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  • in reply to: Not receiving contact form by mail #360396

    All right ! Thanks a lot.
    Best regards,

    in reply to: Not receiving contact form by mail #360045

    All right thanks !
    I’ll use the “dropdown list version” then, no problem.
    If ever I really need to use select or radio buttons in the future, I would have to download contact form 7, right ?

    Thanks you for everything.
    Best regards,


    in reply to: Not receiving contact form by mail #358929

    Thank you Elliott.
    Well all mail notifications arrived during the night and I found them this morning ! So its good news, it’s working… :) But is this “time shift” normal ? Before it used to be instantaneous which was better. Should I also check this with the hosting provider for this matter ?

    Another question : when I receive the mail notification and the “results” of the formular with checkedboxes (formular number 2 on the “questionnaire page”) the “questions” I’ve put above checkboxes in the formular are not re-written in the “mail results”, which is not convenient at all… Is there a solution for that ?
    Consequently, I’ve prepared the same formular with the “list system”… but as the client first asked me for “checkboxes”… I’d be curious to know weather there is (or not) a way I could use them -> but then having the “questions” written in the “mail results” (hope I’m not being too much confusing sorry…). See below the results I get with the “checkbox version”, might help…

    Thanks a lot.
    Best regards,

    Votre nom: Name
    Votre entreprise: Test company
    Tres satisfaisante: true
    Satisfaisante: false
    Passable: false
    Insuffisante: false
    Tres satisfaisante: false
    Satisfaisante: true
    Passable: false
    Insuffisante: false
    Tres satisfaisante: false
    Satisfaisante: true
    Passable: false
    Insuffisante: false
    Tres satisfaisante: true
    Satisfaisante: false
    Passable: false
    Insuffisante: false
    Tres satisfaisant: false
    Satisfaisant: false
    Passable: true
    Insuffisant: false
    Tres satisfaisante: false
    Satisfaisante: false
    Passable: false
    Insuffisante: true
    Tres satisfaisant: false
    Satisfaisant: true
    Passable: false
    Insuffisant: false

    Vos commentaires ou suggestions: Commentaire perso.

    in reply to: Not receiving contact form by mail #358252

    For info, just to be sure, I also re-tested the other contact form on the CONTACT page (which was working perfectly when I made the site a few months ago) with my own email, and the mail notification doesn’t seem to work anymore either. So the problem is really the mail notification. I thought it might have been french “accents” like “à” “é” “è”, but apparently it’s not the cause of the problem.
    Thanks for your advices ! (PS for info : WP and Enfold last versions running / + I’m not using a child theme).

    in reply to: Toggle customisation #347791
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    in reply to: Toggle customisation #347044
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    in reply to: Mobile menu #346663
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    in reply to: Drop down menu #346379

    UPDATE / Sorry to post again… + I know that puts me down in the queue… but as I have resolved some issues since my last post I feel it’s nicer to tell you…

    So EVERYTHING is ok now. I just need help on :

    1. message #345800 (above) : Main menu AND submenu come over the fullwidth submenu ant then make navigation in the fullwidth menu quite hard… This is really important for me to solve. I hope you guys can help me with this.

    2. still for fullwidth submenu : I’ve put code in my css to have a color on the “current item” (here dark gray #666666). Apparently it only works for the 1st one (“gouvernance”). These items are not real pages as you can see but anchor links. Should the code be different so that color of these anchor links turn to the good color when on the good section?

    Thanks a lot.

    /* Menu font color for current-STICKY-FULLWIDTH-menu-item #666666 */
    #sub_menu1 .current-menu-item > a { color: #666666 !important; }
    in reply to: Mobile menu #346033


    Hi Elliott!
    Thanks for your answer.
    Yes I want to keep the enfold mobile menu.
    But on desktop, the fullwidth submenu of the “nous connaitre” page is not included really in the “main menu”…
    What I was thinking is build another general menu just for mobile use (like the actual desktop main menu + including child #anchor links just for the “nous connaitre” page) and then, through css, ask for this “mobile menu” to show up instead of the “desktop one”. I’m really talking about architecture here. If I’m confusing, sorry…, go to my page -> see in the main menu -> “nous connaitre” does not have sub-elements. The fullwidth submenu has been “called” on the page trough ALB fullwidth sticky menu element. So If you look at the page on mobile -> items of this fullwidth elements don’t show up in the “enfold mobile menu”… the fullwidthmenu show up on the “page” but it really takes a lot of place and it’s not rendering that good… Unless you have a better idea ? I’m opened ! I don’t know for example is it possible to reduce the font size of this fullwidth submenu ?
    This is not an urgent at all so take your time really.
    I’m just trying to reflect upstream but I already have more urgent and unsolved issues at this stage :)

    in reply to: Drop down menu #345842


    Finally solved for main menu item color but then…
    – the first item (link to anchor) of fullwidth also turning green (page nous connaitre) though the others do not…
    Thanks to tell me how I can target colors for the fullwidth menu (current items).
    – on another hand, on page “patients” (which is a link not a page) -> when you go to subpages -> “patients” is not green. I understand it’s not really the “current item” but is there a way to have it green still ?

