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  • in reply to: Shortcode in Hook breaks code #1361096

    Hello Ismael, thanks for the code, it seems to work…but only for the images.
    now I need it also for the layerslider to work.

    did you figure out, why using shortcodes, which is way more comfortable, doesn’t work?

    in reply to: Shortcode in Hook breaks code #1360823

    Hello Ismael,

    sadly I cannot use the rendered html, because for example the heights may vary etc.
    This is why I used the shortcodes instead.

    Plase have a look at the staging credentials below

    in reply to: Shortcode in Hook breaks code #1360635

    Hi Ismael,

    I used to insert the element as wished within the builder the normal way and (because the debug is enabled) I then copied the created shortcode(s) from this to build my custom code. Again,
    I think it’s because I use them outside the builder but used a code provided here to make it possible, but seems, it doesn#t work (anymore?)


    It is correct. The first one is an image-field which returns the image-id, the second one is just plain text-field. the output/render of this part is absolutely correct as I wish it to be. the only problem is, it pulls this and all the stuff made inside the builder out of the wrapping-container #wrap_all and therefore breaks the appearance in the frontend (like paddings etc)

    in reply to: Shortcode in Hook breaks code #1360544

    Hi Ismael,

    sadly it doesn’ do anything.
    The site I provided to you, which shows the problem, has a header_image acf field filled, so maybe have a look at the upper part.
    I just tried it the the header_slider acf field, it puts I what I want it to, so this part is fine, the only problem is, it somehow, as said, breaks all builder-content outside of the wrap_all container in the frontends html and therefore the css

    maybe it’s because of the use of avia shortcodes outside the builder? but as also said, I’ve tried a code you provided in another thread to make the use of the shortcodes outside the builder possible

    in reply to: Background Images #1356604

    Hi Ismael,

    it would make them lazy load if they were applied via inline-style, because that’s how wp rockets lazyload works.
    That was the whole point.
    We won’t use another plugin for that.
    And I don’t really get the point of the hidden image-elements.
    How shall I put them as background for the elements that they are used to be used an, and how would this help with lazyload?
    The whole point of using a builder (like yours) is to make those edits inside it.

    So maybe, beside a workaround for now, you could consider this as an improvement request?

    in reply to: Theme General Styling CSS #1351172


    Yes, the class is applied to the element in frontend. But even when they are beside each other (the old one which works and the new one) the css is different.
    I made some slightly css changes recently and hope, this will fix it, but if not I would provide you a link asap I’ll get the info from our customer, that the button doesn’t work again,

    in reply to: Theme General Styling CSS #1351067

    Thanks for the quick reply,

    But the point is, the stuff which displays false has the class-name with the css behind it as the one, which shows correctly.
    So there is button1 with class “new-home-button” (which shows correctly)
    after adding button2 and button3, with the same class “new-home-button” included, it doesn’t show right.

    But the css for this class is loaded, because else the button1 wouldn’t show correctly

    Sadly I cannot give you a link with the problem, because the site is live and as soon the customer tells us, there is the problem, I reload the whole cache to fix is, because the visitors shouldn’t see a partly broken site.

    But I don’t get, why there is this kind of problem in the first place.

    in reply to: Issue in Backend #1342004

    Hello Mike,

    thank you for the quick response.
    I figured out the unclosed divs, or to be clear the closing div-tag an the bottom after all the shortcodes. Question is: why did this happen after the update? The issue wasn’t there before. And also: is the a automatic solution to fix this, or do we have to fix them all manually now?

    in reply to: Issue in Backend #1341508

    Hello Nikko,

    now registered here. Another site but this is the shortcode
    Some html-tags are weird (in this case the closing div at the bottom – wrong position)

    Maybe there is an automatic solution to fix this, or do we have to fix them all manually?

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