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  • in reply to: Post Content Slider #1327160

    Thanks Rikard. I’ll give your suggestions a try.

    in reply to: header logo no longer viewing after theme update #1324526

    Okay. That fixed it. Thanks.

    in reply to: Google Maps API Key Not Working #1314561

    Jasmer. Thank you for figuring out the problem (with Ismael). I have struggled for 2 days on this problem.
    Getting a Google Map API is more complicated than Enfold’s tutorial. Here is my steps for those who are trying for the first time.

    There are 3 primary things to do:
    • You must first have a billing method for Google. This is a paid service. Go to . In the top left “hamburger” menu, select Billing. Here is where you would set up billing. IMPORTANT: you need to wait for the billing method to be confirmed before anything works. This can take up to 3 days. A notice to your registered email will say when it is confirmed.
    • The next step is to create a Project. In (or choose APIs & Services from menu) choose or create your Project from “My Project” in the dropdown menu at the top.
    • Once in your new Project Dashboard, select Credentials in the left. Choose one or create one.
    • Then you follow the instructions Which are:
    o Name: give your project a logical name, e.g.: API Key DOWW 2021
    o Application restrictions: None
    o API restrictions: Don’t restrict key
    o Save.
    • There is still one more thing to do (that is NOT mentioned in most instructions). There is more on this here:
    o Enable Geocoding. In your Project Dashboard (above) look for Geocoding API (way at the bottom of the page)
    o Select the button: Geocoding API
    o Click Enable

    Then everything should work.

    Yes, it was a plugin. Thanks!

    Shall I turn debug back off now?

    Hi Rikard
    Debug is now on.

    in reply to: change header in Share This Entry in post default #1310653

    Yes, that worked!

    Thanks for your help (yet, again), Mike.

    in reply to: change header in Share This Entry in post default #1310570

    Hi Mike,

    Yes, we had discussed a similar problem per your linked example. For this one, you say that the fix can only occur in the parent theme, not the child? If that is true, then my edits will be lost in the next Enfold update?
    But if you could figure out a solution that will work within the child theme, that would be great. (My fallback plan would be to hide the title altogether using CSS.)

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 7 months ago by laptophobo.
    in reply to: change header in Share This Entry in post default #1309940

    Right. That’s what you provided before.

    I had placed your code in child function.php file. I had replaced the ‘h5’ with ‘h1’ and ‘p’ but nothing changes. (I refreshed the server files and cleared my cache too.)

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 7 months ago by laptophobo.
    in reply to: change header in Share This Entry in post default #1309925

    Hi. Please see private.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 7 months ago by laptophobo.
    in reply to: change header in Share This Entry in post default #1309716

    Hi Ismael,
    I added your code to my child function.php file and it did not change anything.

    FTP access is in private if you want to look.

    in reply to: Redundant title text within Icon Boxes #1308454

    Hi Guenni,

    Thanks for the additional info. I believe that I have made the changes correctly for the above edited content to work within iconlist as well as iconbox.
    I copied “iconlist.php” (at: enfold/config-templatebuilder/avia-shortcodes/iconlist/iconlist.php) and then pasted it into enfold-child>shortcodes.
    I then edited the iconlist.php file (Between lines 892 to 922, there were 4 instances of: title=”’ that I change to: title=’Link to” These 4 instances were on the following lines: 901, 904, 908, 914.

    I tested and it appears to be okay.

    Thanks again for your help. I’ll try not to come back to you so often.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 7 months ago by laptophobo.
    in reply to: Redundant title text within Icon Boxes #1308302

    One other related issue. It is the same problem as “icon box” , but for “icon list”. Here too “title” is the same as the text.