    For drop down menu style adjustments, I still can’t make it…

    Important : I need to know how to target specifically “main menu” / “drop down menu” / and “fullwidth sticky menu”
    Thanks a lot.

    /* General Font style in Menu */
    .avia-menu-text {
    font-size: 14px;
    text-transform: uppercase;
    letter-spacing: 1px;
    font-weight: 400;
    /* Menu font color for current-menu-item #00c472 */
    .current-menu-item > a .avia-menu-text { color: #00c472 !important; }
    /* Font style for dropdown menu / text-transform none / letter-spacing none */
    .sub-menu-item a .avia-menu-text { 
    text-transform: none !important;
    letter-spacing: 0px !important; 
    in reply to: Drop down menu #345800

    Complement : you forgot to tell me how to fix issue explained in my above message #344830 (november 2)
    1. OK got it ;) thank you! And now drop down menu displays correctly (regarding the line-height issue I had before). I have just added a ‘margin-top -31px’ to the drop down menu (to ‘balance’ with the ‘top 31px’ added for main menu following your advice).
    BUT THEN OTHER ISSUE… sorry!! : this has an impact on sticky fullwidth submenu (see “nous connaitre” page) -> as invisible parts of main menu come over the fullwidth menu nav… it it very hard to correctly select items of sticky fullwdith menu… and if you click quickly you’re send on other pages… To be able to correctly navigate in this fullwidth submenu the only way now is to click nearly UNDER menu items… :(( Please go and check by yourself. How can this be fixed ?


    in reply to: Drop down menu #345795

    Sorry I’ve tried but without success. Can you be more specific please?
    Thank you.

    /* General Font style in Menu */
    .avia-menu-text {
    font-size: 14px;
    text-transform: uppercase;
    letter-spacing: 1px;
    font-weight: 400;
    /* Menu font color for current-menu-item #00c472 */
    /* Font style for dropdown menu / text-transform none / letter-spacing none */
    in reply to: Toggle customisation #345775
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    in reply to: Dealing with fullwidth submenu styling and permalinks #345181

    Hi again!
    Solved!! Sorry for the confusion…
    I found out I didn’t have to change my original permalink structure… I just have to indicate to each “child-page” what the “parent page” is…


    in reply to: Dealing with fullwidth submenu styling and permalinks #345173

    Thanks. Regarding permalinks, I looked at your link but it’s still a bit confusing sorry…
    At this stage my structure is just site/%postname%
    If I want 3 levels to be able to appear in a permalink (for example for me if I want -> site/patients/quels-types-de-cancer/sein) -> should I chose the “custom structure” and insert in the dedicated field: %postname%/%postname%/%postname% ??

    I’m also confused about the difference between postname, post id, page etc…

    Thanks for your help!

    in reply to: Anchor points as menu items in a submenu #345164
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    in reply to: Toggle customisation #344994
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    in reply to: Drop down menu #344954

    Thank you Elliott! I feel so confuse I hadn’t get I had to “call” for “another window” again…
    It’s working now, but I’d like the selected item to stay green… does this can be fixed in the Advanced styling also?

    And for drop down menu I’d like “no uppercase/letter-spacing” but I have this following code in my css. How can I keep it for main menu (and sticky full width menu) but change it for drop down menu?

    /* Font style in Menu */
    .avia-menu-text {
    font-size: 14px;
    text-transform: uppercase;
    letter-spacing: 1px;
    font-weight: 400;

    Thanks a lot!


    in reply to: Formular shortcode : "subject" not taken in account #344832

    All right thank you very much Josue!
    Best regards,

    in reply to: Drop down menu #344830

    Hey Elliott! Thanks!

    1. OK got it ;) thank you! And now drop down menu displays correctly (regarding the line-height issue I had before). I have just added a ‘margin-top -31px’ to the drop down menu (to ‘balance’ with the ‘top 31px’ added for main menu following your advice).
    BUT THEN OTHER ISSUE… sorry!! : this has an impact on sticky fullwidth submenu (see “nous connaitre” page) -> as invisible parts of main menu come over the fullwidth menu nav… it it very hard to correctly select items of sticky fullwdith menu… :(( How can this be fixed ?

