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  • Thanks, ellmann_creative, that worked for me too.

    I’d be bummed if I had to carry this in my child theme forever, if it’s a core issue…

    Perfect, thanks!

    I updated my comment above, but they’re still not showing. Can you see them from this link?

    Not sure why those images aren’t showing… they do show for me when I browse to them directly via Incognito window, or when I open them via right-click. Can you see them that way?

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 9 months ago by launchmoxie.

    Pardon, here’s more detail.

    Here’s a page with child pages showing at
    page with child page showing

    Here’s that same page with child pages hidden by “display: none”:
    page with child page hidden

    Note the red rectangle showing the space from the top of the sidebar to the top of the next widget.

    Here’s a page ( that has no child pages, and now note the red rectangle showing the space from the top of the sidebar to the top of the first widget:
    page with no child pages

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 9 months ago by launchmoxie.
    in reply to: A few issues #1106810

    Awesome, thanks again!

    in reply to: A few issues #1106756

    Oh, one more question… can I change the sort of the blog entries in the Blog block? Just curious.

    in reply to: A few issues #1106754

    Thanks for the prompt reply, Yigit (and for your years of support!).

    1. How did you determine the charcodes for those icons?
    2. Ahhhhh… been a mystery to me in the past, finally got the answer!
    3. I’m on Chrome, but just tried different browsers and Incognito, and wasn’t able to reproduce my problem… local cache, I presume.
    4. I can understand broken code breaking the rendering, but let me describe it more accurately…
    – I would click “Edit” from the Pages listing, and would see my content previewed in Advanced Editor.
    – When I clicked to edit the content, the content would be completely blank.
    – I tried saving, with and without clicking to edit the content (step above), but in both cases, the saved Page would have zero content.
    – Problem’s gone away, but was very odd. Since I can’t reproduce now, I’ll let this go.

    Thanks for all your help, aside from my question in #1, this is closed!

    I tried to describe that we tried to move the files, but then the site broke (you experienced the 404 on the home page).

    The theme files are here:
    – wp-content
    — themes
    — enfold-child
    —- backup-files
    —– (theme files)

    We tried to move them here:
    – wp-content
    — themes
    — enfold-child
    —- (theme files)

    That’s when they broke. Can you explain why the site would break if I moved the files?

    Here you go.

    Another issue we’re having, if you don’t mind, is that a contractor who started our most recent redesign put the child theme files into a subdir in the child theme’s folder. Thus, our folder structure is:

    – wp-content
    — themes
    — enfold-child
    —- backup-files
    —– (theme files)

    When we try and move the files one dir up, into their “proper” default location, our site breaks, which is why you saw a 404 earlier. We asked Flywheel to relocate the files, and they thought they were successful, moving them via ftp, but they didn’t realize the site broke.

    Lastly, possibly related as it goes back-and-forth with working or not… our Media Preview images are broken. They _were_ working, but I’m not sure which change affected things.


    …and thank you!!!

    Thank you! That solved everything.


    I also got this error on updating, and I tried PHP 5.6, 7.0, and 7.1. I can not upgrade Enfold at this time.

    in reply to: Bug preventing footer from displaying? #889457

    It did fix the issue, but it’s troubling. Are you saying that you didn’t see what I saw with regard to the value of $footer_widget_setting on line 21?

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 2 months ago by launchmoxie.
    in reply to: Bug preventing footer from displaying? #888120

    I did add a clause that will always return TRUE on line 21 of footer.php. Without that, the value of $footer_widget_setting would never change.

    in reply to: Bug preventing footer from displaying? #887619

    Credentials attached.

    in reply to: CSS correction for wrong text highlight color? #816424

    Thank you, that helps.

    You’re a terrific team, much appreciated!

    in reply to: CSS correction for wrong text highlight color? #815464

    Thanks, that helps for mobile, awesome!

    I also need help when text is highlighted on desktop versions. Can you help with that as well?

    in reply to: Odd CSS issue #788888

    I think that did it! Thank you.

    in reply to: Odd CSS issue #788701

    I didn’t add “!important” myself, actually… it was there. I know I can override things, but what would I override it to, though? I tried “inherit”, but that didn’t work, and I really want that rule to be disabled, to not be considered at all.

    Pardon if this is a basic CSS thing.

    in reply to: LayerSlider not consistently displaying? #623387

    Interesting. Thanks, looking good now. Must have been caching.

    in reply to: Gah! Struggling with custom fonts and other styling #615816

    Shoot me.

    Just shoot me.

    Bad comment syntax in my CSS. Color me #embarrassed.

