Forum Replies Created
For all who want to change ALB Elements via the child-theme:
1. Create the folder enfold-child/shortcodes
2. Put your edited ALB-Element-File in there
3. Add the following code in your enfold-child/functions.phpadd_filter('avia_load_shortcodes', 'avia_include_shortcode_template', 15, 1); function avia_include_shortcode_template($paths) { $template_url = get_stylesheet_directory(); array_unshift($paths, $template_url.'/shortcodes/'); return $paths; }
@Victoria/Enfold-Team: You can close this topic. Problem is solved :)Hey Victoria,
thanks for your reply! I’ve found the right spot in postslider.php and could mod it successfully :)
Now I just have one further question: Can I put the modded postslider.php into the child-theme folder?
Best Regards,
BirgerIf someone else is interested in the modded postslider.php, here’s the code (whole file):
<?php /** * Post Slider * * Display a Slideshow of Post Entries * Element is in Beta and by default disabled. Todo: test with layerslider elements. currently throws error bc layerslider is only included if layerslider element is detected which is not the case with the post/page element */ if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) { exit; } // Exit if accessed directly if ( !class_exists( 'avia_sc_postslider' )) { class avia_sc_postslider extends aviaShortcodeTemplate { /** * Create the config array for the shortcode button */ function shortcode_insert_button() { $this->config['self_closing'] = 'yes'; $this->config['name'] = __('Post Slider', 'avia_framework' ); $this->config['tab'] = __('Content Elements', 'avia_framework' ); $this->config['icon'] = AviaBuilder::$path['imagesURL']."sc-postslider.png"; $this->config['order'] = 30; $this->config['target'] = 'avia-target-insert'; $this->config['shortcode'] = 'av_postslider'; $this->config['tooltip'] = __('Display a Slideshow of Post Entries', 'avia_framework' ); $this->config['drag-level'] = 3; $this->config['disabling_allowed'] = true; } function extra_assets() { //load css wp_enqueue_style( 'avia-module-slideshow' , AviaBuilder::$path['pluginUrlRoot'].'avia-shortcodes/slideshow/slideshow.css' , array('avia-layout'), false ); wp_enqueue_style( 'avia-module-postslider' , AviaBuilder::$path['pluginUrlRoot'].'avia-shortcodes/postslider/postslider.css' , array('avia-module-slideshow'), false ); //load js wp_enqueue_script( 'avia-module-slideshow' , AviaBuilder::$path['pluginUrlRoot'].'avia-shortcodes/slideshow/slideshow.js' , array('avia-shortcodes'), false, TRUE ); } /** * Popup Elements * * If this function is defined in a child class the element automatically gets an edit button, that, when pressed * opens a modal window that allows to edit the element properties * * @return void */ function popup_elements() { $this->elements = array( array( "type" => "tab_container", 'nodescription' => true ), array( "type" => "tab", "name" => __("Content" , 'avia_framework'), 'nodescription' => true ), array( "name" => __("Which Entries?", 'avia_framework' ), "desc" => __("Select which entries should be displayed by selecting a taxonomy", 'avia_framework' ), "id" => "link", "fetchTMPL" => true, "type" => "linkpicker", "subtype" => array( __('Display Entries from:', 'avia_framework' )=>'taxonomy'), "multiple" => 6, "std" => "category" ), array( "name" => __("WooCommerce Product visibility?", 'avia_framework' ), "desc" => __("Select the visibility of WooCommerce products. Default setting can be set at Woocommerce -> Settings -> Products -> Inventory -> Out of stock visibility", 'avia_framework' ), "id" => "wc_prod_visible", "type" => "select", "std" => "", "required" => array( 'link', 'parent_in_array', implode( ' ', get_object_taxonomies( 'product', 'names' ) ) ), "subtype" => array( __('Use default WooCommerce Setting (Settings -> Products -> Out of stock visibility)', 'avia_framework' ) => '', __('Hide products out of stock', 'avia_framework' ) => 'hide', __('Show products out of stock', 'avia_framework' ) => 'show') ), array( "name" => __( "Sorting Options", 'avia_framework' ), "desc" => __( "Here