Forum Replies Created
Sorry about that. It should be removed now. Thanks again for your help.
Thanks for your help.
Still having issues with the theme options not appearing. We have updated to the latest versions twice since posting initially, and doesn’t appear to be corrected or addressed in those updates.
We currently have the section I mentioned above commented out. This allows the theme options to appear with the exception of the “Advanced Styling” section.
Any recommendations would be appreciated.
- This reply was modified 8 years, 9 months ago by tangerinemoons.
After some troubleshooting, we found the following. If we comment out the option to that change the default styling on elements, everything works as normal. See below:
// $avia_elements[] = array(
// “slug”
=> “customizer”,
// “name”
=> __(“Here you can select a number of different elements and change their default styling”, ‘avia_framework’),
// “desc”
=> __(“If a value is left empty or set to default then it will not be changed from the value defined in your CSS files”, ‘avia_framework’).”<br/><br/>“.
// __(“Attention”, ‘avia_framework’).”: “.
// __(“This feature is in active BETA! We will constantly add new elements to customize and need your help: If you got any suggestions on what to add please post them here:”, ‘avia_framework’).
// ” “.
// __(“Enfold Feature Requests”, ‘avia_framework’).
// “<br/><br/>”
// ,
// “id”
=> “advanced_styling”,
// “type”
=> “styling_wizard”,
// “order”
=> array(__(“Tags”,’avia_framework’), __(“Headings”,’avia_framework’), __(“Main Menu”,’avia_framework’), __(“Misc”,’avia_framework’)),
// “std”
=> “”,
// “class”
=> “”,
// “elements” => $advanced);It appears the issue was corrected with the latest Enfold update to 3.4.7. Thanks.