hi, Jordan,
Thanks for looking into this,
I decided to use layer slider now. Which have more features and flexibility
Again thanks for your help
Hi jordan,
Thanks for looking into this.
I achieved this by adding following custom CSS:
.caption_fullwidth.av-slideshow-caption.caption_center {
width: 60%;
margin-left: 20%;
But I have one problem, I want to add “green” background to caption of 1st slide only. I tried but unable to make this work. could you please help on this. Here is screenshot, which I want http://prntscr.com/gmhp69
Here is custom css, I tried
li.slide-1.active-slide.avia_transform.av_slideshow_full.active-slide.avia-caption-content {
background: #67872ce6;
padding: 10px;
border: 2 px solid round white;