Forum Replies Created
Hi !
That’s perfect!
A big thanks to all of you, you’re cool…
Have a nice day!
Kind regards,
MarcHi Victoria,
The 2 pages are :
– informatique
– communicationI insert a block with an image in background. I dont need them in a mobile view.
Thanks!Best regards,
Hi !
Yes, it’s visible again! It was another code that I can find with your help…
Just another question, also with the mobile view. On 2 pages, I got a background with an image. On this, I put 2 text boxes. On the mobile view only, I’d like to hide this background image. Is it possible?
Thanks again for your help…
Best regards,
Here it is!
Thanks again…
Best regards,
Hi Victoria!
I just desactivate the compression. If you can help me, it would be great!
Best regards,
Hi,Well, I found something, but it doesnt change. I want to to find how to desable the compression, I cannot find where…
Thanks, I will try to find this code and remove it.
Where can I turn off the file compression? I don’t remember I activate such thing…
That’s great! Thank you very much for your support!
Have a nice evening.
Best regards,
Hi !
The user is : kriesi
Password : tEdVCzS9u@AcCIK(#M07@oIJ
Login page : in advance… and good luck! Oh, and if you see something totally strange, feel free to inform me !
Best regards,
- This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by Marc.
No problem! Do you have an e-mail address which I can assign to this admin profile?
I clear the cache several times on Safari and Chrome on my macbook, tries on my iphone with both Safari and Chrome. Same result: impossible to get the header (logo + short sentence), and no menu…
Unfortunately, it doesn’t work. Just browse the site in Safari or Chrome and reduce the with of th ebrowser to the minimum: no header, no menu…
Should I use a plug-in for the menu? Which one?Thanks again…
If you mean “general style” then Quick CSS (sorry, I got it in french…) : this section is empty…
Best regards,
MarcHi Jordan,
Thanks for your reply. Sorry, no time to check before…Here is my css :
/*Theme Name: Enfold Child
Description: A Child Theme for the Enfold WordPress Theme. If you plan to do a lot of file modifications we recommend to use this Theme instead of the original Theme. Updating wil be much easier then.
Version: 1.0
Author: Kriesi
Author URI:
Template: enfold*/@import url(“../enfold/style.css”);
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*//* Immeubles Grid */
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}I cannot find what to do to avoid this problem. A setting somewhere in the Enfold Child section ?
Thanks for your precious help !
Best regards,
Hi Jordan,
Just go to using your smartphone and your computer : you will immediately see the problem!
Thanks in advance…
Best regards,
Hi Rikard,
You can close the topic. If I need some more info, I will create a new one.
Perfect, it’s exactly what i was looking for! Thanks a lot!
Hi Victoria,
As the website is in development, it’s in a maintenance mode actually.
I’d like to have two fields side by side, as exemple. In my form, I just got one field per line… not so sexy!
Thanks for your help!
Best regards,
This reply has been marked as private.This reply has been marked as private.This reply has been marked as private.Hi Rikard,
Here’s the link :
what I would like to do, as example :
– Bold font in a cell (first column for example)
– 3rd line, merge the 2nd and 3rd cells
Well, easily to say, build my table the same kind of way I will do using the html code and be able to format my cell (background of a cell or line). I know I can change my css, but that will apply the customization to every tables (and I don’t wan that).
Do you understand what I mean?
Thanks & regards,
Marc -