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  • in reply to: Google Maps #654329

    For the first time, I have to say that Enfold team is really not performing. This problem is now open for many days, almost all web sites need Google Maps integration. It’s unbelievable that Enfold team stays so quiet.
    How you Enfold team can explain that the same web site works at and not at ? It is EXACTLY the same web site duplicated with Duplicator Pro.
    Ok, I may not be the best engineer on this planet, but my brain is binary on such a problem, so how would Google accept a web site and not another one consedering they are exactly the same ?
    Please Enfold Team hurry up, thank you.

    in reply to: Google Maps #654173

    And by the way, there is no Enfold setting to enter an API key ! So if I need to manually edit a PHP file, well … that’s not a good way to work. If Enfold cannot handle this, well I think Enfold will loose a very interesting feature, and customers ..:(

    in reply to: Google Maps #654171

    Vinay, I’m sorry I cannot accept your answer.

    This web site has been developped on my private server at
    and it works perfectly.
    Then I just copy it to running server using Duplicator and only that copy has the problem.
    If Google really had changed something to their API management, my dev web site at would not work neither. But you can check, it works fine.

    in reply to: Google Maps #652991

    In fact, card is display half a second, then this message comes :
    Oops! Something went wrong.
    This page didn’t load Google Maps correctly. See the JavaScript console for technical details.

    And the console shows :
    “Google Maps API error: MissingKeyMapError” js:35:350 js:35
    km/this.H</<() common.js:52</<() common.js:225
    Ul/d() common.js:46
    <anonyme> AuthenticationService.Authenticate:1
    “Google Maps API warning: NoApiKeys;

    And the web site works fine, I just moved it from dev server to main server, and that same main server works fine with other Enfold web site…:(

    The dev site is at
    The main site is at

    Both are exactly the same…:(

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by luke7263.
    in reply to: Google Maps #652986

    Same problem arriving just now…:(

    Currently with ‘Scale to fit’ setting.
    I want my menu stay always with 300px maxi (but smaller in responsive is good), so the picture should be ‘scaled to fit’ on the content part without changing the menu width.

    I don’t know how to include a screenshot inside that post, there is no way to attach a file. I have to say I really don’t like your forum, always spending a lot of time to post a single question, and waiting more than 30 hours to get answer .. I have decided to use only Enfold for all my websites, I buy a new licence for each new dev (I’m currently working on 4 new web sites and I will buy a license for each one as soon as customer is ready to publish), but I may change since support is really to slow, forcing me to stop devlopment waiting for your answers ..

    So please check and just increase windows width, then you’ll see menu bar width increases.

    Here is a link to see a commented picture describing the problem ->

    Thank you.

    in reply to: WPML Enfold Child translation #633776

    Ok, thanks it works.

    But if I can send you a idea : why don’t do this automatically when a new language is created ?

    in reply to: All Enfold web sites upgraded to WordPress 4.5 failed !!! #619720

    Because is WP 4.5 is bugged, I won’t upgrade. And if Enfold is bugged, I will upgrade !
    Please answer quickly, I have many Enfold web sites to manage.


    in reply to: All Enfold web sites upgraded to WordPress 4.5 failed !!! #619698

    Well I don’t understand what’s happening now.
    After unsuccessful WP 4.5 upgrade 2 days ago, I had then restored the site previous version to go on update it.

    Then 10 mn ago I just upgrade it again to test your solution in functions.php, and now it works without changing anything !
    Console browser don’t display any error now.

    Then I decide to upgrade another website to WP 4.5, and I have the problem on that one : in that case your update seems to solve the problem.