    Please close this, and <shhhh> don’t tell anyone.

    in reply to: Adding own styles to text editor in ALB #615594

    I was _just_ looking for this, and this was the only Google result, just nine hours old. :)

    in reply to: Funky "x" character in image paths?!? #593842

    Just bizarre… now I can’t reproduce it. Thanks for the sensible suggestion.

    We’ll see if this recurs, just bizarre that it was happening in the first place.

    in reply to: Sort Archives by two columns #551684

    Thanks. In the Codex, there’s a section for “Multiple ‘orderby’ values using an array”. Can I use _that_ in the avia_blog_post_query filter (

    in reply to: Add tags to archives? #533868

    Ah, that should work. Lemme see if the client will accept that. Thanks!

    in reply to: Bad rendering in Firefox #451465

    Thank you, Elliott!

    I added this to a copy of header.php, to include a custom section:

    <body id="top" <?php body_class($style." ".$avia_config['font_stack']." ".$blank); avia_markup_helper(array('context' => 'body')); ?>>
    	<div id='wrap_all'>
    	if(!$blank) //blank templates dont display header nor footer
    		 //fetch the template file that holds the main menu, located in includes/helper-menu-main.php
             get_template_part( 'includes/helper', 'main-menu' );
    	} ?>
    	if(!$blank) //blank templates dont display header nor footer
    		 //fetch the template file that holds the main menu, located in includes/helper-menu-main.php
             get_template_part( 'includes/helper', 'header-lower-bar' );
    	} ?>
    	<div id='main' data-scroll-offset='<?php echo avia_header_setting('header_scroll_offset'); ?>'>
    	<?php do_action('ava_after_main_container'); ?>

    Here’s the custom header, from the file enfold-child/includes/helper:

    <div class="header-contact">
    <span id="contact-form"><a href="/contact-us">Contact Us</a></span><br><span id="contact-email">at <a href="mailto: (Email address hidden if logged out) "> (Email address hidden if logged out) </a></span>
    <div class="header-bar">
    <div class="header-bar-section pure-u-1-4">
    <form action="//" method="post" id="ccoptin" name="mc-embedded-subscribe-form" class="validate" target="_blank" novalidate>
    	<input type="email" value="" name="EMAIL" class="mailchimp" id="mce-EMAIL" placeholder="Join Our Email List">
        <input type="hidden" value="1" name="group[1249][1]" id="mce-group[1249]-1249-0">
    	<div id="mce-responses" class="clear">
    		<div class="response" id="mce-error-response" style="display:none"></div>
    		<div class="response" id="mce-success-response" style="display:none"></div>
    	</div>    <!-- real people should not fill this in and expect good things - do not remove this or risk form bot signups-->
    <div class="header-bar-section pure-u-2-4">
    		<ul class="noLightbox social_bookmarks icon_count_6">
    			<li class="social_bookmarks_facebook av-social-link-facebook social_icon_1">
    				<a target="_blank" href="" aria-hidden="true" data-av_icon="" data-av_iconfont="entypo-fontello" title="Facebook"><span class="avia_hidden_link_text">Facebook</span></a>
    			<li class="social_bookmarks_twitter av-social-link-twitter social_icon_2">
    				<a target="_blank" href="" aria-hidden="true" data-av_icon="" data-av_iconfont="entypo-fontello" title="Twitter"><span class="avia_hidden_link_text">Twitter</span></a>
    			<li class="social_bookmarks_youtube av-social-link-youtube social_icon_6">
    				<a href="" aria-hidden="true" data-av_icon="" data-av_iconfont="entypo-fontello" title="YouTube"><span class="avia_hidden_link_text">YouTube</span></a>
    <div class="header-bar-section pure-u-1-4" id="header-bar-end">
    <form action="" id="searchform" method="get" class="">
    		<input type="hidden" value="" id="searchsubmit" class="button avia-font-entypo-fontello" />
    		<input type="text" id="s" name="s" value="" placeholder='Search' />

    One of the things that’s odd is that the <div class=”header-contact”> is earlier in the code than the <div class=”header-bar”>, but in the Page Source, <div class=”header-contact”> appears after. What’s up with that?

    Thanks again,


    in reply to: Color section rendering problem #411570

    Dang, such a rookie mistake. I had been upgrading various sites, and just didn’t look closely enough. This did solve the problem, though I’m going to check on the composition… it seems slightly different. We can close this for now.

    in reply to: Help with Responsive CSS? #365866

    So, I got things working, thanks.

    Question: is the /enfold/css/custom.css able to be overridden in a child theme folder?

    in reply to: Help with Responsive CSS? #365850

    (disregard this last message…)

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by launchmoxie. Reason: i found why things weren't working at all
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