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very nice. How can i get the bottons a little up?
They are very close to the edge.-
This reply was modified 8 years, 1 month ago by
great, hope it will work when i migrate or the hosting will help.
it seems ok now.
But some other content is not responsive anymore.
For instance the video, package offer and facebook widget on the frontpage, I dont know if anything else lost it´s responsiveness
ok. I can´t reset my password. I think there is closed for emails because I am using my own server.
Normally it just works out of the box right? So it should work when i migrate the site, i hope.that´s wonderful, you are the best!
And if i want the buttons on the same line/height?
Can i do it from the element or do I need to add extra code?the issue is that the text under/inside wont fit properly in resized or mobile versions:
on my android phone it looks ok.
For my frontpage: On normal dekstop version/pc it is not ok.
For my frontpage and booking page as resized from pc: The text is a little bit to the right but it´s almost ok.
I am using chrome and windows 7.
Desktop version from where i made the browser small:
Normal desktop version from frontsite:
how can i make the text smaller in the element?
This would help maybe to make the text fit.The issue is in the desktop version but also mobile version. And I dont know what I can do to make the text fit.
This reply was modified 8 years, 1 month ago by
looks great. But how can i do it most easy?
Can I use post tag also?what is more easy if i need it to slide down to correct section when i click on for instance entertainment?
I just want the menu/kategory not pictures under.
I want a masonry menu and when you click on entertainment it´s scrolling down to that section.Can you help me to do this?
happy new year to you too.
on mobile it´s correct.
but when checking on browser and making the browser small like a mobile it is not the same as mobile. the text is alot to the right :/it looks better now in mobiel version.
On the frontsite they are wrong too:
do i need to use code in quick css also for that or can i do it in a normal way?
I want this:
to be more like this:
I have done the anchor/linking and it works. i just need it to me more nice and side by side. something like at
Can you help with this please?
This reply was modified 8 years, 1 month ago by
forgot to say that the issue is when using mobile/making browser small.
It´s at and the frontside.
That is just wonderful!
Thanks alot.There is not much space. I want it more broad. There is not much space for text.
What can I do? what do you recommend??and ALB is?
We are getting closer but no, it is not very clear for me.
How do I do this, can you make a guide or fix it for me if it´s easy for you?
Hi Yigit,
i tried to work on it with tabs but didn´t succeded. I came up with this:
but it doesn´t look very nice.Can i get some help if you can change it to tabs and make it in center so that buttons are side by side and more nice?
If not possible to change it to tabs it is fine like the gallery where it looks like: Alle/Danseoptræden/Danseundervisning/Græsk musik/Videothanks alot for your help.
hi Nikko,
can you help me regarding the flags?
December 22, 2016 at 10:36 pm in reply to: Change the captcha note: Please prove that you are human by solving the equation #727686Thank you so much Nikko, it works!
December 22, 2016 at 3:04 pm in reply to: Change the captcha note: Please prove that you are human by solving the equation #727533ok. great.
I dont remember that I have commented out some code.
But if I did or someone else from the support did I dont hope it will ruin anything else of the customization.I hope this change and other changes are in my child theme and that I wont loose them when I update or migrate the website to the real hosting?
regarding: “Venligst udfyld nedenst�ende s� vi ved at du ikke er en robot ” at first it worked with “å”.
It is in Danish and needs to be Venligst udfyld nedenstående så vi ved at du ikke er en robot.Så the letter it´s a danish “å”. How can I correct this?
This reply was modified 8 years, 2 months ago by
ok. So what is your suggestions, please elaborate.
What do I need to hide? I just want the video to play on tablet´s and mobile devices when they tap.
How can I do this?I have already “custom css class” enabled in color section where the video is.
Can you give some examples/the code what to do to make the video play in tablet´s /mobile phones?thanks in advanced.
ok. I have removed the “-” from .progress-bar-. so it looks like: .progress-bar
in quick css.Is this correct now?
I can´t see any difference though.
My code likes this:
.lch-progrees-bar {
padding-right: 0px;
margin-right: -0px;
@media only screen and (max-width: 989px) and (min-width: 768px) {
.lch-progress-bar {
padding-right: 0px;
margin-right: -50px;
@media only screen and (max-width: 767px) {
.avia_textblock {
line-height: 37px;
h1 {
line-height: 60px;
}}Thanks alot, I changed it to this and it seems like it works:
.page-id-3647 .sidebar_left #nav_menu-4{
display: none;
.page-id-3650 .sidebar_left #nav_menu-4
display: none;
.page-id-3653 .sidebar_left #nav_menu-4{
display: none;
.page-id-3656 .sidebar_left #nav_menu-4 {
display: none;
This reply was modified 8 years, 2 months ago by
December 21, 2016 at 2:08 pm in reply to: Change the captcha note: Please prove that you are human by solving the equation #727010I can give you access maybe to my synology. would that be ok?
Then you have access to the files. See below.I have tried different things but it´s not showing the flags, only the text and link
thanks alot.
I would like something like this where users can sort themselves. See page:
I just want it for page
For instance i want category called:
“wines” > will show wine offer only
“pakketilbud” > will only show the first three packages offers
“entertainment” > that will only show entertainment offersSomething like that. (same method as gallery) Hope you understand what I mean :)
This reply was modified 8 years, 1 month ago by