you can choose how to sort the products. Default setting can be set at Woocommerce -> Settings -> Products -> Display -> Default product sorting", 'avia_framework' ), "id" => "prod_order_by", "type" => "select", "std" => "", "required" => array( 'link', 'parent_in_array', implode( ' ', get_object_taxonomies( 'product', 'names' ) ) ), "subtype" => array( __('Use defaut (defined at Woocommerce -> Settings -> Default product sorting) ', 'avia_framework' ) => '', __('Sort alphabetically', 'avia_framework' ) => 'title', __('Sort by most recent', 'avia_framework' ) => 'date', __('Sort by price', 'avia_framework' ) => 'price', __('Sort by popularity', 'avia_framework' ) => 'popularity', __('Sort randomly', 'avia_framework' ) => 'rand' ) ), array( "name" => __( "Sorting Order", 'avia_framework' ), "desc" => __( "Here you can choose the order of the result products. Default setting can be set at Woocommerce -> Settings -> Products -> Display -> Default product sorting", 'avia_framework' ), "id" => "prod_order", "type" => "select", "std" => "", "required" => array( 'link', 'parent_in_array', implode( ' ', get_object_taxonomies( 'product', 'names' ) ) ), "subtype" => array( __('Use defaut (defined at Woocommerce -> Settings -> Default product sorting)', 'avia_framework' ) => '', __('Ascending', 'avia_framework' ) => 'ASC', __('Descending', 'avia_framework' ) => 'DESC' ) ), array( "name" => __("Columns", 'avia_framework' ), "desc" => __("How many columns should be displayed?", 'avia_framework' ), "id" => "columns", "type" => "select", "std" => "3", "subtype" => array( __('1 Columns', 'avia_framework' )=>'1', __('2 Columns', 'avia_framework' )=>'2', __('3 Columns', 'avia_framework' )=>'3', __('4 Columns', 'avia_framework' )=>'4', __('5 Columns', 'avia_framework' )=>'5', )), array( "name" => __("Entry Number", 'avia_framework' ), "desc" => __("How many items should be displayed?", 'avia_framework' ), "id" => "items", "type" => "select", "std" => "9", "subtype" => AviaHtmlHelper::number_array(1,100,1, array('All'=>'-1'))), array( "name" => __("Offset Number", 'avia_framework' ), "desc" => __("The offset determines where the query begins pulling posts. Useful if you want to remove a certain number of posts because you already query them with another post slider element.", 'avia_framework' ), "id" => "offset", "type" => "select", "std" => "0", "subtype" => AviaHtmlHelper::number_array(1,100,1, array(__('Deactivate offset','avia_framework')=>'0', __('Do not allow duplicate posts on the entire page (set offset automatically)', 'avia_framework' ) =>'no_duplicates'))), array( "name" => __("Title and Excerpt",'avia_framework' ), "desc" => __("Choose if you want to only display the post title or title and excerpt",'avia_framework' ), "id" => "contents", "type" => "select", "std" => "excerpt", "subtype" => array( __('Title and Excerpt', 'avia_framework' ) =>'excerpt', __('Title and Excerpt + Read More Link', 'avia_framework' ) =>'excerpt_read_more', __('Only Title', 'avia_framework' ) =>'title', __('Only Title + Read More Link', 'avia_framework' ) =>'title_read_more', __('Only excerpt', 'avia_framework' ) =>'only_excerpt', __('Only excerpt + Read More Link', 'avia_framework' ) =>'only_excerpt_read_more', __('No Title and no excerpt', 'avia_framework' ) =>'no')), array( "name" => __("Preview Image Size", 'avia_framework' ), "desc" => __("Set the image size of the preview images", 'avia_framework' ), "id" => "preview_mode", "type" => "select", "std" => "auto", "subtype" => array(__('Set the preview image size automatically based on column width','avia_framework' ) =>'auto',__('Choose the preview image size manually (select thumbnail size)','avia_framework' ) =>'custom')), array( "name" => __("Select custom preview image size", 'avia_framework' ), "desc" => __("Choose image size for Preview Image", 'avia_framework' ), "id" => "image_size", "type" => "select", "required" => array('preview_mode','equals','custom'), "std" => "portfolio", "subtype" => AviaHelper::get_registered_image_sizes(array('logo')) ), /* array( "name" => __("Post