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Je viens de vous communiquer en privé un exemple de page boutique sur laquelle je souhaiterais ajouter un texte d’introduction (idéalement entre le titre de la catégorie et la grille des produits).
J’ai besoin de saisir un texte différent pour chaque page, qui sera adapté à la catégorie affichée.
Merci de m’indiquer la marche à suivre.
Cordialement,Thanks I ve change the version of php to 7.3, perhaps this change have correct the problem ?
Thanks a lot for reactiv
Have a good day
Ok now you are administrator, please correct the problem quickly as possible
Thanks a lotOk sorry, please try now with this new password :
I just deactivated Google Authenticator, please let me know when you have corrected my concern so that I activate this Google security again.
I confirm that I have tried with several browsers, in normal mode and also in private mode, the error does not appear immediately but only after several page changes, when you browse on 2 or 3 pages then the error appears it is really boring, for example when you are on homepage, clic on “plateaux-repas”.
Thank you in advance for your help,
Best regards
Julienthe favicon is no longer visible either when it is selected in the dashboard…
perfect, thank you for your responsiveness!
Thank you but unfortunately this link does not contain a solution to my problem. Indeed, my problem arises on the articles, according to the categories I want it to appear differently on the shop page, for example for category A I want it to appear in grid with photo, title, and price, but when I choose category B, I want it to appear in the form of a list with only the price and the title (therefore without photo), thank you in advance for your help.
Thank you for your intervention, the problem seems solved.
Can the problem reoccur during the update?
Can you tell me what to do if the problem occurs again?
Best regardsHi Rikard,
Try the new password please
Best regards,
Best regards
I can not apply to my titles H2, H3 … the Amatic SC font already already imported and selected in advanced settings
thanks for your intervention