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  • in reply to: Website crashed after update #1312089

    another thing that went done the gutter:

    and many more

    in reply to: Update time – foobar time #1312056

    also messed:
    – margins
    – header sizes

    PROOF: (wanted) (messed by Update)

    in reply to: Update time – foobar time #1312053

    PROOF: (works) (messed)


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    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.
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    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.
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    in reply to: Update time – foobar time #1311995

    So, i restored everything from the server.
    Either your theme is broken or you changed the markup so that my custom-CSS does not find the proper elements/classes/IDs.
    Whatever it is:
    I expect you to fix this

    in reply to: Update time – foobar time #1311993

    after trying to upload the latest Enfold version i get this:

    Ein Fehler vom Typ E_ERROR wurde in der Zeile 561 der Datei /usr/www/……/wordpress/wp-content/themes/enfold/config-templatebuilder/avia-shortcodes/columns/columns.php verursacht. Fehlermeldung: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined method Avia_Popup_Templates::get_border_styles_options() in /usr/www/…../wordpress/wp-content/themes/enfold/config-templatebuilder/avia-shortcodes/columns/columns.php:561
    Stack trace:
    #0 /usr/www/…../wordpress/wp-content/themes/enfold/config-templatebuilder/avia-template-builder/php/shortcode-template.class.php(1191): avia_sc_columns->register_dynamic_templates()
    #1 /usr/www/…../wordpress/wp-content/themes/enfold/config-templatebuilder/avia-template-builder/php/shortcode-template.class.php(116): aviaShortcodeTemplate->extra_config()
    #2 /usr/www/…../wordpress/wp-content/themes/enfold/config-templatebuilder/avia-shortcodes/columns/columns.php(89): aviaShortcodeTemplate->__construct(Object(AviaBuilder))
    #3 /usr/www/…../wordpress/wp-content/themes/enfold/config-templatebuilder/avia-template-builder/php/template-b

    in reply to: Update time – foobar time #1311987

    Everything changed in these sections.
    table color
    link color

    There is no embedcode. Thats why i ask
    There is a HTML, a JS and imagefiles. Thats it
    The problem is that there are no links, no references.

    in reply to: Images metadata lost in Enfolds generated images #1283733

    This is not correct.
    Upload an image that contains metadata and you will see how wrong you are – anyway if GD or IM

    (Its a bit strange how often one needs to argue about obvious facts with Enfold mods.
    User: “The earth is not flat”
    Mod: “Yeah it is…”
    User: “Here…proof”
    and than the mod starts to react)
    You want a proof again??

    in reply to: Images metadata lost in Enfolds generated images #1283266

    Still we got some open questions/tasks on the table.

    I filled out all fields that an image offers to put data in it, correct?
    Correct. There arent any more available.
    But still the fields for “alt attribute” and “Copyright” in the WP media library are empty.
    I mean….its 2021, isnt it?
    And its definitely not best practice or modern state of the art to expect from a user to fill out these fields by hand for thousands of images, specially not if there are batch tools like Adobe Lightroom for metadata handling.
    So whats the solution to get these fields filled out without spending my years holiday for it?


    in reply to: Images metadata lost in Enfolds generated images #1281370

    I understand that questions about IM is beyound the scope of your support and it wasnt meant as a support request…more like a chat between people who want to solve things.
    And so is this:
    Why do you think, is GD stripping the meta? Dont the Devs know what they do?

    in reply to: Images metadata lost in Enfolds generated images #1280575

    Thanks Mike,
    thats useful.
    I just enabled ImageMagick on my server.
    But what do i need to do next?
    Regenerating thumbnails is not a good idea since i run Shortpixels.
    At what point does Enfold generate thumbnails?
    – When uploading into the media library??
    – When adding images into a gallery??

    I uploaded the images again, added them into the gallery and it works.
    You can check here with fresh images:

    But it seems as if ImageMagick slows down my site dramatically.
    Only when generating images or always???

