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  • in reply to: Blog Layout Page and Post #1480142

    I found how to fix this. I needed to go to Customize Widgets/Sidebar Blog/ and select “Show Hierarchy”

    in reply to: Blog Layout Page and Post #1480141

    Blog category hierarchy is not showing in the sidebar dropdown menu on my blog page?

    I tried the CSS code fix for #2 above and my blog categories are still displayed in a flat layout, no hierarchy is shown.

    Do you have any suggestions on how to fix this? I assume there is a reason/function for having a category hierarchy, so I must be missing something.

    Thank you for any help/guidance you can provide

    The plugin causing the Footer Page not to show as my default footer per the settings Enfold Theme > Footer is:

    Paid Memberships Pro.

    I sent them a support ticket to let them know.

    Thanks for your awesome help, patience, and explanations, Mike. The key was setting up that Staging Site and deactivating plugins

    Thanks, Mike. I have all plugins disabled on a staging version of my site and the footer page appears… so, this is a plugin issue. I am working through which plugin it is that is preventing the footer page. Disregard my private response as I can figure this plugin issue out.

    If Parent Theme footer.php = Child Theme footer.php (identical copy), I would expect the same behavior…

    But just for testing purposes, I renamed Child Theme/footer.php to “footer.php.old” and still experience no footer showing on pages where I have the Footer —> Default Layout — Set in Enfold Child > Footer

    In the Child Theme Enfold options, Default Footer & Socket Settings> Select a page to replace both footer and socket. Below that, under Select Footer Page > Footer page (the name of my footer page)

    I have a Footer page. It has a notice saying it is set to be used for a Footer page.

    No footer is showing up on any pages or posts. To be clear, the content on my Footer page is not showing up. (It worked fine as I had it set up to use a footer page for many years through many updates of Enfold.)

    So, at this point, there is nothing in my Child Theme to replace or copy footer.php and header.php. I renamed both of them in my Child Theme for testing purposes.

    Another simple test. I turned off my child’s theme and just used the Enfold Theme (Version: 5.6.10) with the Footer page assigned in the Theme options as above, and no footer page shows up as the footer on any posts or pages.

    Another test. Using the parent Enfold Theme, I then set Default Footer and Socket Settings > Display footer widgets and socket theme options. The footer widgets and socket show up as the footer on all pages and posts. (This is not what I need for my site; I need the Footer page to show as it used to…)

    So to be clear, I have no child theme running and I still cannot get a Footer page to show as the footer.

    This reply has been marked as private.
    This reply has been marked as private.

    I have some questions and observations about why my Footer page is not showing up anymore.

    1) Have a Footer page; it used to show up with no problem.

    2) I am using a child theme.

    3) I replaced the footer.php and header.php files in my child theme with the latest from the Enfold parent theme. (still, no footer showing). I made no edits to the footer.php or header.php files currently in my Child Theme. They are exactly what is used for the parent Enfold theme.

    4) On my Footer page, I have the Footer setting on the Enfold sidebar: “Default Layout set in Enfold Child > Footer.”

    5) On my Footer page, in the page editor, there is a message in an orange box: “This page is currently selected to be displayed as footer. (Set in Enfold » Footer). (Change)

    Therefore it cannot be accessed directly by the general public in your frontend. (Logged in users who are able to edit this page can still see it)”

    6) I want the Footer page to be the footer for ALL my pages and posts. That used to work fine.

    7) In my Enfold Child Theme Options, accessed via my WP Dashboard, I have the following settings: Default Footer & Socket Settings > “Select a page to replace both the footer and socket”, below that under Select Page > “Footer page” (the actual name of the Footer page I created in the Advanced Layout Builder).

    8) Nothing shows up at the bottom of the web page, no socket, no footer. This is for a page where I say to use “Default Layout set in Enfold Child > Footer.”

    9) For that same page, to test things, I then set the Footer > “Use selected page to display footer and socket”. I then get my copyright statement and the “Enfold Theme by Kriesi”
    ( BTW, I want to not show the “Enfold Theme by Kriesi”, it used to not show up with my old Child Theme footer.php)

    It seems the Enfold ability to use a dedicated Footer page is no longer working. I started with a clean slate as far as my child theme footer.php and header.php.

    I am noticing a lot of other Enfold users also recently having this problem.

    Can someone please explain, or better yet, post what the footer.php contents are supposed to be for the footer page to show up? It appears like the footer.php from the current parent Enfold theme does not work as it stands now.

    Although I have shared my login information, my site is locked down behind a firewall, and not so easy for others to get the footer.php or WP admin page.

    Is there a fix for the footer.php that you can share with us having this issue, please?

    Thank you, Ismael, for the explanation.

    My footer page is still not showing up. I have multiple websites using Enfold; the other ones show the Footer when I have the settings to use a Footer page; however, one of my websites no longer shows the footer. I see some (new?) language of “beta” on some of the Enfold Theme settings for the Footer.

    I turned off various plugins, and the footer still does not show up.

