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  • in reply to: URGENT – New Cookie Verdict- technical solutions needed #1151282

    Why dont you provide a proper tutorial and a reasonable example?

    in reply to: Totally destroyed website every time i edit #1149997

    The Screenshot i gave has nothing to do with caching:

    in reply to: URGENT – New Cookie Verdict- technical solutions needed #1149935

    You can then set the “Default Cookie and Services Option Settings

    This one also does not exist
    I run Enfold 4631 und WP

    in reply to: URGENT – New Cookie Verdict- technical solutions needed #1149932

    In the Enfold > Privacy & Cookies panel, look for the “Enable cookie consent messages” and set it to “Enable and show message bar”.

    The setting Enable and show message bar…….. does not exist.
    There is only:
    Enable cookie consent messages
    Disable cookie consent messages

    Please dont provide me with incorrect or half correct information.
    It wastes my time.
    Thank you for understanding.

    What is the correct setting?


    in reply to: Totally destroyed website every time i edit #1147407

    I just uploaded the new version of Enfold and now i get this weird message:

    in reply to: URGENT – New Cookie Verdict- technical solutions needed #1145161

    May i PLEASE have a link to an example??
    I am an artist, not a nerd/techie.
    Thanx for understanding

    in reply to: URGENT – New Cookie Verdict- technical solutions needed #1144316

    The link you provided is from 2018 and refers to the GDPR.
    But 2 days ago there was a verdict from the EuGH which is very new and quite very diffferent from all which has been valid the last year.
    Its not allowed to set any cookies before the user opt in.
    This is totally different to the last year.

    So please confirm that your feature fullfills the actual law – made at 1.10.2019 by EuGh and provide me with a link to a best practice example


    PS: here is an example of how it should be regarding to what my lawyer said:

    Can this be done with Enfold?

    in reply to: Issue with shopping buttons #1075048

    You could help with another related topic
    1: I got products which have a certain tag assigned
    2: All products with this tag should have a border

    I cant figure out what the correct selector is.
    I tried these:
    li .product_tag-tagname {border: 10px solid #000000 !important;}
    li .product .product_tag-tagname {border: 10px solid #000000 !important;}
    product_tag-tagname li {border: 10px solid #000000 !important;}
    and some others but i dont get it

    in reply to: Margin issue #1075028
    in reply to: Enfold masonry shows items that it shouldnt #1075026

    I cant give you acces on my localhost.
    You got all informations you need: Name of the plugin, description of the issue – even a statement of the plugin-author.
    You dont add Forms to categories.
    You just say that this form should be used on all products which belongs to a certain category and yes – this is the case (maybe you should loook what the plugin does?)

    in reply to: Cart-button in masonry shop #1075022

    I did not asked for an explanation how it works actually. I am not stupid.
    I asked for a solution to bring the cart button in the masonry element
    “How can i add the “Show Detail” button in the masonry shop view?”

    in reply to: Issue with shopping buttons #1073582

    I am not sure if its correct what i did – but at least its centered now.
    But i am not good enough in CSS to know if it is the correct “syntax” and that it does not have effect on other places.
    Thats why i ask you.

    in reply to: Issue with shopping buttons #1072711

    What about this?
    #top .avia_cart_buttons .button {
    width: 100%;}

    at least it works.

    PS:There is no other custom CSS.

    in reply to: Margin issue #1072659

    Next one:
    How to remove the line-break between “zzgl.” and “Versandkosten”?

    in reply to: Margin issue #1070313

    I GAVE you steps!!

    You was the one giving me an absolutely unmatching demo as an explanation.
    This clearly states that you didnt even read my initial post.
    So dont tell me that you try to help!

    Once again:
    You demo does NOT CONTAIN shipping cost .
    How can there be a gap between the price and the shipping cost if you dont even have shipping cost in your demo????

    in reply to: Issue with shopping buttons #1070311

    1. Now the correct button is visible – but still its not perfectly centered
    2: Please note that we are talking about two different product types (“Variable” & “simple & downloadable”)
    The problem with having two buttons (weird enough) is only on “simple & downloadable” products. Simply create a poduct like that in your testarea and you will see.
    3: Like i already said i C-A-N-T tell you an URL since i i moved it to my localhost

    in reply to: Margin issue #1069861

    by the way.
    You demo does NOT CONTAIN shipping cost .
    How can there be a gap between the price and the shipping cost if you dont have shipping cost in your demo????
    This is so resprectless how you behave !!!!!

    in reply to: Margin issue #1069860

    Why are you so uncooperative and unwilling?
    I gave you an explanation, i gave you a screenshot and i gave you HTML.
    So whats wrong with you?

    in reply to: Issue with shopping buttons #1069857

    Your screenshot is wrong too
    “Show Detail” is exactly the button that should NOT been DISPLAYED.
    please read my post

    in reply to: Margin issue #1069574

    No – i cant.

    in reply to: Issue with shopping buttons #1069355

    Didnt work. Now its worse.