    Another way could be this:
    Tell Google/Bing not to spider/index thumbnails via x-robots-tag.
    Its not the best way but at least you dont pollute your SEO with untagged images

    in reply to: Images metadata lost in Enfolds generated images #1280114

    “Since WordPress doesn’t offer this functionality and Enfold doesn’t add it,”
    You still miss the point.

    1: Keeping Metadata is NOT a “functionality”.
    Stripping metadata is a bug.
    Again: Metadata usually stays in the file when you make a copy or edit and you need to be active to get rid of it.
    So there must be something that says “delete the metadata”.
    That means, your idea of finding a plugin is irrelevant and completely points in the wrong direction.
    It is as if i first destroy your car and then say “You need to find a spare parts dealer”
    Not crashing your car is not a functionality.

    1.1: “I also notice that the “IPTC” data is not easily available in image software (on Windows) only EXIF is shown in my software.”
    Thats irrelevant.
    Its in the file…if you see it or not….it doesnt matter.
    Google “sees” them and takes it into account for delivering images to users.
    No IPTC = bad SEO

    2: The theme is in charge.
    So it can overwrite the standards by hooks, functions and whatever.
    That means: Enfold could influence that behaviour

    3: Deleting the metadata is a severe thing to do.
    Like i said before: It can cause very expensive lawsuits.
    Imagine a photographer or a stock agency like Shutterstock makes it mandatory to put their credit as a metadata in the file.
    And then they find a file which doesnt.
    What do you think they will do?

    4: Enfold advertises with “SEO friendly” but this is definitely not “SEO-friendly”
    You might say that Enfold in this point is not worse than any other themes because maybe they all do it like that….but if you really want to be “SEO friendly” you should follow your own claim and make it do it right
    If you dont understand why it is not SEO-friendly” imagine this:
    A photographer has 1000 photos, tagged carefully.
    Now Enfold comes along and creates for every file at least 6 other versions
    So there are 6000 images
    5000 does not contain the keywords, the Author, the copyright and so on.
    Can you advice Google not to spider/index the thumbnails?
    No, you cant.
    Does google like to index dublettes/duplicate content?
    No it does.
    So whats the result?
    The most images which end up in Google does not contain any metadata.

    And maybe you know that image search is a relevant source for SEO, do you?
    That means:
    Any theme that delete metadata boycotts any attempt to get visitors via Google image search.

    Here are some links:

    If you really want to stand out of the crowd, if you really want to build a theme thats a win for photographers and designers…… you will fix it.
    Will you?

    in reply to: Images metadata lost in Enfolds generated images #1279251
    in reply to: Images metadata lost in Enfolds generated images #1279232

    To hopefully end this debate

    This is the data from an original testfile which was on my server at the moment when i made that screenshot
    As obvious: It contains metadata.

    This is the so called thumbnail (705×470)which has been generated by Enfold from the testfile.
    It contains no more metada

    And more:
    There is no difference between metadata & IPTC
    IPTC IS metadata.
    Its just a standardized vocabulary.

    1: Google for “photographer Enfold” or “Fotograf Enfold” and find some
    2: Do a sitesearch for the founded sites (site:domain) in imagesearch
    3: Flip through the images and check some images and you will find what i described

    in reply to: Images metadata lost in Enfolds generated images #1279063

    Once again:
    3: Enfold deletes the metadata from the images, at least for every image which is generated by Enfold
    Example: The original image “test.jpg” contains all IPTC-data, the image “test-845×684.jpg” (which is an Enfold-thumbnail) has no IPTC-data anymore.
    (you can easily check it yourself by adding this plugin into your Chrome or Firefox:

    in reply to: Images metadata lost in Enfolds generated images #1278767

    Sorry, but you completely missed the topic.
    it is NOT about the way how metadata comes into the pic.
    It is about the fact that Enfold deletes the metadata from images that already contains metadata

    This can cause:
    – copyright lawsuits
    – bad SEO
    and a lot of other trouble

    So why is Enfold deleting Metada?

    in reply to: Fatal error #1271645

    Hi @yigit, can you please help??

    in reply to: Fatal error #1271254

    This is respectless.
    YOU mods gave me this wrong code and now you say “go help yourself”??????
    I dont want to be “supported” by you anymore.
    Please send @yigit.

    in reply to: Different Footer for Page XY #1207062

    Good idea…i missed the possibility of disabling footer/socket on an individual page basis.


