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  • in reply to: footer #578518

    Thanks Elliott – the #footer { display: none !important; } worked fine. thanks again

    in reply to: Open Sans in font weight 300 #578515

    Hi Ismael

    Thanks for your reply, but I have no functions.php file in my child theme.

    I tried adding the above code to the enfolds functions.php file and checked the General Styling > Fonts section and there was no mention of the Open Sans New font. I then tried implementing the code in the functions-enfold.php file and again the open sans new font didnt show up.

    Please tell me exact steps to take to make this work and also how I can use the above code in a functions.php file in my child theme called edf? It would be much quicker and more helpful to me if you can simply do it by logging into the admin/ftp and making it work so I can then learn from what you did.


    in reply to: Blog page layout #578119

    Great thanks that worked! But now how do i get youtube videos to display where the photos are on the page in the private window?

    in reply to: Blog page layout #577765

    Thanks Elliot

    I did as you said and the blog page looks fine now, but i cant see the exerpt of the blog post on the blog page? I already set in the “define blog grid layout” to “Title and Excerpt + read more link” but its still not showinig the excerpt – please let me know how we can fix this. You can see the link to the blog page in the private box.

    Also how do i get a video to display where the features pictures are?

    Many thanks

    in reply to: footer #577346

    Hi Elliott
    I installed that plugin and its worked such that its allowed me to embed that page into all the pages as a footer widget but there is an empty gap which you will see above the embed – any ideas how to remove that? I have included a screenshot in the link in the private box.


    in reply to: footer #577340

    Thanks Elliott – I will give that a go.

    in reply to: Open Sans in font weight 300 #577190

    Sorry the correct login details are in the private box – please tell me why Open Sans font weight 300 does not load in enfold. Its not a conflict – its just a case of it probably not being spcified in the enfold theme… i look forward to your prompt reply.

    in reply to: Open Sans in font weight 300 #572484

    Hello – please see the private box below for login details… i look forward to a resolve on this simple issue. Many thanks!

    in reply to: Open Sans in font weight 300 #572379

    Ok i will provide the admin login in my next post in the private box. Please can you fix this problem – open sans font weight 300 is not loading in the theme… how can i add it? i have specified some headings to be in weight 300 but they are not loading…

    in reply to: Open Sans in font weight 300 #572335

    yes do you mean admin access or ftp ?

    in reply to: Open Sans in font weight 300 #572319

    Hello – any thoughts on this please?

    in reply to: Open Sans in font weight 300 #571534

    No you are mistaken… whilst it shows in the code that its font weight 300 (because i did that in the css), its not loading that font weight. Therefore, I need to know how i can get the font weight of 300 for open sans into this enfold theme. Its NOT loading it because its not been specified in the theme anywhere – it looks like its only font weight 400 thats been set to load in enfold. Any idea?

    in reply to: footer #571531

    Hi Elliott

    Surely there must be a better way than to copy the section into every page manually?? What happens if i need to update the contents of that section… then I would have to edit it in each and every page – thats like going back to the 1990s. I dont want to edit the pages.php and its clear that the footer widgets section is not capable of this because you cant style it as you want it so what else can you suggest I do when using one of the best wordpress themes on the planet? Is there some kind of plugin that can handle this? Thanks

    in reply to: Open Sans in font weight 300 #570823

    Further to my response above, if you look on the homepage, above the testimonials section there is a downward arrow that is not supposed to be there and I did not put it there or specify that section as having the bottom arrow. The only bottom arrow i specified was in the “View designs” strip which is fine so please can you tell me how to remove the bottom arrow immediately above the testimonials section as well as a fix to my original question. Thanks

    in reply to: Open Sans in font weight 300 #570795

    Hi Elliot

    Please see the link in the private box

    in reply to: Menu at the top please? #569952

    Thanks Josue, but the logo is now centered? If you can please put the logo on the left. Thanks

    in reply to: images in layerslider not showing #569395

    Hi Rikard – yes i found out that Wordfence was breaking this so i adjusted a setting in wordfence and now its ok :) Thanks!

    in reply to: Menu at the top please? #568766

    Hi. If you look at the website link in the private box in the previous message, you will see that the slideshow images are not behind the logo or menu which is what I would like them to be – its that simple. Please let me know what code to implement to make this happen. In other words, how do I get the menu and logo etc in front of the slider so the heading is transparent?

    in reply to: Menu at the top please? #566687

    Hello – the website is working. See links in private window – nothings changed.

