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  • in reply to: Word Press 4.7 #722878

    Wow. Well . . . I guess that cinches it. NOT updating to 4.7 until these issues get sorted. Sorry to see so many folks go through issues. I’m sure Kriesi and the awesome support team here will address them soon.

    in reply to: Full Width Button "Display a Small Arrow" Not Working #654657

    This, well, basically breaks everything :( and speaks to the random issues of using the full-width button and color sections. After placing the “Yes Please” full-width button into a color section, the footer is now “boxed” and all other full-width buttons are no longer full width.

    This has happened several times randomly, and I can’t seem to isolate why. Any thoughts?

    in reply to: Full Width Button "Display a Small Arrow" Not Working #653432

    Yes. That seemed to work. Good workaround.

    But now I’m having a related “down arrow” issue on the live site. Could you tell me how to turn “off” the down arrow on a full width button? Not ALL of them (which is what happened when I targeted the class via Chrome Dev Tools and set to display:none). I only want to be able to target (turn off, or change the color of) the dark grey down arrow on the “YES PLEASE!” button under the video.

    in reply to: Footer is detached and looks like boxed layout #641288

    This is happening to me too, randomly. Unable to determine the cause. Please help!

    in reply to: Mobile Menu Sticky Issue #632411

    That fixed the container issue. Thanx!

    The other bigger is still there. It doesn’t disappear on scroll, it disappears after you click one of the menu items. For example, click Pricing, and it scrolls to the anchor point of pricing (that’s good) but the menu is no longer sticking to the top of the screen on mobile (that’s bad) and the mobile hamburger menu disappears (also very bad).

    If I disable all the CSS mods then the menu clicking works, but the sticky menu on mobile is disabled (which is a CSS mod too).


    in reply to: Full Width Button "Display a Small Arrow" Not Working #632410

    Please compare the live site with the staging site, and you’ll see everything that it broke. Changing the “top” on the same classes did not fix anything.

    in reply to: Mobile Menu Disappears #632409

    Hi Yigit,

    The CSS is still applied. Still has the same issue on my Galaxy S6 Edge+ and all other android devices I’ve checked it on. Don’t have an iPhone to check with at the moment.


    in reply to: Tab Title? #632408

    It actually includes the page title too. How can I change it so it ONLY displays what’s in Settings > General site title?

    I tried the solution posted here in the functions.php child theme, but no luck

    in reply to: Mobile Menu Disappears #631442


    This is a fresh copy. I also already determined that it’s a CSS issue in the child theme stylesheet by deleting all of the adjustments there, it fixes the dissappearing menu part. Could you have a look at that CSS specifically and let me know what to change? Thanx!

    in reply to: Mobile Menu Sticky Issue #631244

    Posted screencast below.

    in reply to: Full Width Button "Display a Small Arrow" Not Working #631233

    Hi Ismael,

    So . . . yeah, that kinda broke, well, everything. Jacked up all sorts of background images, colors, sections, and to boot, the “arrow” is now half of an octagon. :(


    in reply to: Mobile Menu Disappears #630952

    Hey Andy,

    I already did that with the plugins. Then turned them back on. No luck. They’re all off now. Feel free to turn on/off, or overwrite whatever you need to to fix the issue. This is a staging site, it’s not live.

    I have narrowed it down to being a CSS issue though. Having deleted everything in my custom CSS file, it fixed the disappearing menu issue. However, the menu still “unsticks” on mobile devices.

    in reply to: Mobile Menu Sticky Issue #630251


    It didn’t solve anything. I included the credentials. Please let me know. Thanx!

    ~ Michael

    in reply to: Full Width Button "Display a Small Arrow" Not Working #630250

    Hey Andy,

    Thanx for the help. Sorry about the login. It should work now. I restored the site from a previous version while changing some things and that removed away the original login. Should be set now.

