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  • in reply to: Which file is the default page template ? #1129893

    You can close the topic, thanks.

    in reply to: Which file is the default page template ? #1129634

    I figured it out, it’s actually template-builder.php that serves as the default page template when you use the Advanced Layout Builder. I copied that file over to my child theme and modified it and now I can see the changes on my test page.

    in reply to: Which file is the default page template ? #1129625

    Copying over page.php and including changes to it doesn’t seem to change anything when I look at a sample page. Same when I edit page.php directly in the /enfold root.

    Awesome news, looking forward to the update !
    Thanks a lot Günter

    in reply to: How can I delete all Enfold image sizes ? #1109522

    Thanks Günter, you put me on the right track.

    This is my end script for removing all Enfold image sizes :

    /* Remove all default Enfold image sizes */
    add_filter( 'avf_modify_thumb_size', 'mwm_enfold_remove_image_sizes', 10, 1 );
    function mwm_enfold_remove_image_sizes( $sizes ) {
    	return null;
    /* Remove all Enfold shop image sizes */
    add_filter( 'init', 'mwm_enfold_remove_shop_image_sizes', 10, 1 );
    function mwm_enfold_remove_shop_image_sizes( $sizes ) {
      remove_image_size( 'shop_thumbnail' );
      remove_image_size( 'shop_catalog' );
      remove_image_size( 'shop_single' );

    I wasn’t, just updated and now I see the classes. Thanks !

    Has this feature been implemented ?

    in reply to: Body class for pages with sidebar #936650


    Here’s how I solved the problem, in case anybody else is interested.

    This adds a “entry_with_sidebar / entry_without_sidebar” class to the body tag :

    function mwm_add_body_classes( $classes ) {
        $avia_config['size'] = avia_layout_class( 'main' , false) == 'fullsize' ? 'entry_without_sidebar' : 'entry_with_sidebar';
        $classes[] = $avia_config['size'];
        return $classes;
    add_filter( 'body_class', 'mwm_add_body_classes' );
    in reply to: Body class for pages with sidebar #927335

    Thanks for the quick reply. If we look at the source code :

    <div class='stretch_full container_wrap alternate_color light_bg_color title_container'>
    <div class='container'>
    <h1 class='main-title entry-title'>
    <a href='' rel='bookmark' title='Lien permanent : Évaluer'  itemprop="headline" >Évaluer</a>
    <div class='container_wrap container_wrap_first main_color sidebar_right'>

    I’m trying to style the H1 with class main-title, the main title of the page, which is located before the sidebar_right class. So your code would only work for any H1 that is inside the container_wrap with the sidebar class.

    I guess I’ll just have to move the title code after the container wrap, but I’d have preferred not touch the templates..

    • This reply was modified 7 years ago by mike235.
    in reply to: Body class for pages with sidebar #927298

    Hi Mike,
    Here’s a real example, how would you style the H1 (class “main-title”) on a page without a sidebar, and on a page with a sidebar ?
    I haven’t found a way to do that, because AFAIK Enfold doesn’t add a higher level class (in body for example) which allows us to differentiate pages with and without sidebars.

    in reply to: Removing the "Layout" meta box on post edit pages #734646

    Great, thanks a lot Ismael !

    in reply to: Removing the "Layout" meta box on post edit pages #732588

    Hi Ismael,

    I mean remove completely, not hide. The code you suggested in the thread I link to doesn’t seem to work anymore.


    in reply to: Portfolio grid default category #431928

    Hi Ismael, thanks for the piece of code, it works !

    in reply to: Portfolio grid default category #428062

    Hi Rikard,

    Thank you for your reply. Sorry I didn’t explain clearly, ok let’s say in the Portfolio grid options you select the two categories “for sale” and “for rent”. On the front end, once the Portfolio grid is displayed, it shows the following links “All | For sale | For rent”. By default, “All” is selected, showing both posts from the “for sale” and “for rent” categories.

    What I want to achieve is to show right away the “for rent” category, but still having the choice of clicking on “All” or “For sale” links. Is that possible ?

    Best regards,

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