Forum Replies Created
Hi Isamel,
thx for the suggested plugin. But this seems to solve only the issue with proper sizes for the entry_with_sidebar in a way which affects the others as well. Since we have the problem with just one post it seems highly unclear how to proceed. Cropping Center/Center won’t help much.
The main problem I see is that the preview image has a ratio of 1:1 while the entry pic has close to 2.5:1. Which makes it hard to center a single pic properly especially when a person is included.
Any other ideas?
leoDecember 4, 2020 at 2:24 pm in reply to: Blog entries not shown in English although in German available #1265015Hi,
what a shame :-/
permission granted.
leoDecember 4, 2020 at 1:02 pm in reply to: Blog entries not shown in English although in German available #1264992Hi Mike,
Delete cache and force reload in the browser (CTRL-F5) helpeld in some way. But finally I still have the problem. I made a little video to show what is happening. While it works perfectly in German I have in English the problem that I get redirect to the full content side. On my mobile it works as expected.
So is it just my development environment? I’m working on a Linux machine – nevertheless Chromium and Firefox should behave the same way – independent from the system.
Any idea whom to blame? :-)
December 3, 2020 at 3:27 pm in reply to: Blog entries not shown in English although in German available #1264787Hi Mike,
thx for the hint about the CSS. This should help.
About the initial issue: Yeah, it might be that there was this setting. But nevertheless the result remains the same as before. The blogseite still shows full content. I’ve tested as well with incognito window.
Do I miss something?
leoDecember 3, 2020 at 9:40 am in reply to: Blog entries not shown in English although in German available #1264701Hi Mike,
well I thought I have resolved the issue but seems like not. I followed your step but now I have the issue that on the English blogsite there is no overview but the very first page shown fully.
My previous tests succeeded by showing icons. But I have no clue why this happens now – fully displaying the first entry.
Any hints?
An additional q: Although I’m aware that a new request would be great nevertheless a quick q: When I want to apply CSS styles independent from the language settings – where to put them?
This reply was modified 4 years, 2 months ago by
thanks for the help, it’s fixed now
RolandHey Ismael,
just done.
The Image Preview is related to the AJAX-portfolio…thx
RonaldHi Vinay,
thx for fixing the issue.
Plz close this ticket.
OK, than close this ticket.
Hi Vinay,
/* menu-resize for different screen sizes */ #av-burger-menu-ul .avia-menu-text { font-size:18px!important; font-family:PT Sans!important; color: #df8020!important; } #av-burger-menu-ul > a:hover .avia-menu-text { color: #ffffff!important; }
does not work. The first style I need for the font. So I cannot replace it. I need a fix for
a) if the display is in desktop ==> text color should change when I hover (over the text as well as over the anchor)
b) if the display is in mobile size ==> same as above + font should NOT change (previous ticket)thx
rolandHi Victoria,
We cannot make that statement “most likely no Calendar will work with AJAX-sideloading”.
AGREED. Therefore the other q: is there a Calendar to your knowledge which works with AJAX-sideloading and have month forward/backward working?
rolandHi Rikard,
thx for the solution. Did NOT think that the font-familiy for the text of the burger would transfer to the menu items.
Plz close this ticket – I guess the rest of styling I could do on my own.
Thx for the support.
is there any further progress? Because if so than I could disable the test user.
sorry, just for clarifications: does this mean that most likely no Calendar will work with AJAX-sideloading? ‘Working’ in sense of scrolling forward or backward, i.e. button function are provided. Or does there a Calendar exist that works in that scenario?
I’m aware of that you cannot make a general statement. Its more in the sense to get an idea if its worth looking for another calendar or if the chances are quite slim and to look for some other solution (e.g. list).
And about support: Yeah, I understand – third party support not provided – which is most likely I hear from the plugin-support as well -namely Theme-related. Anyway I just wanna have an idea if AJAX sideloading might cause with other plugins the same problems.thx
rolandHi Moderator,
I’m confused about the last response. What does mean
so the scripts are written in such a way that
Are you talking about Enfold scripts or about Calendar scripts?
And what meansnot working for the elements added
The Calender itself is loaded – with the content. Why not the function of the buttons?
