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  • in reply to: Contact form elements not working #1132660

    Hi Victoria,

    thanks for the support. I tried all the option on the contact form doc you sent me but it still not working.

    in reply to: Can't upload basic files to Media Library #1055869

    Hey I have the same issue. When I try to upload an image in the media library I get the error HTTP error.
    I tried to follow Kevin suggestion but it did not work. Any other help to get this fixed ?
    Thank you very much

    in reply to: Event Calendar Layout #376226
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    in reply to: Ajax Portfolio Preview location #331244

    I am so sorry Josue but I just realised that another issue arose now :( Apparently from the list of publications only the first abstract seems to expand!

    in reply to: Ajax Portfolio Preview location #331213

    That worked amazingly thank you so much for all your support Josue, it has been really impeccable!

    in reply to: Ajax Portfolio Preview location #331195

    Hi Josue unfortunately the above code gives me a fatal error.

    in reply to: Ajax Portfolio Preview location #331157

    Now should work!

    in reply to: Ajax Portfolio Preview location #331110

    Oh now I have another issue though ! When I expand the text in the excerpt, the text hide behind the below portfolio entry! Is there a way to make it scroll down when one expand the text without by default expand the space between the items as when the text is hidden a big gap it won’t look nice.

    in reply to: Ajax Portfolio Preview location #331102

    That worked amazingly !! thank you very much for the help!

    in reply to: Ajax Portfolio Preview location #331050

    Hi Josue sorry for all the buzz.

    I actually found a plugging that does exactly the job

    However it can only be add using the html/code which is currently not supported in the excerpt section of the portfolio items.
    Is there anyway to enable html code in the excerpt?

    Thank you very much for the support!

    in reply to: Ajax Portfolio Preview location #331017

    Hi Josue thank you very much for that it worked perfectly!

    I have a very last question it could be possible instead to showing directly the excerpt in the portfolio grid preview, have a function that allow the users to click on the word “Excerpt” and the excerpt expand below?

    Or alternatively a general html code that allows to expand the text when one click on it. E.g. just showing “Abstract” and when one click on it the text expand below. I kind of Accordion but without the frame.

    Thank you very much for the help.

    in reply to: Ajax Portfolio Preview location #330264
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    in reply to: Ajax Portfolio Preview location #330246

    Hey Josue

    Thank you for that I commented those line but the Ajax preview still opens at the top of the page. The only thing that changed by removing those lines is that the page does not scroll automatically on top. Is there any way to show the Ajax preview at the same location of te quadrant?

    Alternatively I am trying to use the Ajax mode to show list of publications so that when one click on the tittle the abstract opens. Do you know any good plugin to have something similar? The only one I know is teachPress but the design is not that good.

    Thanks for the help!

    in reply to: Mega Menu not responsive #329849
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    in reply to: Ajax Portfolio Preview location #329787

    Hey I have updated the theme to Enfold 3.0
    this is the new install. What line should I remove now?

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 4 months ago by Josue. Reason: please don't paste the whole code here, use or
    in reply to: Ajax Portfolio Preview location #329747

    Hi Josue,

    line 1297 is already blank is that normal?
    While for line 1319 should I remove this: activate_shortcode_scripts(content_retrieved[post_id]);


    in reply to: Ajax Portfolio Preview location #328793

    Hi Josue thank you for the help! Here the install

    in reply to: Mega Menu not responsive #328755
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    in reply to: Portfolio Grid and WooCommerce Product Category #324394
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    in reply to: Portfolio Grid and WooCommerce Product Category #324285
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    in reply to: Portfolio Grid and WooCommerce Product Category #324244
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    in reply to: Adding WooCommerce Buttons #324205
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    in reply to: WooCommerce cart #324165

    Thank you Ismael worked perfectly!

    in reply to: Adding WooCommerce Buttons #323676

    Hi I have a similar issue than bakbek,

    I am trying to create a customised product page using the advanced editor layout and then just add the “add to chart” short code. But when I copy the shortcode that Peter (above) provided in the text block it messes all the layout! Where exactly should I insert the short code?

    Also is there any shortcode to add the product variations (e.g. color and size) as well?