    2. COLORS : Yes I know it is supposed to be easy ;) Thanks for your help & time. I had tried that… but see, I just went back in ‘Advance Styling’, re-change your colors to put mine. It’s doing great indeed for ‘font color’ (gray #919191 in main menu links and sub level links). But as soon as I want to ‘enter’ the hover color (checking the “Apply only to mouse hover state” checkbox) -> #00c472 -> here is what happens : I refresh -> go to the site -> hover is indeed #00c472, but my gray #919191 has been changed into a “pale green”!! This is what drove me totally crazy since the beginning! :) And this is why at the time I had finally given up with these Advance Styling options. At this stage I took of the “hover color” info (as it’s messing up everything) but I left the gray color for main menu links & sublevel links. I must be completely dum…, but would you mind going back into my admin and try yourself to enter #00c472 as “hover” color (for both main menu links & sublevel links) and then see what happens on my “gray” when going back to the site?

    Thank you again & sorry for being “so long” in my explanations…


    • This reply was modified 10 years, 2 months ago by Marie.
    in reply to: Toggle customisation #344677

    Hey Elliott!

    Thank you! Still some adjustments to make I guess.

    1. Toggle content :
    – I’ve added padding 0 for toggle content
    – Tried to ask for a border-top only (but it doesn’t work…) (see the image I sent you)

    2. The icon + – is still on the left / and by the way there is no “+”… just a “-”

    3. Instead of a background color on hover title, I’d like the + – icon (and border icon) to change of color (just on hover)

    Thanks for your help!


    /* TOOGLE - icon on the right - no borders except border-top toggle content - no background colors */
    #top .mc-toggle-team-member .toggle_content {
        background: transparent !important;
    	border-top: 1px !important;
    	border-left: 0px !important;
    	border-right: 0px !important;
    	border-bottom: 0px !important;
    	padding: 0px !important;
    .mc-toggle-team-member .toggler span {
        right: 10px !important;
    .mc-toggle-team-member .toggler {
        border: 0 none !important;
    in reply to: Issues / Update from Enfold 2.9.2 to 3.0.2 #344642

    Hi Andy!
    Thanks. Solved!
    Regarding Safari, good to know it’s looking good on your side too (like Ismael). My Safari must be cursed :/ !!

    Let’s close this topic: the most important is solved. And I’m just hoping the safari issue is just “my” safari issue ;)

    Thank you everyone!


    in reply to: Drop down menu #344620
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    in reply to: Drop down menu #344599


    1. Thanks Elliott! But I’m not sure you understood my issue : I don’t want to move or change main menu at all. But the DROPDOWN menu is too “high” as you can see, and not large enough -> items titles are “cut” ! See 1st item -> “Quels types de” and than much below (under the 2nd item!!) -> “cancers” =>> What I’m saying is that it’s probably caused by the height-line of main menu having impact on the drop down menu… But the thing is that I don’t want to change the way items are in the main menu…. So how can I fix that ?

    Let’s try to fix that first and we’ll see later for colors. I’m going to try to go back in Advance styling meanwhile.

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Formular shortcode : "subject" not taken in account #344309

    Thank you Josue! It does work indeed with a simpler subject name (may be the “apostrophe” was not good…).
    Sorry for the 404, I keep on moving… it’s “news” now, not “blog”.

    Thanks again!

    in reply to: Little bug Easy slider on Safari / Impact on font weight #344149

    OK thanks !!

    in reply to: Anchor points as menu items in a submenu #344130

    This is what I did from what I understood.
    – I left the native avia.js file in ‘enfold’ without any modifications.
    – I copied it on my desk, changed the line 643 and then put it in my child theme folder
    – Then on my child function.php file, I added the code Josue gave (see your link above).

    But it didn’t work…(anchors positions worse than before) and even the portfolio in the media page was not working anymore (images invisible)… Well so I deleted the added code on my function.php file for now (see below)… Did I do something wrong? :/

    Thanks a lot,
    Best regards,

    * Embed modified avia.js file from my child theme
    function change_aviajs() {
       wp_dequeue_script( 'avia-default' );
       wp_enqueue_script( 'avia-default-child', get_stylesheet_directory_uri().'/js/avia.js', array('jquery'), 2, true );
    add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'change_aviajs', 100 );
    in reply to: Password protected page #344079
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    in reply to: Password protected page #344074

    This is great thank you so much Yigit!
    Best regards,

    in reply to: Anchor points as menu items in a submenu #343905


    OK I see… Thank you Ismael.
    I tried this and it works apparently -> I just change scroll offset value on line 643, from 10 to 18. See below.

    1. Can you confirm I didn’t make a mistake as the code you mention above is “under” the one I changed (in the file)… I just need to be sure I’m not doing something that could cause issues somewhere else…
    2. Is there no other way (than touching the native avia.js file) to make this adjustment? not possible in my child theme? I would prefer…

    Thanks for your help!


    if($header.css('position') == "fixed")
    						var tempPadding  		= parseInt($'scroll-offset'),18) || 0,
    							non_shrinking		= parseInt($meta.outerHeight(),10) || 0,
    							non_shrinking2		= parseInt($alt.outerHeight(),10) || 0; 
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