    How often do i need to tell you that i dont want to be “supported” by you?
    You waste to much of my time with your mostly irrelevant anwers….

    , please….

    in reply to: Wrong language on breadcrumb and form #1190926

    So you are telling me that Enfold provides wrong language files???
    Thousands of users have the same issue????
    PLEASE , DONT “support” me anymore!!!



    in reply to: Is Enfold GDPR-ready and does the Cookie-modal work? #1190922

    Hello Yigit,
    See private field

    in reply to: Is Enfold GDPR-ready and does the Cookie-modal work? #1190706

    Hello Yigit,
    i added a subdomain and imported woocommerce dummy content via the Enfold Importer:
    (the same credentials than on the main domain)

    Since i am not sure if i understood your instructions you might take a look at it?
    Here is what i did:
    In “” (child)
    1: i edited as you said:
    document.cookie = CookieName + “=” + CookieValue + expires + “; path=” + path + ‘;‘;

    I added your code into the functions

    In “” (child)
    I added your code also into the functions of

    BUT I DID NOT edit the /js/avia-snippet-cookieconsent.js of
    (To me it seems as if it should be the other way round)

    Most important:
    The domain has to accept the cookies from the subdomain because on the subdomain there will be the shop.
    (But maybe its more secure if they both accept their cookies crosswise)

    Kind regards

    PS: There is another issue:
    On its not possible to add items to the menu.
    The toggles dont react

    in reply to: Is Enfold GDPR-ready and does the Cookie-modal work? #1180300

    Following your information has one logical consequence:
    The concept of using subdomains is gone forever – at least where the GDPR is in charge
    Sorry, but i cant believe that this is true.
    This would have leaded to a hughe shitstorm throughout the whole internet and it would change the whole concept.

    Anyway….for the moment i need a solution.
    What about this?
    1: Multisite??
    2: Having a second Cookie-Modal when user jump from “mainwebsite” to the shop?
    3: any idea else?


    in reply to: Is Enfold GDPR-ready and does the Cookie-modal work? #1180264

    1: Are you sure about that since its a subdomain?
    2: “you cannot access cookies on another domain due to security reasons“…every time i load a youtube video i do access / accept cookies from another domain. Whats the difference??
    3: Whats a possible solution for the task then? (I need to run the shop in a separate database)

    I know sooooo many website with that construct (website & shop on subdomain).
    They are all screwed now??

    in reply to: Is Enfold GDPR-ready and does the Cookie-modal work? #1180118

    OK, i will.
    Can you please meanwhile answer this one?

    in reply to: Is Enfold GDPR-ready and does the Cookie-modal work? #1180020

    We talk about woocommerce later when we got the basics.
    Please let me know another plugin to test which doesnt need a half working day for the setup

    in reply to: Is Enfold GDPR-ready and does the Cookie-modal work? #1179647

    OK – i think i slowly get an idea what it does.
    Can we please become more practical now?

    Can you please tell me a plugin that sets cookies, so i can practice & test??

    in reply to: Is Enfold GDPR-ready and does the Cookie-modal work? #1178984

    1: Please dont switch the mod in the middle of a thread. @yigit???
    2: “allow users to remove or disable cookies” HOW?
    3: “It is also useful if you want to describe cookies that are not generated by the themeThis is exactly what i thought it is and it does not work on my end and I asked at least 4 time for a practical example or any help about that but i always get contradictional answers or no answers about it.
    4: What about my last question #1178737?


    in reply to: Is Enfold GDPR-ready and does the Cookie-modal work? #1178737

    In addition:
    In the future i want do split the shopsection from the rest of my website (speed-reasons/database-load)
    The idea is to do it with a subdomain and tow separate installations/databases:
    shop under:
    normal website:

    How can i solve the rising cookieproblems in this situation?
    Problems are:
    1: I dont want to have two different cookie-popups
    2: I have to get the cookie consent for the shop even when a user is entering on the mainpage.

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