Slider Transition", 'avia_framework' ), "desc" => __("Choose the transition for your Post Slider.", 'avia_framework' ), "id" => "animation", "type" => "select", "std" => "fade", "subtype" => array(__('Slide','avia_framework' ) =>'slide',__('Fade','avia_framework' ) =>'fade'), ), */ array( "name" => __("Autorotation active?",'avia_framework' ), "desc" => __("Check if the slideshow should rotate by default",'avia_framework' ), "id" => "autoplay", "type" => "select", "std" => "no", "subtype" => array(__('Yes','avia_framework' ) =>'yes',__('No','avia_framework' ) =>'no')), array( "name" => __("Slideshow autorotation duration",'avia_framework' ), "desc" => __("Slideshow will rotate every X seconds",'avia_framework' ), "id" => "interval", "type" => "select", "std" => "5", "required" => array('autoplay','equals','yes'), "subtype" => array('3'=>'3','4'=>'4','5'=>'5','6'=>'6','7'=>'7','8'=>'8','9'=>'9','10'=>'10','15'=>'15','20'=>'20','30'=>'30','40'=>'40','60'=>'60','100'=>'100')), array( "type" => "close_div", 'nodescription' => true ), array( "type" => "tab", "name" => __("Screen Options",'avia_framework' ), 'nodescription' => true ), array( "name" => __("Element Visibility",'avia_framework' ), "desc" => __("Set the visibility for this element, based on the device screensize.", 'avia_framework' ), "type" => "heading", "description_class" => "av-builder-note av-neutral", ), array( "desc" => __("Hide on large screens (wider than 990px - eg: Desktop)", 'avia_framework'), "id" => "av-desktop-hide", "std" => "", "container_class" => 'av-multi-checkbox', "type" => "checkbox"), array( "desc" => __("Hide on medium sized screens (between 768px and 989px - eg: Tablet Landscape)", 'avia_framework'), "id" => "av-medium-hide", "std" => "", "container_class" => 'av-multi-checkbox', "type" => "checkbox"), array( "desc" => __("Hide on small screens (between 480px and 767px - eg: Tablet Portrait)", 'avia_framework'), "id" => "av-small-hide", "std" => "", "container_class" => 'av-multi-checkbox', "type" => "checkbox"), array( "desc" => __("Hide on very small screens (smaller than 479px - eg: Smartphone Portrait)", 'avia_framework'), "id" => "av-mini-hide", "std" => "", "container_class" => 'av-multi-checkbox', "type" => "checkbox"), array( "type" => "close_div", 'nodescription' => true ), array( "type" => "close_div", 'nodescription' => true ), ); if(current_theme_supports('add_avia_builder_post_type_option')) { $element = array( "name" => __("Select Post Type", 'avia_framework' ), "desc" => __("Select which post types should be used. Note that your taxonomy will be ignored if you do not select an assign post type. If yo don't select post type all registered post types will be used", 'avia_framework' ), "id" => "post_type", "type" => "select", "multiple" => 6, "std" => "", "subtype" => AviaHtmlHelper::get_registered_post_type_array() ); array_splice($this->elements, 2, 0, array($element)); } } /** * Editor Element - this function defines the visual appearance of an element on the AviaBuilder Canvas * Most common usage is to define some markup in the $params['innerHtml'] which is then inserted into the drag and drop container * Less often used: $params['data'] to add data attributes, $params['class'] to modify the className * * * @param array $params this array holds the default values for $content and $args. * @return $params the return array usually holds an innerHtml key that holds item specific markup. */ function editor_element($params) { $params['innerHtml'] = "<img src='".$this->config['icon']."' title='".$this->config['name']."' />"; $params['innerHtml'].= "<div class='avia-element-label'>".$this->config['name']."