    ~ Michael

    in reply to: Mobile Menu Sticky Issue #628915

    A third issue I’m noticing is that the right border / centering of everything with the content is slightly off. Scroll down to pricing on your phone and you’ll see what I mean. Less of an issue than the first two, but would still like to solve it.


    in reply to: Mobile Menu Sticky Issue #628914


    Thanx! Got that problem solved. But now another bigger one popped up :(

    When viewing on an actual mobile device (not just small browser window size) and you click on any of the mobile menu links, two bad things happen :

    • Menu Un-Sticks
    • Mobile Menu Disappears Entirely

    Super important to fix this one sooner than later. Included login info.


    in reply to: Mobile Menu Sticky Issue #626924

    Hi Vinay,

    That ALMOST works :) It keeps the menu from jumping, but now when you scroll down the hamburger/menu lines animate to the right. Wasn’t sure where else to put the margin-right setting to keep it from doing that. Thoughts?

    Is there a workaround for this? I’m having the same issue. Please advise. Thanx!

    in reply to: Mobile Menu ~ Dynamically Fill Screen #612162

    Gothcya, didn’t realize you updated your post. Still no luck though. Now the bullets are just misaligned :( Thoughts?

    in reply to: SVG with Multiple UseMap Links #611535

    Hi Vinnie,

    Thanx for the info. I’m already able to use it on the site. What I need to do is have an independent copy of it to exist on the other site, and have it complete with the multiple links. Note how all the logos have different links. What’s the best way to copy that or set up multiple links on an SVG? Thanx!

    ~ Michael

    in reply to: Multiple Logos in Header #611522


    Perfect! Nope. No more misunderstanding. I think that accomplishes exactly what I was hoping to do. I’ll post back if there’s any issues. Thanx!

    ~ Michael

    in reply to: Mobile Menu ~ Dynamically Fill Screen #611517

    Hi Ismael!

    It’s updated in the pastebin? <- if so, I didn’t realize pastebin was collaborative. > Or is there another link? Could you tell me what was changed? Thanx!

    ~ Michael

    in reply to: Mobile Menu ~ Dynamically Fill Screen #610681

    Hi Ismael!

    Here’s the pastebin for my Child Theme Functions. Thanx!!

    in reply to: SVG with Multiple UseMap Links #610469

    Alternatively, could you help just copy the exact solution from below?

    in reply to: Share OR Download Gallery Images #610466

    Thanx Ismael,

    I just used FooBox for now, which works GREAT! Though I appreciate the github link. You can close the ticket now. Cheers!!

    in reply to: Multiple Logos in Header #610050

    Hi Basilis,

    Sorry I might not have been clear. Was wondering if it’s possible to link to classes? So I can call .only_desktop from .third-logo in order to not write another @media query specific call. Does that make sense?

    in reply to: Multiple Logos in Header #610001

    Fantastic! This worked PERFECT Ismael! Thank you!

    Just one follow up question. Can I call another class like “only_desktop” <- using this from another thread, very handy > and somehow link it to the third logo here so it’s automatically hidden when the mobile/hamburger menu pops up?

    I know I can do a separate @media call for that, but I’m wondering if I can just reuse the class that already does it. So basically, can I call a class from within another class?

    in reply to: Mobile Menu ~ Dynamically Fill Screen #609993

    Thanx Ismael,

    Does it need to be in the core theme functions.php? Or can I just use it in my child functions.php? Because I tried the latter, and it didn’t quite work. I say “not quite” because, it looked like the PHP call at the top and bottom either didn’t need to be there or where inverted. So I deleted them to test that, and it actually worked . . . for a second, then it crashed WordPress (doh!). Luckily WPengine has great backup point management :)


    ~ Michae1

    in reply to: SVG with Multiple UseMap Links #609202

    Any help with the last yard on this one? Almost there, just not quite. Need help with the Image / Use Map / Links solution.

    in reply to: Multiple Logos in Header #608671

    Hi Vinnie,

    Thought I had a fix for this, and it SORTA worked, but it was kludgy. Just embedded the third logo on the right into the background image, but it doesn’t scale/responsive well :\

    So . . . I think I hear what you’re saying, but could you post the CSS to accomplish the following goal?

    1. Desktop : Show all three logos, where they are left, center, and right aligned
    2. Mobile & Tablet : As soon as the hamburger menu is shown, hide the logo (date) on the right.


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