    I do not see any obvious errors being thrown in the Chrome Developer console.

    Not sure what my next steps should be? It was working fine until recently, and not sure why the Footer does not appear now?

    Thank you for any guidance you can provide.


    in reply to: Suddenly "$" do not show up my text blocks or captions #1350069

    I was able to fix it escaping it with \$

    but, this happened after over 5 years of it working fine without the escape character, …, I will keep an eye on the next update to see if the escape characters show up…

    I got things to work when reverting to the Classic Editor instead of Gutenberg (new WP editor)

    in reply to: Upgraded to 4.2.2 and my website has 500 error #905084

    Just tried to update Enfold 4.2 –> 4.2.2. and crashed my site, reverted back to 4.2 and it is back working fine.

    First time I have had Enfold crash a site on update…

    in reply to: Blog posts not responsive on Enfold 4.1.2 #863982

    Hi Victoria,

    No, when my box is checked the website is not responsive when testing it directly on an iphone. I uncheck the box and then it becomes responsive…

    Curious if anyone else is having this issue?


    in reply to: WooCommerce cart deprecated error in Enfold 4.1.2 #863702

    Spoke too soon, problem is back…

    Here is the note from Woo Commerce tech support:

    “I looked into this and it seems to be your “” theme that is causing the issue.
    I enabled two different themes in the customizer and the error went away:
    In both cases, the error disappeared with the new theme.
    You will need to contact your “Enfold” theme developer for help with this, as they should be able to provide you with a new copy of the file causing issues. You can reach them here:”

    in reply to: WooCommerce cart deprecated error in Enfold 4.1.2 #863701

    Problem has disappeared now… deactivated all Woo plugins, cleared cache, then activated the plugins and no more deprecated error… not sure what the issue was…

    in reply to: Blog posts not responsive on Enfold 4.1.2 #863432

    Thanks Victoria

    I am still not understanding this. When I check the box, then go to my iphone, the website does not fit on the screen, I have to swipe sideways to see the full content. I would consider this situation to be non-responsive?

    Is the default setup so things are responsive? Is that default checked or unchecked?

    Thanks for clarifying.

    in reply to: Blog posts not responsive on Enfold 4.1.2 #862947

    Found the problem and fixed it!
    On my child theme settings page, the General Layout, inside the dimensions tab, uncheck the box that says “Responsive Site” (if enabled the size of your website will adapt and change to fit smaller screens, … )

    This seems counter-intuitive to me, you would think this box needs to be checked to make the site responsive.

    Is this a bug in Enfold?

    Would love to better understand this, so if you can please explain the functionality of this button I would much appreciate it.

    BTW, working now fine will my earlier plugins (WP Super Cache, Jetpack, Wordfence, activated)

    in reply to: Blog posts not responsive on Enfold 4.1.2 #862915

    Thanks Rikard,

    I turned off the CSS minification, and turned deactivated W3 Total Cachel and the site is still not responsive.

    Any other suggestions, please?

    I am experiencing the same, or similar problem, with the Avia page builder in Enfold.

    WordPress version 4.8.1
    Enfold version 4.1.2
    PHP version 7.0

    Open existing web page that contains existing text boxes. The webpage looks fine initially when viewed live or in preview mode. Try to edit the text block in Enfold Advanced Layout Editor and nothing shows up in the edit box or in the new preview panel to the right. Editing the same using the default editor also shows nothing (i.e. no text or html is visible). Note that I can create a new text box on the same problem webpage, then save it, then edit it as expected — that works fine. It seems to be something related to saving the webpage and then revisiting it to edit it a day or more later. The problem occurs only on some of the text boxes on the page. These are “normal” text boxes, no links or fancy formatting.

    Attempts at fixing this:
    I deactivated all my plugins and the problem remains.
    Reloaded the page and problem remains.
    Flushed browser cache (Shift + refresh in Chrome) and problem remains.
    Tried different versions of PHP, problem remains…
    Contacted my hosting service and they see no access restrictions or problems on their end of things…

    Read many posts on the Kries support forums about the same problem, occurring for what seems like many years, and implemented suggested fixes, …, problem remains…