</div>"; $params['content'] = NULL; //remove to allow content elements return $params; } /** * Frontend Shortcode Handler * * @param array $atts array of attributes * @param string $content text within enclosing form of shortcode element * @param string $shortcodename the shortcode found, when == callback name * @return string $output returns the modified html string */ function shortcode_handler($atts, $content = "", $shortcodename = "", $meta = "") { $screen_sizes = AviaHelper::av_mobile_sizes($atts); if(isset($atts['link'])) { $atts['link'] = explode(',', $atts['link'], 2 ); $atts['taxonomy'] = $atts['link'][0]; if(isset($atts['link'][1])) { $atts['categories'] = $atts['link'][1]; } } $atts['class'] = $meta['el_class']; $atts = array_merge($atts, $screen_sizes); $slider = new avia_post_slider($atts); $slider->query_entries(); return $slider->html(); } } } if ( !class_exists( 'avia_post_slider' ) ) { class avia_post_slider { static $slide = 0; protected $atts; protected $entries; function __construct($atts = array()) { $this->atts = shortcode_atts(array( 'type' => 'slider', // can also be used as grid 'style' => '', //no_margin 'columns' => '4', 'items' => '16', 'taxonomy' => 'category', 'wc_prod_visible' => '', 'prod_order_by' => '', 'prod_order' => '', 'post_type'=> get_post_types(), 'contents' => 'excerpt', 'preview_mode' => 'auto', 'image_size' => 'portfolio', 'autoplay' => 'no', 'animation' => 'fade', 'paginate' => 'no', 'use_main_query_pagination' => 'no', 'interval' => 5, 'class' => '', 'categories'=> array(), 'custom_query'=> array(), 'offset' => 0, 'custom_markup' => '', 'av_display_classes' => '' ), $atts, 'av_postslider'); } public function html() { global $avia_config; $output = ""; if(empty($this->entries) || empty($this->entries->posts)) return $output; avia_post_slider::$slide ++; extract($this->atts); if($preview_mode == 'auto') $image_size = 'portfolio'; $extraClass = 'first'; $grid = 'one_third'; $post_loop_count = 1; $loop_counter = 1; $autoplay = $autoplay == "no" ? false : true; $total = $columns % 2 ? "odd" : "even"; $blogstyle = function_exists('avia_get_option') ? avia_get_option('blog_global_style','') : ""; $excerpt_length = 60; if($blogstyle !== "") { $excerpt_length = 240; } switch($columns) { case "1": $grid = 'av_fullwidth'; if($preview_mode == 'auto') $image_size = 'large'; break; case "2": $grid = 'av_one_half'; break; case "3": $grid = 'av_one_third'; break; case "4": $grid = 'av_one_fourth'; if($preview_mode == 'auto') $image_size = 'portfolio_small'; break; case "5": $grid = 'av_one_fifth'; if($preview_mode == 'auto') $image_size = 'portfolio_small'; break; } $data = AviaHelper::create_data_string(array('autoplay'=>$autoplay, 'interval'=>$interval, 'animation' => $animation, 'show_slide_delay'=>90)); $thumb_fallback = ""; $markup = avia_markup_helper(array('context' => 'blog','echo'=>false, 'custom_markup'=>$custom_markup)); $output .= "<div {$data} class='avia-content-slider avia-content-{$type}-active avia-content-slider".avia_post_slider::$slide." avia-content-slider-{$total} {$class} {$av_display_classes}' $markup>"; $output .= "<div class='avia-content-slider-inner'>"; foreach ($this->entries->posts as $entry) { $the_id = $entry->ID; $parity = $loop_counter % 2 ? 'odd' : 'even'; $last = $this->entries->post_count == $post_loop_count ? " post-entry-last " : ""; $post_class = "post-entry post-entry-{$the_id} slide-entry-overview slide-loop-{$post_loop_count} slide-parity-{$parity} {$last}"; $link = get_post_meta( $the_id ,'_portfolio_custom_link', true ) != "" ? get_post_meta( $the_id ,'_portfolio_custom_link_url', true ) : get_permalink( $the_id ); $excerpt = ""; $title = ''; $show_meta = !is_post_type_hierarchical($entry->post_type); $commentCount = get_comments_number($the_id); $thumbnail = get_the_post_thumbnail( $the_id, $image_size ); $format = get_post_format( $the_id ); if(empty($format)) $format = "standard"; if($thumbnail) { $thumb_fallback = $thumbnail; $thumb_class = "real-thumbnail"; } else { $thumbnail = "<span class=' fallback-post-type-icon' ".av_icon_string($format)."></span><span class='slider-fallback-image'>{{thumbnail}}</span>"; $thumb_class = "fake-thumbnail"; } $permalink = '<div class="read-more-link"><a href="'.get_permalink($the_id).'" class="more-link">'.__('Read more','avia_framework').'