hi Basilis
i want to have a list of blogs where featured blogs show up first.
i have this situation:
blog posts category (primary)
ID = 114
slug = blog-posts
featured blog posts category
ID = 9093
slug = featured
the ‘featured’ category is a sub-category of ‘blog posts’, which is the primary category.
i am using Enfold 4.0.7
thank you
hello, what if i need to sort blog posts using two categories, ‘blog posts’ and ‘my featured blog posts’ ??
i have the same problem. moreover, i already have a website with Enfold theme that is successfully using the ‘/enfold-child/style.css’ but i can’t figure out how i set it up originally. i looked into the function.php file but it’s not declared there. now, i can’t find a way to include the file in the theme.
credentials are shared privately.
thank you
it worked,
thank you
Pods is a WordPress Framework that interfaces with the website’s database and easily creates Custom Post Types.
my question is: can i use the Enfold Advanced Layout Editor in a custom template ??