thank you in advance

    in reply to: How to add autocomplete off to the new search #1045109


    Are you guys kidding me… this is all I have had to do for this long!?

    I have been doing crazy css tricks to hide things this whole time.

    LOL THANK YOU SOOO MUCH! This will be incredible for future edits.

    One final question, can I edit my woocommerce files through here too, by adding the complete folder and path?

    or does everything that can be changed have to come from:

    Once again, thank you to everyone who contributed to this post, the past post that helped and of course the individuals that helped create this great theme and documentation for it

    But once again, another thank you to CG who is a participator but still came through with great and thorough information that could have been enough for me to get the job done if I was skilled enough to understand what it said. But with everyone elses contribution and his continued contribution I will now be able to make greatness!!

    Thank you

    in reply to: How to add autocomplete off to the new search #1044468

    Hello @Rikard,

    Thanks for stopping by, I have not completely figured it out on how to do it this way, even though I slightly understand whta is being told and would really like to learn how to do it this way as I feel like this will help for future edits.

    But I do not know how to pull, call and or use shortcodes from the theme this way.

    If you could tell me exactly what I have to replace this time, I would be able to find out what I need to do for future references on my own. I am able to figure out what I need to do by hacking at a code that I know works, but I do not quite understand the one part that I need to replace into this new folder.

    Thanks again for stopping by and I definitely appreciate CG pointing us in the right direction

    in reply to: How to add autocomplete off to the new search #1043919

    Hello @chrgrv,

    Thank you for this input and direction.

    This may be the missing step I have had in actually being able to use my child theme.

    But once I create my shortcodes folder and add

    add_filter(‘avia_load_shortcodes’, ‘avia_include_shortcode_template’, 15, 1);
    function avia_include_shortcode_template($paths){
    $template_url = get_stylesheet_directory();
    array_unshift($paths, $template_url.’/shortcodes/’);
    return $paths;

    to my functions.php … all I have to do is drop my edited files into the shortcodes folder?

    Thank you for all of your time and assistance

    in reply to: How to add autocomplete off to the new search #1043912

    Okay, I figured it out… This is not closed yet though.

    I added :: autocomplete=’off’

    to my :: /config-templatebuilder/avia-shortcodes/search/search.php file

    but this is not in my child theme, how can I make this happen using a child theme?

    in reply to: YIGIT PLEASE HELP :: POST WAS CLOSED EARLY #1038617

    Ahhh that could be it, I know for sure I am running on an older version of php maybe late 5 something, early 6

    I have a 15 year old hosting account with godaddy, been fighting with them about that for a while now. But I have over 300 domains with them so it’s hard to switch now

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