    So does it mean that the last jquery is bugged or Enfold is bugged ?

    in reply to: CSS priority #546879

    Well, not working. To my opinion, CSS have to be loaded in head part, not in body part. So with wp_footer hook it’s change nothing.
    Sure it’s a CSS priority problem, I can see my CSS file are loaded first then Enfold CSS destroy mine. I don’t know how I can change that order.

    in reply to: CSS priority #545803

    No answer ? ;)

    in reply to: CSS priority #544394

    I don’t dont to change Enfold initial folder, upgrade would be non-manageable, that’s not clean.
    Would it be possible in enfold-child to force a layout.css ? For example enfold-child/css/layout.css ?
    In that case maybe I could import my 3 css plugin files inside that layout child css file ?
    @import url(“../../plugins/cysteme-finder-pro/css/finder.css”);
    @import url(“../../cysteme-finder-pro/css/jqueryui.css”);
    @import url(“../../cysteme-finder-pro/css/theme.css”);

    in reply to: CSS priority #544335

    Any answer ?

    in reply to: CSS priority #543505

    By the way, you can see exactly how it looks out of WordPress here =>, use public, no password.

    in reply to: CSS priority #543052

    Sure, I can manually update all CSS, but that was not the goal of my question.
    My plugin use its own CSS a lot, thousand of lines, and I want my plugin works completely and correctly on any WP site. When using Enfold, not only the search bar is bad displayed, but almost everything: fonts are smaller in list mode, right click menu on file item is huge rather than small, icons borders has disappeared, and so on …
    Manually update all CSS files and add !important after each line is a huge work, and would not be clean.
    How can I force my own CSS plugin files to be used in priority ? I’m sure many plugin developpers already had that problem.

    in reply to: CSS priority #542903

    Right. You can compare display with this link:


    in reply to: CSS priority #542790

    Oh sorry Elliott, You can try now without any account.
    Thanks for your help.

    in reply to: Size pictures in Color section/Section background tab #524744


    The site is on my dev private server, check link in private content.

    I use 4 color section, all have 400px height, and they all contain background section pictures which are 400px height too (all with parallax). 2 of the color sections have a red color overlay. If the window size is smaller than 1600px (1600px is the width of the pics) you can see that the height of the pictures comes smaller than the overlay height (which stays to 400px), so the result is not clean.
    Why did I fix a custom height of 400px ? Because sections contains either nothing either a simple text, so if I let any dynamic, the height color sections are smaller. I want my sections height to follow the background picture height (400px), and at the same time I don’t want any croping of these pics (when resizing, width and height must keep the original ratio), so the only way I found is to set custom height 400px and to set in custom css:

    #top .av-parallax.avia-full-stretch {
    background-size: contain !important;
    • This reply was modified 9 years, 4 months ago by luke7263.
    in reply to: template without header #524199

    Ohhh it was so obvious I did not see that … I’m confused, thanks !
    You can close that ticket.

    Thanks Josue, I have changed .main_color css and it seems working fine.
    You can close that ticket.

    Thanks Sergei, but the used css is .main_color, your suggestion doesn’t work.

    Well, by default in the search page, I have this:
    background-color: #9E9FA3;
    color: #070D1D;

    I would replace these 2 lines by:
    background-repeat: repeat;
    background-image: url(“/wp-content/uploads/home-background.jpg”);
    background-attachment: fixed;
    background-position: left top;

    Looks easy to do, I have tested with Firefox debug, works great, but the pb is that these CSS lines are set for .main_color class, and I just want to set it for search page, not for the rest of the site. So how to do ?

    in reply to: How to scroll between posts for a category ? #439001

    Perfect, this is exactly what I need.

    Thanks a lot !

    in reply to: How to display posts on a special page ? #438828

    Thanks for your answers,

    But something is really incredible: I’m sure I’m not the only WordPress user that would like to display all its posts on a special designed page !
    I have with Enfold a powerful page editor, but all my posts cannot be individually be displayed on a same custom page. Ok for the blog list element, that’s fine, but when I click one post of that blog list I would have to always get the same design for all my posts, that’s look so obvious. I know I can use page editor to design a post itself, but that design should be applied to all my post and especially existing posts, it’s a impossible work when having 100 existing posts ..
    And if a day a user inputs a post and change some settings inside, the result will be awful.Having a page model designed with page editor on which all posts could be displayed seems to me so obvious and necessary.