    The stack trace is:
    load-scripts.php?c=0&load[]=jquery-core,jquery-migrate,jquery-ui-core,jquery-ui-widget,jquery-ui-mouse,jquery-ui-sortable,underscore,utils,backbone,wp-util,&load[]=wp-backbone,media-models,plupload,wp-plupload,mediaelement,wp-mediaelement,media-views,jquery-ui-position,jquery-ui-menu,wp-a11y&load[]=,jquery-ui-autocomplete,quicktags,jquery-ui-tooltip&ver=4.8.1:4 POST 403 (Forbidden)
    send @ load-scripts.php?c=0&load[]=jquery-core,jquery-migrate,jquery-ui-core,jquery-ui-widget,jquery-ui-mouse,jquery-ui-sortable,underscore,utils,backbone,wp-util,&load[]=wp-backbone,media-models,plupload,wp-plupload,mediaelement,wp-mediaelement,media-views,jquery-ui-position,jquery-ui-menu,wp-a11y&load[]=,jquery-ui-autocomplete,quicktags,jquery-ui-tooltip&ver=4.8.1:4
    ajax @ load-scripts.php?c=0&load[]=jquery-core,jquery-migrate,jquery-ui-core,jquery-ui-widget,jquery-ui-mouse,jquery-ui-sortable,underscore,utils,backbone,wp-util,&load[]=wp-backbone,media-models,plupload,wp-plupload,mediaelement,wp-mediaelement,media-views,jquery-ui-position,jquery-ui-menu,wp-a11y&load[]=,jquery-ui-autocomplete,quicktags,jquery-ui-tooltip&ver=4.8.1:4
    fetch_ajax_content @ avia-modal.js?ver=0.9.5:165
    create_html @ avia-modal.js?ver=0.9.5:146
    set_up @ avia-modal.js?ver=0.9.5:46
    $.AviaModal @ avia-modal.js?ver=0.9.5:35
    (anonymous) @ avia-builder.js?ver=0.9.5:254
    dispatch @ load-scripts.php?c=0&load[]=jquery-core,jquery-migrate,jquery-ui-core,jquery-ui-widget,jquery-ui-mouse,jquery-ui-sortable,underscore,utils,backbone,wp-util,&load[]=wp-backbone,media-models,plupload,wp-plupload,mediaelement,wp-mediaelement,media-views,jquery-ui-position,jquery-ui-menu,wp-a11y&load[]=,jquery-ui-autocomplete,quicktags,jquery-ui-tooltip&ver=4.8.1:3
    r.handle @ load-scripts.php?c=0&load[]=jquery-core,jquery-migrate,jquery-ui-core,jquery-ui-widget,jquery-ui-mouse,jquery-ui-sortable,underscore,utils,backbone,wp-util,&load[]=wp-backbone,media-models,plupload,wp-plupload,mediaelement,wp-mediaelement,media-views,jquery-ui-position,jquery-ui-menu,wp-a11y&load[]=,jquery-ui-autocomplete,quicktags,jquery-ui-tooltip&ver=4.8.1:3

    in reply to: Is Enfold compatible with Sensei? #757455

    Hi Friends,
    I just installed Sensei v 1.9.12 and unfortunately it is not working correctly in my Enfold Child Theme (Enfold 4.0.2). I get a warning on my WP Dashboard that “Your Theme does not declare Sensei support”.

    I installed the sample data and pages for Sensei and they do not function properly in my theme. Here is the URL to one such demo page.

    Trying to follow the Sensei suggested mods to the Sesei content wrappers has not yet worked for me. Those instructions are here.

    Any help is greatly appreciated, I will keep trying to get things to work.

    OK… I think I found the problem… Somehow I had the default header behavior set on my page with the full screen slider. I turned it off, and also set things to have no title bar. Now, most of the images are not clipped. A few of them are and I am resizing them now. Operator error strikes again :-)

    Thank you Ismael,

    No luck in getting the full screen slider to stop clipping the top of the images. I have tried:
    1) adding the css modification you suggested, images are still clipped.

    2) I adjusted the image position on the settings for the full screen slider to be center-center, bottom-center and no difference has been seen.

    3) I tried creating a new full screen slider from scratch and still have the same problem.

    I have cleared the cache multiple times, tried in Chrome, Firefox, and Safari and the problem persists in all browsers.

    My biggest concern, besides that my website is no longer working correctly due to this issue, is that I did not change anything to what was a website with a full screen slider that has been working fine for a couple of years. What changed with the Enfold fullscreen slider ?

    What is the optimal image size for the full screen slider?

    Thanks !

    Here is a screen shot taken on an Apple Thunderbolt 27 inch retina display.

    Please note this is a new problem, in other words these exact same images have been showing fine on my website for years, using the same full screen slider component…

    Thanks for helping me fix this.

    Thanks for the heads up on the theme udpate (I am using a child Enfold theme — which did not show me any updates automatically, I have to check manually. No worries, now I know to check…).

    Problem solved. I was wanting to see all my blog posts on one page without any pagination. I had setup my own “Blog” page using the Avia Layout Editor with an Content Elements –> Blog Posts element. Inside of the edit settings for the Blog Posts element I set to show “all” and “no pagination”. That is all fine. The mistake I was making was also setting the Enfold Theme Blog Layout to show single author, big picture, etc. — instead of setting that to Use advanced layout editor for your own blog page. Once I set the theme blog layout to “Use the advance layout editor to build your own blog layout…”, things worked fine.

    All fixed now.


    Thanks Andy,

    I am using a child Enfold theme and the automatic update notification was not working (in other words I did not realize that my theme was way out of date until I hit “check manually”). I updated my theme and found that things now work fine. ( I also had some ad blocker Chrome extensions that were blocking the social share buttons).

    All fixed now. Thanks again!

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