<span class="more-link-arrow"></span></a></div>'; $prepare_excerpt = !empty($entry->post_excerpt) ? $entry->post_excerpt : avia_backend_truncate($entry->post_content, apply_filters( 'avf_postgrid_excerpt_length' , $excerpt_length) , apply_filters( 'avf_postgrid_excerpt_delimiter' , " "), "…", true, ''); if($format == 'link') { $current_post = array(); $current_post['content'] = $entry->post_content; $current_post['title'] = $entry->post_title; if(function_exists('avia_link_content_filter')) { $current_post = avia_link_content_filter($current_post); } $link = $current_post['url']; } switch($contents) { case "excerpt": $excerpt = $prepare_excerpt; $title = $entry->post_title; break; case "excerpt_read_more": $excerpt = $prepare_excerpt; $excerpt .= $permalink; $title = $entry->post_title; break; case "title": $excerpt = ''; $title = $entry->post_title; break; case "title_read_more": $excerpt = $permalink; $title = $entry->post_title; break; case "only_excerpt": $excerpt = $prepare_excerpt; $title = ''; break; case "only_excerpt_read_more": $excerpt = $prepare_excerpt; $excerpt .= $permalink; $title = ''; break; case "no": $excerpt = ''; $title = ''; break; } $title = apply_filters( 'avf_postslider_title', $title, $entry ); if($loop_counter == 1) $output .= "<div class='slide-entry-wrap'>"; $post_format = get_post_format($the_id) ? get_post_format($the_id) : 'standard'; $markup = avia_markup_helper(array('context' => 'entry','echo'=>false, 'id'=>$the_id, 'custom_markup'=>$custom_markup)); $output .= "<article class='slide-entry flex_column {$style} {$post_class} {$grid} {$extraClass} {$thumb_class}' $markup>"; $output .= "<div class='slide-content'>"; $markup = avia_markup_helper(array('context' => 'entry_title','echo'=>false, 'id'=>$the_id, 'custom_markup'=>$custom_markup)); $output .= '<header class="entry-content-header">'; $meta_out = ""; if (!empty($title)) { if($show_meta) { $taxonomies = get_object_taxonomies(get_post_type($the_id)); $cats = ''; $excluded_taxonomies = array_merge( get_taxonomies( array( 'public' => false ) ), array('post_tag','post_format') ); $excluded_taxonomies = apply_filters('avf_exclude_taxonomies', $excluded_taxonomies, get_post_type($the_id), $the_id); if(!empty($taxonomies)) { foreach($taxonomies as $taxonomy) { if(!in_array($taxonomy, $excluded_taxonomies)) { $cats .= get_the_term_list($the_id, $taxonomy, '', ', ','').' '; } } } if(!empty($cats)) { $meta_out .= '<span class="blog-categories minor-meta">'; $meta_out .= $cats; $meta_out .= '</span>'; } } /** * Allow to change default output of categories - by default supressed for setting Default(Business) blog style * * @since 4.0.6 * @param string $blogstyle '' | 'elegant-blog' | 'elegant-blog modern-blog' * @param avia_post_slider $this * @return string 'show_elegant' | 'show_business' | 'use_theme_default' | 'no_show_cats' */ $show_cats = apply_filters( 'avf_postslider_show_catergories', 'use_theme_default', $blogstyle, $this ); switch( $show_cats ) { case 'no_show_cats': $new_blogstyle = ''; break; case 'show_elegant': $new_blogstyle = 'elegant-blog'; break; case 'show_business': $new_blogstyle = 'elegant-blog modern-blog'; break; case 'use_theme_default': default: $new_blogstyle = $blogstyle; break; } // elegant style if( ( strpos( $new_blogstyle, 'modern-blog' ) === false ) && ( $new_blogstyle != "" ) ) { $output .= $meta_out; } $output .= "<h3 class='slide-entry-title entry-title' $markup><a href='{$link}' title='".esc_attr(strip_tags($title))."'>".$title."</a></h3>"; // modern business style if( ( strpos( $new_blogstyle, 'modern-blog' ) !== false ) && ( $new_blogstyle != "" ) ) { $output .= $meta_out; } } $output .= '</header>'; $output .= "</div>"; $output .= $thumbnail ? "<a href='{$link}' data-rel='slide-".avia_post_slider::$slide."' class='slide-image' title=''>{$thumbnail}</a>" : ""; if($post_format == "audio") { $current_post = array(); $current_post['content'] = $entry->post_content; $current_post['title'] = $entry->post_title; $current_post = apply_filters( 'post-format-'.$post_format, $current_post ); if(!empty( $current_post['before_content'] )) $output .= '<div class="big-preview single-big audio-preview">'.