    To clarify, the slideshows should show behind the logo and menu on a desktop view but on the mobile its fine for it to be below it as it currently is. I look forward to a resolve at your earliest convenience.

    in reply to: Menu at the top please? #565412

    Thanks for that, but the slideshow and the all the other large banners on the pages now are not behind the menu and logo which it was before. Please can you tweak it so that the slideshow and other large banners are behind the menu and logo on a normal view – i believe you call this a transparent header. thanks

    in reply to: Menu at the top please? #563585

    okease see private box for the admin login. thanks,

    in reply to: Menu at the top please? #563386

    Hi Vinay and team – please see the FTP details in the private box – i look forward to your reply.

    in reply to: Menu at the top please? #562051

    Hi Andy

    I did as you said and it looks fine on a normal size screen but when its resized down to a smaller screen, then there is a horrible gap at the top of the page… please advise to fix this. Thanks.

    Yigit I saw your post but dont require that – thanks for replying.

    Andy please advise, thanks

    in reply to: sidebar sub pages not showing #555237

    Yes I am aware that i can do that…. but if i do that… then the sidebar does not show if there are sub-pages under the top-level page that is just a link.

    My question again is this: If i have a top level page that is just a link which has sub-pages under it…. how can i make the sub pages work i.e them showing autoamtically in the sidebar as they do not.

    in reply to: sidebar sub pages not showing #553238

    Thank you support team for ignoring me for 4 days. I found out the problem is that the top-level menu items that contained sub pages were just links to show the sub pages and were not actual pages (this is what i wanted but has caused this problem). I changed the top-level menu items back to regular pages with sub pages and now the sidebar menus are working perfectly as expected, however this now means my top level pages that contain sub pages have become real pages again which is what i do not want.

    My question is therefore – can i have top-level pages that are not clickable to a page if they contain sub pages, but for the sidebar to still work as expected?

    I hope i get a reply soon and not have to wait days.



    in reply to: sidebar sub pages not showing #551171


    The pages work – I never said they did not. What I am trying to explain to you is that when you click into a sub page, for example if you hover over the “YOGA” menu, and then click into the “Corporate Yoga & Accelerated Yoga Services” sub page, then on the right hand side above the video you should see the menu of all the sub pages within the “YOGA” parent page, but it is not showing and this is the problem. As i mentioned before if you scroll up and read the thread, i have selected everything correctly in the admin for this to show, but it does not.

    The problem only happens if i use the “Advanced Editor” on that page – so if i use advanced editor on that page and save the page, then the right hand menu dissapears.

    I have used the basic editor in the Yoga > Yoga Videos page where you will see that the right hand sidebar DOES appear which is fine, but i want to use the advanced editor and for the right hand sidebar to appear.

    I cant explain this any more clearly than I am?! I hope that you understand the issue now and can help me resolve it?



    in reply to: sidebar sub pages not showing #546131

    Further to my above message, what you should know is that it does show the sub-pages when i just create a new page under Yoga for example HOWEVER it then hides them if i used teh Advanced editor and save the page. So it works if i just create the page without entering anything in the page, but as soon as i select the advanced editor and save the page, the menu on the right dissapears.

    If you hover over Yoga and click on the first link, you will “Creative Yoga London…” then there is no menu on the right because i simply enabled the advanced editor.

    If you hover over Yoga and click on the “Interview with a Yogi…” page, you will see the menu on the right IS showing but thats because i just created the page without using the advanced editor yet.

    Help?!… thanks

    in reply to: sidebar sub pages not showing #546130

    Hi Elliott

    Yes for Page Sidebar navigation i have this checked.
    If you go to the link in the box below, then hover over “Yoga” in the menu, you will see sub-pages… .so when you click on any of the sub pages then i expect to see the sub pages menu appear on the right which it is not doing…

    please advise,



    in reply to: sidebar sub pages not showing #545963

    You should know that the sub menu pages were working fine but then when i clicked “Advanced Editor” and saved the page, then that page did not show the sub pages on the right… so this may help you identify the problem… please come back to me ASAP thanks

    in reply to: sidebar sub pages not showing #545958

    Further information – in my sidebar settings in the theme… please see:

    I have right sidebar selected on “Sidebar on pages” and also ticked the box for “Page sidebar navigation”.

    On the actual page, in the sidebar setting i have selected “Default Layout” and “Sidebar settings” i selected “Default sidebars”



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