    Thank you for the help!

    in reply to: WooCommerce cart #323640

    Hi Ismael,

    thank you very much for the code to personalise the button, it worked perfectly.

    Regarding the cart in the menu, I added the plugin you suggest but now I have 2 cart icon on the menu: the one of the pluging and the default one e.g.
    Also is there any way that the cart icon be displayed in the small bar above the main mean instead that in the main menu?

    In alternative to the plugin I tried to insert the following code in functions.php but it doesn’t seem to make any differences.

    //* Make Font Awesome available
    add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'enqueue_font_awesome' );
    function enqueue_font_awesome() {
    	wp_enqueue_style( 'font-awesome', '//' );
     * Place a cart icon with number of items and total cost in the menu bar.
     * Source:
    add_filter('wp_nav_menu_items','sk_wcmenucart', 10, 2);
    function sk_wcmenucart($menu, $args) {
    	// Check if WooCommerce is active and add a new item to a menu assigned to Primary Navigation Menu location
    	if ( !in_array( 'woocommerce/woocommerce.php', apply_filters( 'active_plugins', get_option( 'active_plugins' ) ) ) || 'primary' !== $args->theme_location )
    		return $menu;
    		global $woocommerce;
    		$viewing_cart = __('View your shopping cart', 'your-theme-slug');
    		$start_shopping = __('Start shopping', 'your-theme-slug');
    		$cart_url = $woocommerce->cart->get_cart_url();
    		$shop_page_url = get_permalink( woocommerce_get_page_id( 'shop' ) );
    		$cart_contents_count = $woocommerce->cart->cart_contents_count;
    		$cart_contents = sprintf(_n('%d item', '%d items', $cart_contents_count, 'your-theme-slug'), $cart_contents_count);
    		$cart_total = $woocommerce->cart->get_cart_total();
    		// Uncomment the line below to hide nav menu cart item when there are no items in the cart
    		// if ( $cart_contents_count > 0 ) {
    			if ($cart_contents_count == 0) {
    				$menu_item = '<li class="right"><a class="wcmenucart-contents" href="'. $shop_page_url .'" title="'. $start_shopping .'">';
    			} else {
    				$menu_item = '<li class="right"><a class="wcmenucart-contents" href="'. $cart_url .'" title="'. $viewing_cart .'">';
    			$menu_item .= '<i class="fa fa-shopping-cart"></i> ';
    			$menu_item .= $cart_contents.' - '. $cart_total;
    			$menu_item .= '</a></li>';
    		// Uncomment the line below to hide nav menu cart item when there are no items in the cart
    		// }
    		echo $menu_item;
    	$social = ob_get_clean();
    	return $menu . $social;
    in reply to: WooCommerce cart #323374

    Hi Devin,

    Thank you very much for your help. What plugin do you suggest that will enable to add the cart in the menu or even better in the Small bar above Main Menu?

    Regarding the botton’s title is for example you select a variation here the button that appear says in italian “Buy” but I would like to change its title with “Add to cart”. Perhaps the automatic translation of WooCommerce changed the original meaning. Is it possible to change the title with code?

    Thank you,


    in reply to: Upload PSD files in wordpress #317317

    Thank you very much! Is what I was looking for!

    in reply to: Delete Lightbox media title #264190

    Thank you very much Yigit! it worked perfectly!

    in reply to: Responsive Layout dimensions #260946

    Thank you for that! I look forward to hearing from Kriesi!

    Hey Yigit thank you very much! I already inserted this code to sort the portfolio items alphabetically and it works perfectly

    require_once( 'functions-enfold.php');
    function custom_post_grid_query( $query, $params ) {
    $query['orderby'] = 'title';
    $query['order'] = 'ASC';
    return $query;
    add_filter( 'avia_post_grid_query', 'custom_post_grid_query', 10, 2);

    However I set to open the portfolio entry in a new page. Once i am in the page, the page do not navigate anymore by alphabetical order of the portfolio category but by date.

    Would replacing the above query with this one work?
    $query = new WP_Query( array( ‘post_type’ => ‘page’, ‘orderby’ => ‘title menu_order’, ‘order’ => ‘ASC’ ) );

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