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  • in reply to: events calendar – bugs after latest plugin update #649692

    Oh yes, that worked. Thanks!

    The WPML multilangua CMS plugin I purchased broke my site and I had to use a backup of my site ti get it up again. I wonder if there is anything I can do to avoid whatever issue it caused. The polylang plugin seemed to only allow one language translation and the MultilingualPress wanted to created multiple versions of posts rather than just translate the site to a selected language so those didn’t serve my needs. I just want a pulldown that gives every language as an option and which can appear in the header. the google translator was ok except that it didnt work for my clients older desktop computer and for all mobile phone viewers, it got cut off. The columns of languages were to wide for the screen. Maybe there is a fix for that. But since i paid for WPML, I’d like to try fixing that instead. The site currently has the plugin and I won’t try installing the WPML again since I restored the site until I back up the database manually so I dont lose todays work. But I have no reason to think it wont break the site again since nothing will be different. ALso, there will still likely be the issue with the leaving text in the header area after I deactivate or delete it with all related files. So that’s two issues I need help with. Let me know if should recreate a login. I haven’t heard back about the first issue yet (text left by in header).. As far as plugins, after restore I see the WPML plugin is there but deactivated. It was supposed to restore to a time before i installed it. SO I guess it doesnt break the site when deactivated-assuming all the files are there. I only have the lugin and the events calendar plugin installed. the theme, wordpress and pugins are all up-to-date. So I’m not sure what I should change before activating the WPML again. I should probably delete it and reinstall it in case files are missing after restore. If you have any suggestions befiore I activate it, let me know. Maybe leaves code behind that disrupts the WPML plugin after it’s deleted. Other than those plugins, I only have a godaddy plugin and the ones that came with the wordpress install and enfold. I believe I used the construction demo from enfold on the demo I built before replicating it in another godaddy managed wordpress hosting account.

    While waiting to hear back about the issue of not being able to removed the text [prisna-google-website-translator] from the last deactivated and deleted translator plugin that is still on the header area, I am installing the one you recommended: polylang.

    Oh, thanks for the free option. I will report back if it tests well.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 4 months ago by lms200519. Reason: Wanted to make sure I was told when it's safe for me to start editing the site again

    Do you still recommend only wpml for a translator? Is the free version of MultilingualPress ok to use? Any free recommendations?

    I deleted it because some people couldn’t use it on their desktop and the mobile version was cutting off many of the languages that appeared under the pull-down because the 3 or so columns of languages extended to wide across the screen when not in landscape position.

    in reply to: Bug: Admin Portfolio menu not showing up to the left #614636

    I dont see a way to start a ticket.

    in reply to: Bug: Admin Portfolio menu not showing up to the left #614633


    In one installation of the enfold theme, I see portfolio items as one of the items I can build a menu from on the menu page. But in another installation I see that option. How do I make that option appear in the theme that doesn’t have it? Both have just been updated with latest themes and wordpress. I started bulding theme this month.

    What I was trying to do was build a portfolio grid and I can’t figure out how to. the sample ones seem to have no actual page so I guess there’s a way to select individual portfolio items and have them show up together. While working on that, I noticed that the menu page in the admin area is different between 2 different recent installs of the construction demo. One lets you add portfolio items to the menu and the other installation doesn’t for some reason. I’m guessing that that won’t help me with my attempt to create a portfolio grid, but it might lead to more clues that will. Perhaps the portfolio feature is not fully active, for instance, in the one I was to build the grid on.

    in reply to: Bug: Admin Portfolio menu not showing up to the left #614616


    In one installation of the enfold theme, I see portfolio items as one of the items I can build a menu from on the menu page. But in another installation I see that option. How do I make that option appear in the theme that doesn’t have it? Both have just been updated with latest themes and wordpress. I started bulding theme this month.

    Thanks for the quick response. It turns out I needed to upgrade to a wordpress optimized server and now it works fine on godaddy.

    I am using godaddy. Do you have any recommendations for hosting providers? Godaddy wants me to pay for an upgrade and won’t guarantee any improvement. I don’t think I should have to pay double my monthly hosting rate to have a simple wordpress demo work. Or maybe work. I’ve spent another full day trying to edit the menu buttons and add 2 new pages and edit the homepage. I still can’t get it to save changes to the homepage. It took me 10 hours to add two new pages (just cut and pasting a few paragraphs each) and adding 2 navigation buttons. I have had no issues with previous wordpress themes on the same hosting server yet this problem occurs with every install of this theme. I updated the php.ini file. I even tried placing it where this forum recommends and then in the root of my hosting folder as godaddy recommended and that didn’t work. I tired different content for the php.ini file based on research on the internet. and even tried renaming it php5.ini as godaddy recommended. Nothing helps. I have spent over 30 hours on two different sites using this theme waiting for the site to save simple changes that would all take under 30 minutes on other themes. just simple text edits. I see alot of people complaining about slow loading of this theme and no solutions offered. Have other people switched servers and fixed this problem> Has anyone with this problem found a solution? If so, please share with me.

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