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  • in reply to: ENFOLD is slow on Provider: Infomaniak #1018543


    in reply to: Hover effect of some portfolio entry missing #902341

    second try ;)

    in reply to: Hover effect of some portfolio entry missing #902024

    @Victoria: Attached a login-link for you.

    in reply to: Hover effect of some portfolio entry missing #901735

    No changes where made. You can’t see there is a hover effect on some of the portfolio items wherelse some others do not have any hover effect?

    @Yigit thanks for the response. Do I get notified about the decision?

    Hey John,

    You’r welcome! Do you have any idea when this feature will be available in the official version?

    Thanks in advance,

    in reply to: Menucard for Restaurants? :-( #818907


    Id love to help someone „flysocial“ to get what he needs, but i can’t post a command.
    Can you send him my Message oder give him my eMail-Adresse?
    Or anything else, because i’d love to help

    Hi, We, MANDELKIND from Switzerland created an ActiveCampaign-Integration already.
    Just send me a Mail at: (Email address hidden if logged out) and ill check it with our Developer, so you can use is as well! ;-)
    It is something like a copy&paste from the MailChimp-Integration, so it is working fine for us!

    in reply to: Menucard for Restaurants? :-( #818817

    I already tried it (because i sure can do use a table etc.), but then i can’t add it to the Shipping-Cart, wright?! :-(
    And what i need to do is a Preicelist-well for an Restaurant, but?!

    So what Do you think could be the best next steps?
    1. Should we wait until you could add those 2 more Columns, into the Catalog-Element?
    2. Develope it for you and then you put it into your code, so everybody else can use it as well?


    in reply to: Dateformat within the DatePicker from my Form? #818729


    It#s working ;-)

    Thanx a lot!!!

    Could you please add it to the Theme as well?
    Because this solution should just be a Work-A-round?!

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 7 months ago by mandelkind.
    in reply to: Menucard for Restaurants? :-( #818720


    yes Exactly, but i need total 4 Columns instead of 2.

    The Description of the Menu
    which is great.
    Hausrotwein 4 1dl 34.00
    Aus der Region unser bester Rotwein

    1. Name, 2. Vol% of the Drink, 3. quantity, 4. Price

    in reply to: Dateformat within the DatePicker from my Form? #818719

    Here they are:

    in reply to: Menucard for Restaurants? :-( #818550


    I can do this:
    as you can see here:

    but i can’t do this:änkekarte.pdf
    as you can see here:

    Do you know what i mean?

    I hope you got an Idea? :-(

    in reply to: ImageHotSpot start at Nr X #818276

    btw: How can i start a new ticket?
    It*s always ugly to find how to start a new ticket :-(((

    in reply to: ImageHotSpot start at Nr X #818275

    ?! :-(

    I got 2 Images with HotSpots as you can see here at the admin.png:

    Each Image with Hotspots starts with the Number 1, as you can see here in the live.png:

    But i’d love to start the first image with (for example 5 to …) and the next (the second image with Hotspots) with (for example 34 to …).

    But now each Image with Hotspots always starts with 1 :-(
    But want to START EACH Image with Hotspots with a DIFFERENT NUMBER – NOT always with the number1 (one).
    I hope you can now understand what i mean?

    in reply to: ImageHotSpot start at Nr X #816555

    The First room should start at 2 and the second room should start at 26

    in reply to: ImageHotSpot start at Nr X #816554

    on the right Sidebar

    in reply to: ImageHotSpot start at Nr X #807693

    *whups* How can i add ScreenShots? :-(

    in reply to: Only Showing a Cell on Mobile Devices #799441

    Hey Jordan,

    Just ran in the same issue – would really love to see this added in the provides select box!

    in reply to: Bug: Transparent Header & Cart Icon #711441

    Till this is integrated into the official Enfold release, you may use the following CSS snippet as a temporary workaround:

    @media all and (min-device-width: 768px){
    	#top .av_header_transparency ul.cart_dropdown{
    	#top .av_header_transparency a.cart_dropdown_link{
    in reply to: Bug: hide sort-param-count if all products are displayed #710833

    @laboiteare already thought exactly that ;) Cheers!

    in reply to: Bug: hide sort-param-count if all products are displayed #710829

    @laboiteare thanks for confirming this issue. As a temporary workaround, feel free to use the following snippet:

