Forum Replies Created
Many thanks for the feedback.
This code below only vertically moves the box.
.page-id-305 .flex_column_table.av-equal-height-column-flextable {margin-top: -125px! Important; }
I wish to decrease the width of the box.
The other code is ok. It worked.
Its ok now Victoria.
Is the ICON BOX CUSTOM field to control only the title? I use this code and do not control color, and the letter is always bold.
CSS CLASS NAME: iconboxtit
.iconboxtit {
font-family: ‘Unna’, ‘Lora’, Arial, sans-serif;
letter-spacing: 0.1px;
text-transform: normal;
text-align: center;
line-height: 175%;
font-size: 26px;
color: #885212;
How do you control CONTENT through CSS?Okay, I’ll do this and check.
Return after the test.
Message to Jhon in Portuguese.
Olá Jhon, muito obrigadp pelo retorno. Sua ajuda é muito importante. O seu código funcionou. Troquei para 480. Mas tem um detalhe bem pequeno. O box branco que fica por trás da legenda precisa ficar um pouco mais afastado na base e no top do texto da legenda. Eu sei que a legenda está com um tamanho grande. Fiz isso para testar. Eu precisa ter um respiro maior na parte de cima e na base. Veja na imagem o que quero dizer. No meio da imagem tem a simulação de como queremos.IMAGEM
I already found the error. Do not need to answer.
Nikko, the icon box option has 3 elements.
1 – The icon
2 – The title below the icon
3 – Text content below the titleOption 1 you just helped me. The code worked.
Option 2 I use CSS CLASS
How do I control option 3 by CSS CUSTOM?Nikko, so I slightly decrease the size of the Iconbox icon, how do I?
Sim John. Utilizo muito custom CSS CLASS, pq torna prático.
Se precisar de acesso os dados estão abaixo.
Its ok Nikko.
Its ok now.
tks Jhon
Olá John, o problema é outra pessoa ter acesso e não entender as dúvidas. Se vc sempre receber ótimo pra mim. Fico traduzindo no Google Translations. É muito ruim.
Victoria acessou o link com duas BARRAS.
O endereço certo é esse….
O slider possibilita inserir uma legenda (caption) para cada imagem ou video cadastrado. O meu cliente deseja que essa legenda fica na base da imagem. Victoria me passou um código que fez isso. Ótimo. Mas quando vc diminui o browser na mão (click em uma das extremidades, com o mouse), e diminui a tela a legenda tende a voltar para o centro. Ela não fica fixa na base. Além disso se vc aumentar muito o tamanho da fonte da legenda o box background que envolve o titulo não aumenta tb junto com a letra. O box background deveria aumentar na sua altura e manter a proporção.
Vc entendeu?
Grato John
Victoria, there are two // why this error is occurring.
Try again now
Tks Victoria.
Its ok now.
Its ok now. Try again.
Rikard, I always update manually. Ever. I drag the files via FTP to the theme folder. I just do not update the file FUNCTIONS.PHP and SCREENSHOT.png … In function I use DEBUG for CSS CLASS.
One last question. Consider that my site is already created.
I have a theme folder with the name of my client. For example: HIDROCON. In this folder I put the ENFOLD theme files.After this I go in STYLE.CSS and modify. I enter the data of my agency.
What should I do to run the Child Theme?
1 – Will I have to rename the theme to ENFOLD?
2 – Is there another way to put it to work?
3 – Is it necessary to tinker with STYLE.CSS?
4 – Where? What should I change?HIDROCON THEME FOLDER NAME
CODE STYYLE.CSS that I use for this client.
Theme Name: Milk9 CCES
Description: A superflexible and responsive Business by Milk9 – <br/> Update notifications available on twitter, facebook and via newsletter:<br/> Follow me on twitter<br/> – Join the Facebook Group – Subscribe to our Newsletter
Version: 4.0.7
Author: Marcelo Leitte
Author URI:
License: Estúdio Milk9
License URI: –
Theme URI:
* This file is only in your folder for WordPress to recognize basic theme data like name and version
* CSS Rules in this file will not be used by the theme.
* Instead use the custom.css file that is located in your themes /css/ folder to add your styles.
* You can copy a style rule from any of your css files and paste it in custom.css and
* it will override the original style. If you just want to add small css snippets you might also
* want to consider to add it to the designated CSS option field in your themes backend at: Theme Options->General Styling
*/Does the style.css influence something? Does it need to be changed if you use CHILD?
Help me … please!
Guenni007, thanks for the help. This link helps those who are already starting the site creation with Child Theme. In my case I already have a site set up and I want to use the Child Theme. It’s quite different. I have the custom theme folder (another name other than Enfold). I also have custom style.css.
So I’ve had a hard time working with Child. You see?If you can help, I’ll thank you.
Rikard, okay. I’m afraid of that. So what’s the best way for me to add new fonts to the system? Does it have to be by the Child Theme? Can it be any other way?
Hi Mike. Tks
Its ok now
The page link is on the ticket.
From a distance I will have to see which one gets better.-
This reply was modified 7 years, 8 months ago by
Basilis, Victoria helped me with that question. Even you stating that it could be done. Victoria has already helped me 90% of what I need. Just some adjustments.
I do not think you understood my need.
Can she follow through with the ticket?
Victoria, I changed the project. That’s the link.
Victoria, worked well. But I have two more questions. Can you help me?
Notice that by increasing the letter the caption box does not increase along with it. How do you grow along with the size of the letter?
Another thing
How do I change the background color? He’s white.
How to hide only dots control. It gets mixed with the caption below the image.LINK
This reply was modified 7 years, 8 months ago by
mleite1. Reason: complement
Hello Victoria. Thank you for trying to help me.
We are using GRID ROW 1/3. Inside each one we use Animated Numbers. On the desktop is perfect. Each cell occupies its space side by side.
In mobile the cells are one below the other with a very large height. Generating so much scrolling. I see no need. Airworthiness is poor.
What I want is:
1 – If it is possible to decrease the height of these boxes in the mobile
2 – Put one next to the other as it works on the desktop.
Download this link on your mobile and notice what I say.
See picture below.
The letters on the mobile are small. It is disproportionate to the size of the box.-
This reply was modified 7 years, 8 months ago by
mleite1. Reason: Complement
Many thanks Victoria.
Amazing it got really good. This Div is called AVIA CAPTION TITLE? How do I do?
I created a custom css class to modify the font, color, size …. and other attributes. But it did not work. I would also like to change the background color by css class. See the code I used.
.legendaslider {
font-family: ‘HelveticaNeue’, ’Roboto’, ‘Open Sans’, ‘Helvetica Neue’, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
font-size: 10px;
font-weight: 100;
color: #000;
}Basilis, I think lowering the pit lane is already a big help. The problem is that the boxes take up a lot of space on the mobile screen. There’s a lot of empty space on the screen. That’s because the boxes are 100% width.
Does it have a way for css to improve?
Hi Ismael. Thanks for the feedback. This screen will be the client’s main screen and will not be just an image. The interesting thing is to have several rotating images.
Hello Nikko, I’m referring to the texts from the pits. The tab does not need to change. The texts below the tabs need to increase
In addition, the boxes get very large on the mobile screen. Too big, one below the other. This causes unnecessary scrolling. Is it possible to keep them side by side on the mobile? Have you visualized on your mobile to notice what I say?
This reply was modified 7 years, 8 months ago by