Forum Replies Created
February 28, 2025 at 1:02 pm in reply to: Meldung Welcome to Enfold 7.0 introducing a nice feature löschen #1478246
Hi Yigit,
i solved the problem with the //st– fix i found after i write the post :-)Greets mexi
Hello Yigit,
when is the update available?
Greats mexiI have the same Problem :-(
Please delete this post, i solve the problem with another color-layout.
The problem is still there. I use the plugin: WordPress Custom Scrollbar (i buy it on code canyon). The support of the plugin has done his best to make it work in Enfold. But there is situation, he says: has prevented scroll functions.
My customer want’s a scrollbar that works on every divice (also Safari and IOS), but it doesn’t work whatever i do :-(
i solve the problem with another plugin, that works and customer is satisfied :-)
Greets mexi
my customer means that the scrollbar not seen on ipad and iphone.
I test it on a ipad from a friend. There the scrollbar shows on dark background but not on white, it is to light. What can i do to change the color of the scrollbar in enfold?Best regards,
mexii solve the problem with a plugin. i hope my customer see it on here ipad.
Hey Rikard,
i can’t send a Screenshot because i have no Ipad. My customer want onother color of the scrollbar on the left side where she scroll on the side on here ipad. I have look to the archieves but i find no answer :-(
Hi Rikard,
Link to Screenshot:
i want to underline these links.
This reply was modified 5 years, 7 months ago by
Peeeerfekt, it works :-) Thank you for your fast Reply :-)
This reply has been marked as private.Hi Mike,
ich dachte es hätte sich etwas einfacheres im Laufe der Jahre ergeben. Problem ist wenn ich das ändere und WordPress oder Enfold wird upgedatet das diese Änderung weg ist. So wie zur Zeit der Fall.
Es gibt ja leider nur “Social” Icons. Es wäre schön, wenn man auch eigene Icons mittels hochladen verwenden könnte.
Nach Update auf die neueste Enfold-Version ist leider nun auch das Icon weg. Gibt es nach den Jahren mittlerweile eine neue Möglichkein ein eigenes Icon zuzufügen? Das wäre klasse.
LG mexi
i solved the problem with other configuration.
Ist niemand da der mir helfen kann? Das Problem besteht übrigens nur im Enfold-Theme, im Twentyxyz steht der Text an der richtigen Stelle.
Auch gern nochmal in englisch:
I have install the Plugin WP GPDR and put the text in it. But the Text on the blogsite is not unter the commentform, it flys over the commenttextfield. What can i do. Here is one link where you can see it. mexi-photos blogbeitrag
Ich habe das Plugin WP GPDR installiert, und auch den Text eingefügt, soweit wo gut. Leider schwirrt der Text irgendwo im Kommentarfeld rum, aber nicht darunter. Hab ich was falsch gemacht oder muss ich noch wo was einstellen? Zur Veranschaulichung hier ein Link zu meiner Seite auf der man kommentieren kann (müsst ihr natürlich nicht ;-) mexi-photos
April 5, 2018 at 9:07 am in reply to: WordPress 4.9.5 update caused Enfold Theme Options not to work #937561Aaahhh i fix it by myself. Now it works.
April 4, 2018 at 8:21 pm in reply to: WordPress 4.9.5 update caused Enfold Theme Options not to work #937359I have the same problem. Also i can’t edit the sites :-( What must we do?
oooops, i can’t see the website to :-(
This reply was modified 6 years, 12 months ago by
I found the solution, you could set it directly in Enfold
Thank you, it works 🙂
Best regards Mexi
Hi Rikard,
no, it doesn`t work.
Is there any way to put bullets before the links? that was an alternativ.
Hi Yigit,
thats ok, but can i change the colors of all links
1. Level
2. Level
3. LevelNow it change only the color of the second level. I want that every level have a diffrent color.
This reply was modified 7 years, 1 month ago by
Hi Sarah,
not at the moment ;-)
.sidebar .avia-icon-pos-left { float: none; } .sidebar .av_font_icon { display: inline; }
thats the right code ….
i solve the problem with this code
.avia-icon-pos-left { float: none; } .av_font_icon { display: inline; }
but it change it also on the pages. I only wish it in the sidebar, can you modyfing this for me ?
You can see it in the Link in private content:
April 20, 2017 at 9:24 am in reply to: Team-Mitglieder – im Text Icons für Telefon und Email #780388Hat sich erledigt …
April 19, 2017 at 12:33 pm in reply to: Team-Mitglieder – im Text Icons für Telefon und Email #779925Hier genauere Daten:
This reply was modified 5 years, 7 months ago by