    Should I open a new thread for this?

    in reply to: Redundant title text within Icon Boxes #1308296

    Thank you very much for that fix. I got it to work.
    For those, like me, that need extra hand-holding to get fixes to work, here are the steps I took:

    • Open the functions.php file in enfold-child
    • Add the following code:

    function avia_include_shortcode_template($paths){
      $template_url = get_stylesheet_directory();
          array_unshift($paths, $template_url.'/shortcodes/');
      return $paths;
    add_filter('avia_load_shortcodes', 'avia_include_shortcode_template', 15, 1);

    • In enfold-child, create a new folder: “shortcodes” (enfold-child/shortcodes)
    • Copy the file “iconbox.php” within: enfold>config-templatebuilder>avia-shortcodes>iconbox – and add it into enfold-child>shortcodes.
    • Open the iconbox.php file and at (or around) line 576 to 605 is the content that will be replaced with the following (it will look similar to the replacement code):

    if( ! empty( $link ) )
    	$linktitle = $title;
    	switch( $linkelement )
    		case 'both':
    			if( $title ) 
    				$title = "<a href='{$link}' title='Link to " . esc_attr( $linktitle ) . "' $blank>$linktitle</a>";
    			$display_char_wrapper['start'] = "a href='{$link}' title='Iconlink to "  . esc_attr($linktitle) . "' {$blank}";
    			$display_char_wrapper['end'] = 'a';
    		case 'only_icon':
    			$display_char_wrapper['start'] = "a href='{$link}' title='Iconlink to " . esc_attr($linktitle) . "' {$blank}";
    			$display_char_wrapper['end'] = 'a';
    			if( $title ) 
    				$title = "<a href='{$link}' title='Link to " . esc_attr( $linktitle ) . "' {$blank} >$linktitle</a>";
    			$display_char_wrapper['start'] = 'div';
    			$display_char_wrapper['end'] = 'div';

    • Make sure to clear the cache and then check to see the change.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 7 months ago by laptophobo.
    in reply to: Redundant title text within Icon Boxes #1308060


    Well, no luck on getting your code to work. Here is what I did:

    I added the following to my child theme function.php file:

    function avia_include_shortcode_template($paths){
      $template_url = get_stylesheet_directory();
          array_unshift($paths, $template_url.'/shortcodes/');
      return $paths;
    add_filter('avia_load_shortcodes', 'avia_include_shortcode_template', 15, 1);

    I then made a copy of iconbox.php file and placed it in enfold-child>config-templatebuilder>avia-shortcodes>iconbox

    in that file, I replaced the content between lines 576 to 605 (which looked like your example) and replaced it with the content you provided.

    But no change in the results.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 7 months ago by laptophobo.
    in reply to: Redundant title text within Icon Boxes #1308057


    To answer your question about having a “title,” it is preferred. But it would then need to be accompanied by an “alt” attribute that has different wording than either the Title or the active text. Right now the code looks like this:

    <a href="" title="Change">Change</a>

    What the ADA compliance seems to want is that the “title” be different than the active text “Change”. Or, remove the “title” tag. What you have posted for me looks like it may work. I will try it and reply back.

    FYI: Here is what the compliance statement says about the above issue:
    Redundant title text
    What It Means:
    Title attribute text is the same as text or alternative text.
    Why It Matters
    The title attribute value is used to provide advisory information. It typically appears when the users hovers the mouse over an element. The advisory information presented should not be identical to or very similar to the element text or alternative text.
    What To Do
    In most cases the title attribute can be removed, otherwise modify it to provide advisory, but not redundant information. Note that the title text may or may not be read by a screen reader and is typically inaccessible to sighted keyboard users.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 7 months ago by laptophobo.
    in reply to: Redundant title text within Icon Boxes #1308048

    Hi Ismael,

    A couple of questions: Where will I find this file that you suggest that I edit?
    And, if I change that file, won’t that change just go away after the next Enfold update?

    in reply to: user-scalable="no" is used in the meta viewport #1307865

    Yes, you can close this ticket. I do have another Accessibility Compliance item I will send you guys in a separate ticket. (Soon we’ll have a complete manual done on “ADA Section 508 Compliance tweeks”.

    in reply to: user-scalable="no" is used in the meta viewport #1307679

    Thank you for your help with this. It’s working .

    in reply to: user-scalable="no" is used in the meta viewport #1307579

    Hi Rikard,
    Yes, please do go right in and look over what you need to. (I have 4 other Enfold sites waiting on your findings.)

    FTP details are in private.