Could you plz clarify? Cause I get no clear idea what is the problem and why it appears.thx
rolandPlz close this iasue
PLZ close this issue
I agree with the screnshot…. BUT as written the buttons do NOT work!!!! Scrolling the months is impossible
Theme: 4.2.5
I create a new topic/thread ==> close this one plz.
Forgotten to mention: Using 4.2.6
just a q for this entry:
I use this plugin. I place a calendar via shortcode on an portfolio item. The portfolio item is displayes as AJAX-Portfolio item – with an image. The calendar is displayed but the buttons for left and right (Month + or Month -) are disabled. Is it due to AJAX? Is there a way to enable the button (=scrolling) support?
rolandP.S.: Using 4.2.5
Hi Victoria,
the site is currently under construction – more or less on my localhost. Therefore no link…
Is it possible to assist nevertheless?
just to narrow down the issue: i reduced the CSS to the following/* menu items... */ .av-hamburger-inner, .av-hamburger-inner::after, .av-hamburger-inner::before { background: #a53434!important; } span.av-hamburger:after { content: 'Menu '; font-size:xx-large; float: left; margin-right: 10px; font-family: Caveat!important; color: #df8020!important; } div.av-burger-overlay-bg { background-color: grey; } .avia-menu-text{ font-weight:bold; font-size:xx-large; !important; color: #444444!important; } /* end menu */ .menu li > a:after { content: ' ▾'; color: #e0791f !important; } .menu li > a:only-child:after { content: ''; }
This works more or less fine when I reduce the Browser width to Mobile-device, i.e. the menu for Hamburger display fine. When I have regular width ==> the menu display far to bold and heavy.
If I change.avia-menu-text
to ?.avia-menu-text34` i.e. this style is not any longer applied than the font-size for the ‘regular’ browser width looks fine, but for the Hamburger style far to small==> is it possible to have same style for Hamburger as well for the regular style? (and using the font Caveat)?
Hi Jordan,
uhu… I see… well than I understand & plz close this request.
thx to @guenni007 – the solution works – especially since I do NOT need subtext. The two liner does not work – but I do not need it (right now).
You could close this ticket and thx again to @guenni007
Hi Jordan,
hmmm… I don’t understand neither your q ROFL.,,, What is unclear about what I’ve written?
In Enfold – Theme Options section I can load ‘Custom Logo for preloader’ an animated GIF. And the q is if I can replace the animated GIF with some dynamic code like above. If so, how?
No clue if this is now more ‘understandable’ – perhaps you could rephrase it – would be great.
rolandaha… ich schreibe mal weiter in Englisch – für den Fall der Fälle ;-)
After a brief discussion with Guenni007 I made little changes – but did not bring the desired result. I have uploaded more screenshots to the same folder which reflect the current situation. I tried to change the style directly within Chrome but the content remains as a two line display. Most likely some classes are… So I have no clue what to change that the title appears in one line :-( Hints?
Danke für den Vorschlag (bzw. Vorschläge). Problem bleibt nach wie vor, dass der Titel (z.B. CompanyName) bzw. BlogInfo (oder was auch immer) unter dem Logo erscheinen – wie in den Screenshots – leider nicht rechts vom Logo. Ähhh…. wie ändere ich den Teil so, dass er rechts davon erscheint? Auch im Header von K. erscheint das Logo und rechts die Schrift… Hmmm… Irgendwie hat das Image (bzw. Logo) den Effekt, dass es zwei zeilig dargestellt wird :-/
Bzgl. Schrift-Größe muss ich noch testen (bzw. überlegen), was praktikabel erscheint. Danke trotzdem für den Hinweis.
@Guenni007: Thx for the tip cuz this was really my initial problem :-/
I placed some pics on Dropbox. The WebSite is currently under construction, ie. offline – but I think my pics give a quite reasonable idea what I wanna achieve.
I have a Logo and a Text (as a placeholder for company-name). Currently we merged them into on pic since we did not find a way to add the text right to the Logo (as HTML-text). And this I thought could be achieved by the Subtext. Seems like not – but perhaps there is a setting.
The other thing I wanna ask is – if I set it as a HTML-text – than i hope that I could manage the text-size (of the Logo-name & menu-items) depending on the screen-size. I.e. if the screen size is below a limit ==> set the font-size for these two items to e.g. 14 px instead of 18px. (to avoid overlapping as shown on the screenshots)
This reply was modified 4 years, 2 months ago by