    Remember what the task is:
    – Remove “Zeige Details”-Button
    – Center “Details”-Button

    Btw: Whey are there two buttons anyway??

    In case you need the HTML:
    <div class="avia_cart_buttons "><a href="" class="button"><span aria-hidden="true" data-av_icon="" data-av_iconfont="entypo-fontello"></span> Details</a><a class="button show_details_button" href=""><span aria-hidden="true" data-av_icon="" data-av_iconfont="entypo-fontello"></span> Zeige Details</a> <span class="button-mini-delimiter"></span></div>

    in reply to: Speed values went down the gutter after updating Enfold #1054336

    and one more:
    I ALREADY DID all this work described in the article
    It took me half a working day to finetune.
    AFTER that i HAD these good values.
    Directly AFTER THE UPDATE the values went down the gutter.

    Did you realize the problem now?
    And here is one more problem:
    Whatever i try – (even your hints) – i cant get better values.

    in reply to: Speed values went down the gutter after updating Enfold #1054330

    No – i dont.

    Please dont tell me not to bother.
    Specially not if all values were “Grade A” before the update and are “Grade F” after.

    I shouldnt bother about having probably the lowest value ever measured?

    and this tool does say the same
    For example it says that there is no compression although there is

    in reply to: Speed values went down the gutter after updating Enfold #1050047

    1: I did nothing except updating
    2: The fact that gzip is issued althought gzip is active has nothing to do with any thirdpartyscripts. This parameter had an A grade before updating – now it has an F grade.
    3: The same with defer javascript & levering browser cache
    4: i toggled everything in Enfold > Performance and cleared the cache but still it has the same very bad values

    in reply to: V 4.3 – removed: deprecated "avia combo" widget #1037264

    1: Good news
    2: bad news is that the old code to keep the Combo-widget crashed my my whole website after i updated Enfold.
    The code i used was recommended by you and if you do so you should at least mention that in your changelog.
    Below you see the the code you gave me.
    Now i need to know how i remove the Tag & Comment-tabs from your Widget.

    //entfernt den Kommentarblock und die Datumsangaben aus dem Combo Widget  //
    class avia_combo_widget extends WP_Widget {
    		function avia_combo_widget() {
    			$widget_ops = array('classname' => 'avia_combo_widget', 'description' => 'A widget that displays your popular posts, recent posts, recent comments and a tagcloud' );
    			$this->WP_Widget( 'avia_combo_widget', THEMENAME.' Combo Widget', $widget_ops );
    		function widget($args, $instance)
    			// prints the widget
    			extract($args, EXTR_SKIP);
    			$posts = empty($instance['count']) ? 4 : $instance['count'];
    			echo $before_widget;
    			echo "<div class='tabcontainer border_tabs top_tab tab_initial_open tab_initial_open__1'>";
    			echo '<div class="tab first_tab active_tab widget_tab_popular"><span>'.__('Popular', 'avia_framework').'</span></div>';
    			echo "<div class='tab_content active_tab_content'>";
    			echo "</div>";
    			echo '<div class="tab widget_tab_recent"><span>'.__('Recent', 'avia_framework').'</span></div>';
    			echo "<div class='tab_content'>";
    			avia_get_post_list('showposts='. $posts .'&orderby=post_date&order=desc');
    			echo "</div>";
    			echo '<div class="tab last_tab widget_tab_tags"><span>'.__('Tags', 'avia_framework').'</span></div>';
    			echo "<div class='tab_content tagcloud'>";
    			echo "</div>";
    			echo "</div>";
    			echo $after_widget;
    		function update($new_instance, $old_instance)
    			$instance = $old_instance;
    			foreach($new_instance as $key=>$value)
    				$instance[$key]	= strip_tags($new_instance[$key]);
    			return $instance;
    		function form($instance) {
    			//widgetform in backend
    			$instance = wp_parse_args( (array) $instance, array('count' => 4) );
    			if(!is_numeric($instance['count'])) $instance['count'] = 4;
    			<label for="<?php echo $this->get_field_id('count'); ?>">Number of posts you want to display:
    			<input class="widefat" id="<?php echo $this->get_field_id('count'); ?>" name="<?php echo $this->get_field_name('count'); ?>" type="text" value="<?php echo esc_attr($instance['count']); ?>" /></label></p>
    in reply to: Modify Enfold/Woocommerce Shop –> Show Categories #997152

    Since the option in the video does not exist anymore the initial question is still not answered:
    ” I would like to show the Categories, not the Products on the shop landingpage:”

    regards marcus

    Hallo Rikard
    Since i now deleted the files manually i cant give you any more infos. Ill come back the next time and try to collext as much data i can.

    Hi Rikard
    Please dont recommend me plugins in the first place. Every plugin slows down a bit.
    I use a child theme and i need a solution via functions.php (or similar)
    thanx marcus

    It happens only sometimes and i couldnt figure out under what circumstances it happens

    in reply to: Gutenberg plugin & Enfold not compatible #993241

    Me too.
    I spended a lot of money and time for my website and really dont want to start from scratch.

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