$current_post['before_content'].'</div>'; } $output .= "<div class='slide-content'>"; $output .= '</header><br/>'; if($show_meta && !empty($excerpt)) { $meta = "<div class='slide-meta'>"; if ( $commentCount != "0" || comments_open($the_id) && $entry->post_type != 'portfolio') { $link_add = $commentCount === "0" ? "#respond" : "#comments"; $text_add = $commentCount === "1" ? __('Comment', 'avia_framework' ) : __('Comments', 'avia_framework' ); $meta .= "<div class='slide-meta-comments'><a href='{$link}{$link_add}'>{$commentCount} {$text_add}</a></div><div class='slide-meta-del'>/</div>"; } $markup = avia_markup_helper(array('context' => 'entry_time','echo'=>false, 'id'=>$the_id, 'custom_markup'=>$custom_markup)); $meta .= "<time class='slide-meta-time updated' $markup>" .get_the_time(get_option('date_format'), $the_id)."</time>"; $meta .= "</div>"; if( strpos($blogstyle, 'elegant-blog') === false ) { $output .= $meta; $meta = ""; } } $markup = avia_markup_helper(array('context' => 'entry_content','echo'=>false, 'id'=>$the_id, 'custom_markup'=>$custom_markup)); $excerpt = apply_filters( 'avf_post_slider_entry_excerpt', $excerpt, $prepare_excerpt, $permalink, $entry ); $output .= !empty($excerpt) ? "<div class='slide-entry-excerpt entry-content' $markup>".$excerpt."</div>" : ""; $output .= "</div>"; $output .= '<br/><span class="av-vertical-delimiter"></span>'; $output .= '<footer class="entry-footer">'; if( !empty($meta) ) $output .= $meta; $output .= '</footer>'; $output .= av_blog_entry_markup_helper( $the_id ); $output .= "</article>"; $loop_counter ++; $post_loop_count ++; $extraClass = ""; if($loop_counter > $columns) { $loop_counter = 1; $extraClass = 'first'; } if($loop_counter == 1 || !empty($last)) { $output .="</div>"; } } $output .= "</div>"; if($post_loop_count -1 > $columns && $type == 'slider') { $output .= $this->slide_navigation_arrows(); } global $wp_query; if($use_main_query_pagination == 'yes' && $paginate == "yes") { $avia_pagination = avia_pagination($wp_query->max_num_pages, 'nav'); } else if($paginate == "yes") { $avia_pagination = avia_pagination($this->entries, 'nav'); } if(!empty($avia_pagination)) $output .= "<div class='pagination-wrap pagination-slider'>{$avia_pagination}</div>"; $output .= "</div>"; $output = str_replace('{{thumbnail}}', $thumb_fallback, $output); wp_reset_query(); return $output; } protected function slide_navigation_arrows() { $html = ""; $html .= "<div class='avia-slideshow-arrows avia-slideshow-controls'>"; $html .= "<a href='#prev' class='prev-slide' ".av_icon_string('prev_big').">".__('Previous','avia_framework' )."</a>"; $html .= "<a href='#next' class='next-slide' ".av_icon_string('next_big').">".__('Next','avia_framework' )."</a>"; $html .= "</div>"; return $html; } //fetch new entries public function query_entries($params = array()) { global $avia_config; if(empty($params)) $params = $this->atts; if(empty($params['custom_query'])) { $query = array(); if(!empty($params['categories'])) { //get the portfolio categories $terms = explode(',', $params['categories']); } $page = get_query_var( 'paged' ) ? get_query_var( 'paged' ) : get_query_var( 'page' ); if(!$page || $params['paginate'] == 'no') $page = 1; //if we find no terms for the taxonomy fetch all taxonomy terms if(empty($terms[0]) || is_null($terms[0]) || $terms[0] === "null") { $terms = array(); $allTax = get_terms( $params['taxonomy']); foreach($allTax as $tax) { $terms[] = $tax->term_id; } } if($params['offset'] == 'no_duplicates') { $params['offset'] = false; $no_duplicates = true; } //wordpress 4.4 offset fix if( $params['offset'] == 0 ) { $params['offset'] = false; } else { //if the offset is set the paged param is ignored. therefore we need to factor in the page number $params['offset'] = $params['offset'] + ( ($page -1 ) * $params['items']); } if(empty($params['post_type'])) $params['post_type'] = get_post_types(); if(is_string($params['post_type'])) $params['post_type'] = explode(',', $params['post_type']); $orderby = 'date'; $order = 'DESC'; // Meta query - replaced