    Or maybe I did not understand something in Enfold ..:(

    No I don’t mean this. You can click VISITOR ACCESS then enter the antispam displayed code to see exactly what I mean.
    Please connect on it to see, it’s a very interesting feature.

    in reply to: How to display posts on a special page ? #435849


    Ok, that means I can make a post template with advanced layout builder, yes I know this and it works perfectly.

    But think now that in the template, I have a color section (for example) with a blue logo inside, and under that color section the post itself (inside a Text element). Then I use that template to create 100 posts, good. Now tomorrow I want to change the blue logo color in red, that means I have to change manually the 100 posts !

    So in Enfold theme options, the “Blog Style” parameter in Blog Layout section is for what use ? And in Theme Layout section, the “And where do you want to display the Blog?” parameter is for what use ? According to your own post, something is not correct between that post and your answer.

    So please if I can ask again: how to create a page template with the advanced layout builder to display posts by categories (I want a different page template for each post category) ? That’s necessary stuff for anybody ! I would have think that a powerful theme like Enfold would have a clean way to do that rather that doing PHP coding ! And if not possible, can you tell me how to change single.php to act as template-builder.php ?


    • This reply was modified 9 years, 10 months ago by luke7263.
    in reply to: How to display posts on a special page ? #435104
    This reply has been marked as private.
    in reply to: How to display posts on a special page ? #435103

    Rikard, this is exactly what I want to do: use the Advanced Layer Builder for the post. But it’s not working !

    I have created a page to display blog list with their feature images (with a Blog Posts element), that works fine, all my posts are displayed by their corresponding feature image; then when I click a picture the post is opened in a usual blog page (using single.php): that blog page has a menu, a right sidebar, sharing tools, leaving comment tool … I don’t want this, I would like to use a special page to display a post content. So this is exactly what you suggest, and this is what I did !
    I have followed everything (, but my special page ‘Blog’ is not called, however in theme options evertything is correct. I can see that single.php is always called.
    Below are links in private.

    in reply to: Text-over on image not displayed or iPad #385331

    Thanks Ismael,

    I have tested this, it works with max-width:1100px or more, but not with 989px. So that max-width value depends finally on what ? Since my iPad air has a 2048px wide screen and my PC screen has 2560px, that max-width is not the physical resolution. I have tested width device-width:2048px but this is not working at all.
    After reading a bit about @media, I’m not sure that max-width is good enough to be sure the user is on a mobile touch device. Any other way to check if there is a mouse for example ?

    in reply to: Bug in last version when inserting 1/2 or 1/3 column #299147


    I was first using the version of 2014/March/19 since the beginning I bought it, that one was ok with the column inserts and ok with any other object. But the editor was failing, I did not care and I was using html edit. Then I read in your forum yesterday that an upgrade would solve the bug. So I upgrade with version of 2014/July/09, and the editor was ok. But inserting columns (not only 1/3, but any other) make appear that new bug. So I came back first to old version when sending you my first message. After that I thought to test another version from 2014/April/17, and that one works too, except that the editor works only once ! I mean I open an existing page, then for example I make a text change in a Text Block object with the view editor, it works fine, then I close (with or without saving) and reopen it again, and that time the view editor display many lines of ~~~~~~~~~~~~~. And starting from that moment, view edit is broken. If I re-open the whole page, it works again only the first time, and so on …
    I use very few extensions: Worpress SEO, Wassup, Sitetree, cforms and Duplicate Posts. I need them so desactivate them is not possible.
    I can also say I have all access to the server, and I can assure you the whole new enfold folder has been copied correctly, and when I do this I just move the existing enfold folder to enfold.old to be sure that only new files will be there. Corrupted or missing file is impossible the way I work, except if they are initially corrupted in the zip file…
    I have that web site to provide on Monday 8 am, I will deal with the bug but I won’t do any configuration change now. I was using Subway theme before that one and I never had problem, so I think I will change back to it for the next web site big upgrade, for my business it’s not a question of money but a question of ‘it must work’.

    Thanks for your help Peter, and have a nice week-end.

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