    Thanks much.

    in reply to: user-scalable="no" is used in the meta viewport #1307508

    Hi Rikard,
    I am unable to locate “Appearance > Editor functionality”. Is this within the Dashboard or Enfold Theme Options?

    in reply to: user-scalable="no" is used in the meta viewport #1307387

    Here you go. Thanks!

    in reply to: user-scalable="no" is used in the meta viewport #1307274

    Rikard, thanks for the script. But I may be including it incorrectly into my (child) function.php file. There are already some scripts in that file. Here is what’s at the end right now (before adding in your script):

    function avia_sidebar_menu($echo = true)
    	$sidebar_menu = "";
    	$subNav = avia_get_option('page_nesting_nav');
    	$the_id = @get_the_ID();
    	$args 	= array();
    	global $post;
    	if($subNav && $subNav != 'disabled' && !empty($the_id) && is_page())
    		$subNav = false;
    		$parent = $post->ID;
    		$sidebar_menu = "";
    		if (!empty($post->post_parent))
    			if(isset($post->ancestors)) $ancestors  = $post->ancestors;
    			if(!isset($ancestors)) $ancestors  = get_post_ancestors($post->ID);
    			$root		= count($ancestors)-1;
    			$parent 	= $ancestors[$root];
    		$args = array('title_li'=>'', 'child_of'=>$parent, 'echo'=>0, 'sort_column'=>'menu_order, post_title');
    		//enables user to change query args
    		$args = apply_filters('avia_sidebar_menu_args', $args, $post);
    		//hide or show child pages in menu - if the class is set to 'widget_nav_hide_child' the child pages will be hidden
    		$display_child_pages = apply_filters('avia_sidebar_menu_display_child', 'widget_nav_hide_child', $args, $post);
    		$children = wp_list_pages($args);
    		if ($children)
    			$default_sidebar = false;
    			$sidebar_menu .= "<a href='". get_the_permalink($parent) ."'>".get_the_title($parent)."</a>";
    			$sidebar_menu .= "<nav class='widget widget_nav_menu $display_child_pages'><ul class='nested_nav'>";
    			$sidebar_menu .= $children;
    			$sidebar_menu .= "</ul></nav>";
    	$sidebar_menu = apply_filters('avf_sidebar_menu_filter', $sidebar_menu, $args, $post);
    	if($echo == true) { echo $sidebar_menu; } else { return $sidebar_menu; }

    I added your script exactly as you provided at the very end of the above. (I also tried it with an added “}” at the very end, but that did not change anything.

    in reply to: change [aria-hidden="true"] to "false" #1306632

    I started fresh using your above script and it now works. Thank you.

    in reply to: change Masonry title from h3 to #1306629

    Thank you Mike (and Guenni),

    I tried your solution first, Guenni, but it did not change my problem. However, Mike’s alternative solution did. (I replaced h3 with P).

    I am curious why Enfold would choose to use a Title element in something that is generally not a title. It’s a caption. Perhaps this will be addressed in the next Enfold iteration.

    Anyway, thank you very much for the support.

    in reply to: change Masonry title from h3 to #1306551

    Hi Mike,
    Thanks for the script. However, I was not able to get it to work. What I did was add a Code Block just above the Masonry Gallary. But the captions remain at <h3>.
    Please see “private” for link to the page.

    in reply to: change [aria-hidden="true"] to "false" #1305943

    Hi Yigit,
    Thanks for the quick reply. I tried what you recommended but there was not change.
    I copied the file “section.php” along with it’s parent folders into my child theme. I changed the line of code to the one you provided:

    $params[‘attach’] .= “‘;

    But, no change in results.
    If the code you provided me is correct, then no worries. I can just remove the “down arrow” option from my design.

    in reply to: change default caption from h2 to h1 on Easy Slider #1295584


    Thank you for steering me in the correct place. I totally missed that setting option. All good now.

    in reply to: tags added in #1287305

    Thank you. I hope that bug gets fixed in the next Enfold update.

    in reply to: tags added in #1287103

    Thank you very much, Nikko. What did you have to do? (So if I come across this again on any of my other Enfold sites.)

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