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Ok nevermind I found how by adding this to custom.css
#top .avia-slideshow-button {padding: 25px 50px 23px;
font-size: 15px;
min-width: 200px;}I basically would like to make it X Large
Also how do you control the height of a video when using a background video?
How could I force the height of the played video to be 900px for example? I don t think this can be done in the full screen sliderFebruary 20, 2015 at 7:12 pm in reply to: Enfold – Remove the name of images when in lightbox #399826Thanks :)
Nevermind I found it in the layout.css…removing the :hover works
So basically I need to hardcode an image in the background in the post template instead…no biggie, thanks for the responseNo actually I meant for pages not posts… but If I had a color section to a page I can t seem to be able to have the content of that page showing on top of the background image/color section like on the image I linked, the content shows but not with the white background.
I think I need to tweak some css to do this…thanks-
This reply was modified 10 years ago by
Never mind found it
#top #header .avia_mega_div ul, #top #header .avia_mega_div li { background-color: #FFFFFF; }
NO that doesn t work, it changes the header’s color where the menus are but not the mega menu itself
Are the header AND the megamenu or drop downs are using the same tag ?Sorry but where is that option I can t find it in the theme options
Duh how did I miss that…thanks
I can t as its internal…
This reply has been marked as private.July 24, 2014 at 4:55 pm in reply to: Enfold – Tables rows change font color, alternates color between default/light #295472Did not work.
Can you tell me where this is called so I can just remove the code instead of adding a css on top of it?Thanks :)
And also thanks for working on the weekendNope it works with just the starting one but I think the theme is not using the default [gallery] shortcode…correct?
Anyway I needed a quick fix so instead of checking if the post has a gallery I created a category called Photos and simply do a check to see if that category is selected with the post that way I can have more control and have a gallery but not act on it depending on he post…much better than adding a custom field on each postJuly 15, 2014 at 2:30 am in reply to: HELP! Doing an update and have this error – Fatal error: Call to undefined funct #291349When you said you did an update do you mean a manual update or one through the admin panel?
I previously got errors while doing the automatic update in mid run and that killed the site so now I ONLY do updates manually.If you did an update via the admin panel and you got an error you need to manually reinstall the theme and make sure to have a backup first
I very much doubt it as this is not part of the features of the theme
July 15, 2014 at 12:08 am in reply to: Enfold – Lightbox css, bringing back the white border around images #291317Thanks Devin for the response but that was not what I was saying or asking.
I would like to be able to tweak the css to have a white border around the images.
I have no problem with the theme using a different js app but I have an issue with the change in the look and feel of the new app
Please let us know how to add a white border around the frame as the old version used to have or how to remove the arrows that show on each side of the page instead of on the image itselfthanks in advance
Hmm I guess I could manually remove everything in the photos folders besides the 180X thumbs and the full size
ThanksThanks…just what I needed
Just to be clear, can you tell me where is the code to display the page title to the left of the breadcrumbs so that I can remove it and only show the breadcrumbs. Thanks in advance
That file is not in the theme but inside the themes folder
copy it locally and delete it. but if it is there it means there is an exploit somewhere probably from a plugin. Do you have the latest version of wordpress installed? You need to check all folders and files now for injectionsJuly 9, 2014 at 5:40 pm in reply to: Enfold – Full witdth accordion slider font control, where is it set #289133Thanks for the quick response.
Weird, the first installation I did and used Open Sans wasn t looking like that.July 9, 2014 at 6:24 am in reply to: Enfold – Full witdth accordion slider font control, where is it set #288857Sorry if I didn t make it clear I meant the font size for the text inside the accordion.
The text in the 5 slider images is bold and a different size than the default font and I could not find where to set this one
I don t think the accordion is picking up the style from H1s etc…July 9, 2014 at 1:50 am in reply to: Enfold – Header Font color and bgr color fade effect issue #288730Sorry this is internal only but I manage to trick it with playing with the custom.css
February 24, 2014 at 1:47 am in reply to: Enfold – Post info links, only linking deepest category #228271Actually I just realized that these are ordered alphabetically which I suspect makes it impossible to simply sort or filter by death…or is it?
Thanks for testing…weird, I need to investigate
Check this mockup
The Main menu needs to be white with blue background and the little bar under it red
Then the mega needs a white background, a black color for links and for hovers a white on blueI can t do that with the admin dashboard and on t know the names of the css tags to be set individually in the Custom.css
Thanks in advance
Great, thanks again
This reply was modified 10 years ago by