Thanks for the quick reply! We tried what you suggested. The problem was actually with WPML; we didn’t translate the page correctly. We had made a manual translation, like a copy of the page in a different language, instead of using the recommended translation tool for page builders. The problem was solved by making the translations again using the tool. Of course it’s still a bit of a mystery why some translations worked and some did not…
Hey! Piggybacking this conversation since I have a similar problem. Our site is in English, Finnish and German. Everything else works just great, but in the German version of the frontpage, there are couple of sections – namely newsletter color section and the footer – that for some reason fall outside the main wrapper (<div id=”main”>). The mobile layout doesn’t work starting from the newsletter section. Strangely enough, the Finnish version works just fine, even though it’s translated exactly the same way as the German.