     displays a front end interface for modifying the shoplist query parameters like sorting order, product count etc
     can be removed, if the bug is resolved
    	add_action( 'woocommerce_before_shop_loop', 'avia_woocommerce_frontend_search_params', 20);
    	function avia_woocommerce_frontend_search_params()
    		global $avia_config;
    		if(!empty($avia_config['woocommerce']['disable_sorting_options'])) return false;
    		$product_order['default'] 	= __("Default Order",'avia_framework');
    		$product_order['title'] 	= __("Name",'avia_framework');
    		$product_order['price'] 	= __("Price",'avia_framework');
    		$product_order['date'] 		= __("Date",'avia_framework');
    		$product_order['popularity'] = __("Popularity",'avia_framework');
    		$product_sort['asc'] 		= __("Click to order products ascending",  'avia_framework');
    		$product_sort['desc'] 		= __("Click to order products descending",  'avia_framework');
    		$per_page_string 		 	= __("Products per page",'avia_framework');
    		$per_page 		 		 	= get_option('avia_woocommerce_product_count');
    		if(!$per_page) $per_page 	= get_option('posts_per_page');
    		if(!empty($avia_config['woocommerce']['default_posts_per_page'])) $per_page = $avia_config['woocommerce']['default_posts_per_page'];
    		parse_str($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], $params);
    		$po_key = !empty($avia_config['woocommerce']['product_order']) ? $avia_config['woocommerce']['product_order'] : 'default';
    		$ps_key = !empty($avia_config['woocommerce']['product_sort'])  ? $avia_config['woocommerce']['product_sort'] : 'asc';
    		$pc_key = !empty($avia_config['woocommerce']['product_count']) ? $avia_config['woocommerce']['product_count'] : $per_page;
    		$ps_key = strtolower($ps_key);
    		$nofollow = 'rel="nofollow"';
    		//generate markup
    		$output  = "";
    		$output .= "<div class='product-sorting'>";
    		$output .= "    <ul class='sort-param sort-param-order'>";
    		$output .= "    	<li><span class='currently-selected'>".__("Sort by",'avia_framework')." <strong>".$product_order[$po_key]."</strong></span>";
    		$output .= "    	<ul>";
    		$output .= "    	<li".avia_woo_active_class($po_key, 'default')."><a href='".avia_woo_build_query_string($params, 'product_order', 'default')."' {$nofollow}>	<span class='avia-bullet'></span>".$product_order['default']."</a></li>";
    		$output .= "    	<li".avia_woo_active_class($po_key, 'title')."><a href='".avia_woo_build_query_string($params, 'product_order', 'title')."' {$nofollow}>	<span class='avia-bullet'></span>".$product_order['title']."</a></li>";
    		$output .= "    	<li".avia_woo_active_class($po_key, 'price')."><a href='".avia_woo_build_query_string($params, 'product_order', 'price')."' {$nofollow}>	<span class='avia-bullet'></span>".$product_order['price']."</a></li>";
    		$output .= "    	<li".avia_woo_active_class($po_key, 'date')."><a href='".avia_woo_build_query_string($params, 'product_order', 'date')."' {$nofollow}>	<span class='avia-bullet'></span>".$product_order['date']."</a></li>";
    		$output .= "    	<li".avia_woo_active_class($po_key, 'popularity')."><a href='".avia_woo_build_query_string($params, 'product_order', 'popularity')."' {$nofollow}>	<span class='avia-bullet'></span>".$product_order['popularity']."</a></li>";
    		$output .= "    	</ul>";
    		$output .= "    	</li>";
    		$output .= "    </ul>";
    		$output .= "    <ul class='sort-param sort-param-sort'>";
    		$output .= "    	<li>";
    		if($ps_key == 'desc') 	$output .= "    		<a title='".$product_sort['asc']."' class='sort-param-asc'  href='".avia_woo_build_query_string($params, 'product_sort', 'asc')."' {$nofollow}>".$product_sort['desc']."</a>";
    		if($ps_key == 'asc') 	$output .= "    		<a title='".$product_sort['desc']."' class='sort-param-desc' href='".avia_woo_build_query_string($params, 'product_sort', 'desc')."' {$nofollow}>".$product_sort['asc']."</a>";
    		$output .= "    	</li>";
    		$output .= "    </ul>";
    		if( $per_page > -1 ){
    			$output .= "    <ul class='sort-param sort-param-count'>";
    			$output .= "    	<li><span class='currently-selected'>".__("Display",'avia_framework')." <strong>".$pc_key." ".$per_page_string."</strong></span>";
    			$output .= "    	<ul>";
    			$output .= "    	<li".avia_woo_active_class($pc_key, $per_page).">  <a href='".avia_woo_build_query_string($params, 'product_count', $per_page)."' {$nofollow}>		<span class='avia-bullet'></span>".$per_page." ".$per_page_string."</a></li>";
    			$output .= "    	<li".avia_woo_active_class($pc_key, $per_page*2)."><a href='".avia_woo_build_query_string($params, 'product_count', $per_page * 2)."' {$nofollow}>	<span class='avia-bullet'></span>".($per_page * 2)." ".$per_page_string."</a></li>";
    			$output .= "    	<li".avia_woo_active_class($pc_key, $per_page*3)."><a href='".avia_woo_build_query_string($params, 'product_count', $per_page * 3)."' {$nofollow}>	<span class='avia-bullet'></span>".($per_page * 3)." ".$per_page_string."</a></li>";
    			$output .= "    	</ul>";
    			$output .= "    	</li>";
    			$output .= "	</ul>";
    		$output .= "</div>";
    		echo $output;
    • This reply was modified 8 years, 3 months ago by mandelkind.
    in reply to: Font size setting not used in Tabs #706663

    Awesome, thanks!!!

    in reply to: Font size setting not used in Tabs #706122

    PS: This is my custom CSS which falls back to the selected theme font size in the theme settings:

    /* Workaround for Tab Title Size Issue: */
    .js_active .tab,
    .tabcontainer .tab_icon{
    	font-size:inherit !important;
    in reply to: Font size setting not used in Tabs #706121

    Hi Vinay!

    Thanks for getting back on this issue. I’ve already custom CSS in charge of setting the same font-size.
    I’ve opened this issue here, because I think this is not the expected behaviour of the default theme – although it’s easy to fix.

    So I would really love to see this implemented in the theme itself, instead of providing a custom CSS on every site?

    in reply to: Stil get Google Maps API Key error #695984

    Hi Rikard,

    You’ll find the info in the Private Content section.

    Thanks in advance

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