by Tax query in WC 3.0.0 $meta_query = array(); $tax_query = array(); // check if taxonomy are set to product or product attributes $tax = get_taxonomy( $params['taxonomy'] ); if( class_exists( 'WooCommerce' ) && is_object( $tax ) && isset( $tax->object_type ) && in_array( 'product', (array) $tax->object_type ) ) { $avia_config['woocommerce']['disable_sorting_options'] = true; avia_wc_set_out_of_stock_query_params( $meta_query, $tax_query, $params['wc_prod_visible'] ); // sets filter hooks !! $ordering_args = avia_wc_get_product_query_order_args( $params['prod_order_by'], $params['prod_order'] ); $orderby = $ordering_args['orderby']; $order = $ordering_args['order']; } if( ! empty( $terms ) ) { $tax_query[] = array( 'taxonomy' => $params['taxonomy'], 'field' => 'id', 'terms' => $terms, 'operator' => 'IN' ); } $query = array( 'orderby' => $orderby, 'order' => $order, 'paged' => $page, 'post_type' => $params['post_type'], // 'post_status' => 'publish', 'offset' => $params['offset'], 'posts_per_page' => $params['items'], 'post__not_in' => ( ! empty( $no_duplicates ) ) ? $avia_config['posts_on_current_page'] : array(), 'meta_query' => $meta_query, 'tax_query' => $tax_query ); } else { $query = $params['custom_query']; } $query = apply_filters('avia_post_slide_query', $query, $params); @$this->entries = new WP_Query( $query ); //@ is used to prevent errors caused by wpml // store the queried post ids in if( $this->entries->have_posts() ) { while( $this->entries->have_posts() ) { $this->entries->the_post(); $avia_config['posts_on_current_page'][] = get_the_ID(); } } if( function_exists( 'WC' ) ) { avia_wc_clear_catalog_ordering_args_filters(); $avia_config['woocommerce']['disable_sorting_options'] = false; } } } }
July 21, 2018 at 6:26 am in reply to: Maintenance Mode: How to make more than one page accessable? #988123Hi Basilis,
thanks for your reply.
It is clear to me, how to edit and set the maintenance-page and its already done ( this page I use Newsletter-Subscription forms, and if a user subscribes he will be redirected to confirmation page (when not in maintenance mode)
So my question was, if the page is in maintenance mode, can I set other pages also accessable and not only the one page you can set in the enfold-options.
Best Regards,
BirgerJuly 13, 2018 at 2:32 pm in reply to: Scroll / Focus to the Tab Section Content on click a tab #985172Hi Victoria,
thanks for your answer. I think, for now i will remove the tab section and change the layout a little bit.
But maybe you can integrate such a feature to the tab sec in future!?
I’ve read a few topics where people had the same problem, but no solution.
And I think there will be some more… it has just to be the coincidence that the tabs are at the
bottom of the page on load (and the tab-content is hidden below).I think, you can close this thread.
Best Regards,
BirgerJuly 8, 2018 at 8:39 am in reply to: Scroll / Focus to the Tab Section Content on click a tab #982661Hi Victoria,
thank you for your answer, but it’s not what I meant.
Best Regards,
BirgerHi Rikard,
this problem is solved – you can close the thread.
Thank You!
Victoria, you are again my enfold-hero :))
This leftover from a previous project caused the issue!
Best Regards,
BirgerHi Nikko,
sorry for my delayed answer, but i had to handle some other tasks.
I tested a little bit in a stage-page. But with deactivating all plugins, it is still not working.
If you want to take a closer look at this issue, you can run tests in the stage-page.
Credentials see below!Best Regards,
BirgerJune 17, 2018 at 6:55 pm in reply to: Max-width and center horizontally color section in steched layout. #973992Hi Victoria,
that worked! – Thank you! :)
Best regards
BirgerPS: Enfold Support – Best and Fastest Support I’ve ever worked with!
June 17, 2018 at 6:12 pm in reply to: Max-width and center horizontally color section in steched layout. #973960Hi Victoria,
no problem :)
Hi Rikard,
thank you! Your code works fine!
Best Regards
BirgerHi Rikard,
of course :)
You’ll find my css code in the quick css.